
First Announcement! IOBC/WPRS Working Group “ Integrated Control in Oilseed Crops “: “Prospects and progress for sustainable oilseed crop protection“, Tartu (Estonia) 7 – 9 September 2016

We are happy to announce that the next meeting of the ICOC Working Group will be held at the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia. In this meeting we will present and discuss recent advances in pathology and entomology research towards improved crop protection in oilseed production, with a focus on oilseed rape. Topics include: the role of biocontrol in pest and disease management, conservation biocontrol and habitat management, plant breeding for pest and disease resistance, pesticide resistance and its management, agronomical solutions - and more! This will be an informal and lively meeting with an emphasis on discussion and will include sessions leading towards grant applications for EU projects. 
REGISTRATION FEES: Student 90 Euros, IOBC Member 140 Euros, Non-Member 260 Euros Registration deadline: 30.04.2016, payment 15.06.2016
LATE REGISTRATION FEES: Student 140 Euros, IOBC Member 190 Euros, Non-Member 310 Euros
LOCAL ORGANIZER: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eve Veromann, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (
CONVENORS: Prof. Dr. Malgorzata Jedryczka, Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences ( Dr. Samantha M. Cook, Department of AgroEcology, Rothamsted Research (