
Scientfic conference of the Chair of Biodiversity and Nature Tourism

Ot 28-th and 29-th of January the Chair of Biodiversity and Nature Tourism is arranging scientfic conference to show the fields of the chair. First day presentations are in estonian and second day presentations are in english. The Conference is held in room D239 of Kreutzwaldi 5 building.



9.00 Tiiu Kull - Orhideeteadus eile, täna, homme

9.30 Olavi Kurina - Taksonoomilised alusuuringud siin ja sealpool piiri

10.00 Vivika Väli - Mineviku taimkatte mitmekesisuse rekonstrueerimine õietolmuandmete abil

10.30 Thea Kull - Miks keegi silmarohtusid ei tunne?

11.00 Silja Kana – Kus loodust vaadeldakse ja kas andmed ka Keskkonnaregistrisse jõuavad?

11.30 Malle Leht - Ahtalehine kareputk (Laserpitium prutenicum L.) vallutab endisi põllumaid

LÕUNA (oma kulul)

13.00 Ülo Väli & Pawel Mirski - Röövlinnud kui põllumajandusmaastiku mitmekesisuse indikaatorid

13.30 Indrek Melts & Katrin Heinsoo - Pool-looduslikest kooslustest piirist piirini

14.00 Kadri Tali - Mida lill karjatamisest arvab?

14.30 Aigi Ilves – Jumalakäpast

15.00 Vello Jaaska - Isoensüümid geneetiliste markeritena keskkonna stressi faktorite mõju uurimisel taimedel aedoa ja odra sortide näitel

15.30 Ulvi Selgis - 100 aastat botaanilist kaardistamist Eestis - mida senised andmed näitavad?

16.00 Kaarel Sammet - Uurimusi Eesti ja välismaa mullaselgrootutest


29.01.20 (presentations in English)

9.00 Grete Tõnisalu - Small mammal habitat preferences in forest-farmland landscapes

9.30 Marilin Mõtlep - Artificial crossing and pollen tracking reveal new evidence of hybridization between sympatric Platanthera species

10.00 Heli Kirik - Reviewing the diversity of Estonian blood feeding arthropods as well as their association with human and animal pathogen dispersal

10.30 Giacomo Puglielli - Stress tolerance space for Northern Hemisphere woody species

11.00 Lauri Laanisto - Ongoing long-term ecological experiments

11.30 Marta Alos - Regulating ecosystem services in urban areas

LÕUNA/LUNCH (own cost)

13.00 Tarmo Pilving - Learning collaboration in the adaptive co-management environment: example from Lahemaa national park in Estonia

13.30 Piia Jaksi - Multifaceted effects of nature trails to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

14.00 Marika Kose - From trampling and recovery of bogs to coastal grassland restoration and recovery

14.30 Kalev Rattiste - Self-maintenance vs. reproduction in the Common Gull (Larus canus)

15.00 Ülle Püttsepp - Effect of management continuity on the distribution of organic carbon in the soils of coastal meadows; Project AGROMIX

15.30 Hannes Pehlak - Do we need measures beyond habitat management to keep meadowbird populations viable?