- Chair of Biodiversity and Nature Tourism
- Chair of Crop Science and Plant Biology
- Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management
- Chair of Horticulture
- Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery
- Chair of Landscape Architecture
- Chair of Plant Health
- Chair of Soil Science
- Polli Horticultural Research Centre
- Rõhu Experimental Centre
• Studies by former Department of Department of Field Crop and Grassland Husbandry
► Dissertations under supervision
Master’s Degree
1. Järv, Anu; Master's Degree, (sup) Enn Lauringson. Haljasväetiskultuuride mõju mulla omadustele ja kultuuride saagile.
2. Loknovskaja, Jelena; MA / MSc Student, (sup) Jaan Kuht, Endla Reintam. Effect of Dactylis glomerata growing by different fertilization rates.
3. Säre, Madli; Master's Degree, (sup) Juhan Jõudu. Kartuli toormaterjalile lisaväärtuse andmise viisid.
4. Tabun Joosep; MA / MSc Student, (sup) Endla Reintam, Jaan Kuht. Effect of Phalaris arundinacea and Bromus inermis growing on some soil physical properties.
Doctor’s Degree
1. Akk, Elina; PhD Student, (sup) Heino Lõiveke, Enn Lauringson. Influence of some agroecological factors on the contamination of grain with molds.
2. Edesi, Liina; PhD Student, (sup) Merrit Noormets, Malle Järvan. Influence of different agrotechnologies to soil fertility and biology.
3. Kauer, Karin; PhD Student, (sup) Henn Raave, Rein Viiralt. Optimization of grassland fytoproduction quality by nutrient cycle in plant-soil system.
4. Keres, Indrek; Doctor's Degree, (sup) Are Selge. Kura ristiku (Trifolium ambiguum M. Bieb) kultiveerimine ja kvaliteet ning kasvatamiseks sobivate Rhizobium-bakteri tüvede uurimine.
5. Kukk, Liia; PhD Student, (sup) Alar Astover, Merrit Noormets. Potential land resource for bio-energy crops: a quantitative and qualitative analysis.
6. Lääniste, Peeter; Doctor's Degree, (sup) Juhan Jõudu. Development, yield and
quality of the yield of winter rapeseed, depending on some agrotechnical methods.
The hypothesis of present study: the effect of environmental and agrotechnical conditions on the growth, development of winter rapeseed and the quality of the seeds.
As previously discussed, there are many risks involved with winter rapeseed production, but in the present research the effect of various relevant environmental factors concerning winter rapeseed cultivation and possibilities to increase the resistance of plants to negative environmental impacts will be investigated.
My overall goals were: First, under what conditions could rapeseed be cultivated? Secondly, to investigate how the environmental (temperature, precipitation, snow cover) and cal factors (sowing time, sowing rate) affect the growth, development, yield and quality of the seeds of winter rapeseed.
7. Mäeorg, Erkki; Doctor's Degree, (sup) Juhan Jõudu, Uno Mäeorg. Bioaktiivsete
komponentide dünaamika Eestis kasvatatud õliviljades.
The goal of our research was to determine the phytosterol and tocopherol level in seeds of oil plants grown in Estonia in order to evaluate their potential as a valuable source for bioactive compounds besides healthy food component. Moreover, the object of this study is to investigate the effect of various factors on the content and composition of said compounds. It was found that warmer temperatures can be associated with lower content of sterols and also that unfavourable conditions for formation of high oil content are associated with lower tocopherol content. The growing location did influence the tocopherol levels in oil samples (p>0,05), but the sterol content was not affected by it.
8. Talgre, Liina; Doctor's Degree, (sup) Enn Lauringson, Hugo Roostalu. . The
formation of circulation of carbon and nitrogen during the growth of different
cultures of green manure.
The experiment started in 2004 on the fields of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in Estonian University of Life Sciences. The main objective of this research is to investigate the phytomass formation and quantity of N and C returned to soil, the effect of green manure treatments on the yield and yield quality of succeeding crops. The purpose of the experiment is to determine the effects of various green manure crops on supplementing soil with organic matter. One of the goals is to study the effects of green manure crops on soil characteristics and earthworm quantity
9. Tein, Berit; PhD Student, (sup) Viacheslav Eremeev, Are Selge. Effect of
different production systems on soil health, yield and quality of crops and
economical efficiency.
The experiment has been set up on the fields of Rõhu experimental station experiment of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The soil type of the test plots is sandy loam Stagnic Luvisol. There are five different crops in the experiment: potato, winter wheat, barley, peas and red clover. Within each crop there are six different variants: control (non-fertilized), conventional production has three fertilized variants (different fertilization rate depending on the crop) and organic production has two different fertilization variants (manure and organic from the field).
The main objective of this research is to compare the processes in the organic and conventional production on the agrobiocenosis, to find out the impact of the crop rotation to:
- soil health;
- the yield and quality (biological value for human consumption and for animal feed) of crops;
- economical efficiency of the crop production
10. Tupits, Ilme; PhD Student, (sup) Jaan Kuht. Influence of growth conditions on morphological characteristics of winter rye breeds and on connections with main productivity indicators.
11. Vollmer, Elis; PhD Student, (sup) Merrit Noormets, Kalev Sepp. Cultivating energy crops: environmental and landscape aspects.
Master’s Degree
1. Adamson, Ando; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Juhan Jõudu, Malle Järvan. Effects of sulphur on winter wheat in the nitrogen background.
2. Akk, Elina; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Ervi Lauk, Ene Ilumäe. The yield and its quality of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) and its supporting crops barley (Hordeum distichon L.) and turnip rape (Brassica campestris L.) in pure and mixed crops.
3. Edesi, Liina; Master's Degree, 2006, (sup) Jaan Kuht. Influence of soil compaction on the soil properties and elements of phytocoenosis on barley field.
4. Haljak, Merlin; Master's Degree, 2005, (sup) Anne Ingver, Jaan Kuht, Reine Koppel. The variation of morphological characteristics of spring wheat.
5. Helstein, Aire; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Merrit Noormets, Kadri Karp. Biochemical composition of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton.) seedlings berries.
6. Juhkam, Alice; Master's Degree, 2006, (sup) Rein Viiralt. The use of marketing communications in the management of enterprises related to grassland husbandry and milk production.
7. Kangor, Tiia Master's Degree, 2005, (sup) Ervi Lauk, Ilmar Tamm. The characteristics of oat varieties included to the Estonian Variety List.
8. Kodis, Ingrid; Master’s Degree, 2008, (sup) Toomas Laidna, Rein Lillak. Investigation of agro-technological aspects of growing energy grasses in reed canary grass and goat’s rue grasslands.
9. Kokk, Krista; Master's Degree, 2009, (sup) Endla Reintam, Jaan Kuht. Soil compaction monitoring on Tuuleveski, Kiislimõisa, Laiuse and Avispea experimental areas.
10. Koppel, Kaili; Master's Degree, 2008, (sup) Jaan Kuht. After effect of soil compaction on economical caracteristics of barley cropping on different preliminary crops (cereals and lucerene).
11. Krosmann, Andra; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Viacheslav Eremeev. The timing of the potato late blight control by the decision support system NegFry.
12. Käär, Terje; Master's Degree, 2009, (sup) Enn Lauringson, Liina Talgre, Arvo Makke. Ability of different green manure crops to formate biomass depending on the farming technics and the impact on the following spring wheat yield
13. Lääts, Argo Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Rein Viiralt, Paul Lättemäe. Wilting of herbage material and additives using for big bale silage production.
14. Meister, Mario; Master's Degree, 2009, (sup) Peeter Lääniste. The agro-economical analysis of field crops in Ojakalda farm 2006-2008.
15. Meripõld, Heli; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Rein Viiralt, Uno Tamm. Seed production of goat`s rue and hybrid lucerne: agronomic and economic aspects.
16. Puust, Jaanika; Master's Degree, 2005, (sup) Jaan Kuht, Endla Reintam. Spreading of plant roots and uptake of nutrients in compacted arable soil.
17. Pärn, Ellen; Master’s Degree, 2007, (sup) Rein Lillak. Development of silage making technology in Estonia.
18. Rand, Kadri; Master's Degree, 2005, (sup) Enn Lauringson, Liina Talgre, The influence of herbicides and dosages on weediness and yield of barley.
19. Randoja, Delia; Master's Degree, 2009, (sup) Endla Reintam, Jaan Kuht. Changes of some soil physical properties on Vorbuse intensively used lucerne field.
20. Rääts, Virgo; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Jaan Kuht, Endla Reintam. The effect of compaction on soil properties, lucerne and barley, and the after effect on growth conditions of spring wheat.
21. Rööbing, Riin; Master’s Degree, 2008, (sup) Rein Viiralt, Niina Kabanen. Productivity and profitability of forage grasses.
22. Saavel, Katri; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Arvo Makke. Comparison of potato varieties and breeds cultivated in Estonia.
23. Sepajõe, Tea; Master's Degree, 2008, (sup) Jaan Kuht. After-effect of soil compaction on growth conditions and yield of barley.
24. Simson, Reijo; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Viacheslav Eremeev, Juhan Jõudu, Luule Tartlan. The effect of fertilizing on yield and quality of different potato varieties.
25. Tähtjärv, Terje; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Aide Tsahkna, Juhan Jõudu. Perspektiivsete kartuliaretiste sordiks sobivus.
26. Tein, Berit; Master's Degree, 2009, (sup) Viacheslav Eremeev. Economical analysis of late potato-growing.
27. Toom, Krista; Master's Degree, 2006, (sup) Rein Viiralt, Hugo Roostalu. The utilization and management of grass-only pastures.
28. Trükmann, Katrin; Master's Degree, 2006, (sup) Endla Reintam, Jaan Kuht. Use of biological methods to loose compacted soil.
29. Üllim, Mariina; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Viacheslav Eremeev. Economical analysis of early potato-growing.
30. Valdmann, Kristiina; Master's Degree, 2009, (sup) Viacheslav Eremeev. Effect of organic and conventional production on yield and quality of potato.
31. Vetemäe, Merle; Master's Degree, 2009, (sup) Viacheslav Eremeev. The effect of pre-planting treatment of seed tubers on effectiveness of growing early potato.
32. Voor, Ivo; Master's Degree, 2007, (sup) Enn Lauringson, Jaan Kuht. Effect of some basic components of different soil management systems on the characteristics of soil and yield of crops.
Doctor’s Degree
1. Alaru, Maarika; Doctor's Degree, 2005, (sup) Enn Jaama. Influence of winter triticale biological peculiarity and different growth factors on grain yield and nutritive value.
1. Triticale as a hybrid of wheat and rye has genetically various basis and therefore the adaptability of triticale in different climatic conditions much better than for its parents. It is considerable to find out triticale cultivars with higher grain yield stability in changeable Estonian conditions.
2. Triticale appropriates N fertilize quite well and N amounts higher than 60 kg ha-1 in tillering stage are not desirable. Suitable N application regime is N60+N60 (EC28-30 + EC47; according to Tottman, 1987), when high grain yield and protein content level assured. It is considerable to find out triticale cultivars with high level of protein content and with grain yield stability. It is important to measure several amino acids content and disadvantageous for pigs resorcinol content.
3. Many years needed to find out winter triticale cultivars tolerate to pre-harvest sprouting. As seed formation process for synthetic polyploids takes place in relatively higher moisture conditions, then understanding of water amount function in seed biology is decisive. The relation of dry matter and water content in grain and the embryo activity influence the pre-harvest sprouting. Wet filter papers test is suitable method to measure possibility of different cultivars to pre-harvest sprouting. It is essential to continue the investigation of different triticale cultivars dry matter accumulation rate during grain filling period in several years to select suitable cultivars for Estonian conditions.
2. Eremeev, Vyacheslav Doctor's Degree, 2007, (sup) Juhan Jõudu, Merrit Noormets. The influence of thermal shock and pre-sprouting on formation of yield structure elements in seed potatoes.
The primary conclusion that can be drawn from the results of this three year experiment are that the pre-sprouting treatment must be used to achieve a very early potato yield while thermal shock a very useful tool for mid to early yield formation. Photosynthetically active leaf area develops earlier under pre-sprouting, which results in larger tubers than other the other treatments and consequently a larger yield. Although pre-sprouting consumes a great deal of time and energy a potato variety’s full yield potential is realized with the very early yield. Thermal shock, by contrast, is efficient in seed production but while it produces more tubers their average weight is smaller than pre-sprouted tubers.
By pre-sprouting seed tubers before planting, the development of plants was faster during the entire vegetation period, but with thermal shock treatment only the first stages of vegetation was affected. The pre-sprouted variant gave a significant tuber yield increase during the whole vegetation season.
3. Lauk, Ruth; Doctor's Degree, 2008, (sup) Ervi Lauk, Theoretical and practical aspects of growing legume-cereal mixes.
The results of experiments carried out with mixed crops revealed that, in legume–cereal mixed crops, there was strong interspecies competition whereas the more aggressive party were the legumes (vetch, pea) . Of cereals, oats cv. Jaak proved somewhat more competitive than wheat cv. Tjalve. When growing vetch and pea varieties for seed together with a support culture, wheat should be the cereal used. In mixed crops, the seed yield of cereals, 1000–seed weight and protein yield from a surface unit were decreased when the sowing rate of legumes was increased.
From the position of the yield lost the vetch–wheat mixed crops their yield advantage, when they followed cereals, in case the yield level of pure wheat crops exceeded 3000 kg ha–1. In conditions when the yield level of pure wheat crops was between 1500–3000 kg ha–1, vetch–wheat mixed crops ensured a yield of ca 3000 kg ha–1 at 300±50mm precipitation in the growth period.
4. Reintam, Endla; Doctor's Degree, 2006, (sup) Jaan Kuht, Raimo Kõlli. Changes in soil properties, spring barley and weed nutrition and community due to soil compaction and fertilization on sandy loam Stagnic Luvisol.