We are pleased to announce that nature tourism conference was not one year event. This year's conference is titeled „Estonian Nature in Tourism Industry“. The date is 13th of March and the place is assmbly hall of Estonian University of Life Sciences (Kreutzwaldi 1a, Tartu). Working language of conference is Estonian with few presentations in English. Organizers can provide participants with Estonian to English translation if needed. The conference is free of charge but registration is needed via web form: registration (registering will be closed on 7th of March). Live video will be available on webpage video.emu.ee.
Info: Marika Kose, marika.kose@emu.ee , phone: 56561373.
Webpage: http://pk.emu.ee/et/loodusturismikonverents2019
9.30-17.30 Adventure Travel and Trade Association (ATTA) workshop: Adventure Guides Standards Workshop
Invitations only. Workshop by Gustavo Timo. Live video: video.emu.ee
9.30-10.30 Registration and welcome coffe/snack
10.30-10.45 Introduction, welcome. Moderator of the conference: Kristo Elias
10.45-11.45 Milena Nikolova (ATTA): The future of Adventure Travel
11.45-12.30 Ivo Tšetõrkin (Amazonas Reisid): Sensoorne Reisimine. Amazonas Reiside lugu (Sensory travel. The story of Amazonas Travel)
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
13.45-14.25 Paula Aspholm (Metsähallitus): Nature tourism in „Land of National Parks"
14.25-14.55 Aivar Ruukel ja Algirdas Martsoo (Viis Aastaaega OÜ): Loodusturismi korraldus Soomaa rahvuspargis (Nature Tourism management in Soomaa NP)
14.55-15.30 Reeda Tuula ja Mart Reimann (Tallinna Ülikool): Seiklusturismi innovatsiooniprojekti (AVIP) ja õppematerjalide tutvustus (Innovation project of Adventure Tourism)
15.30-16.00 COFFEE and networking
16.00-16.30 Margus Sameli (EAS TAK): Olulisem külastajate arvust on lisandväärtus (The added value is more important than visitor numbers)
16.30-17.00 Tiiu Kull (Eesti Maaülikool): Wrap – up and final words