- Chair of Biodiversity and Nature Tourism
- Chair of Crop Science and Plant Biology
- Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management
- Chair of Horticulture
- Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery
- Chair of Landscape Architecture
- Chair of Plant Health
- Chair of Soil Science
- Polli Horticultural Research Centre
- Rõhu Experimental Centre
Doctoral Students from the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management
Thaisa Fernandes Bergamo
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD; Chris Joyce, PhD; Raymond David Ward, PhD
Title: Plants of coastland habitats
Jekaterina Balicka
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD; Simon Bell, PhD
Title: Potential for temporary use of abandoned urban space in Baltic cities
Henri Järv
Supervisor: Kalev Sepp, PhD
Title: The impact of protected areas on the regional socio-economic development
Kaupo Kokamägi
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD; Natalja Liba, PhD; Miguel Villoslada, PhD
Title: Use of remote sensing methods for proactive planning of green and blue infrastructure to mitigating increased urban heat island effects from climate change
Siiri Külm
Supervisors: Mari Nõmmela, PhD; Kalev Sepp, PhD
Title: Impacts of cemetery culture changes to Estonian cemetery landscapes
Kai-Yun Li
Supervisors: Ants Vain, PhD; Kalev Sepp, PhD; Niall Burnside, PhD
Title: Use Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in Detection of Crops and Structure of Agricultural Landscapes
Ricardo Martinez Prentice
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD; Miguel Villoslada, PhD; Raymond Ward, PhD
Title: Mapping and modelling biodiversity and ecosystem services in coastal wetlands
Diana Pungar
Supervisors: Robert G.H. Bunce, PhD; Kalev Sepp, PhD
Title: Border species vulnerability to disturbances
Raul Sampaio de Lima
Supervisors: Ants Vain, PhD; Kalev Sepp, PhD; Mait Lang, PhD
Title: Modeling the risk of landscape fires using multi-sensor remote sensing data
Edgars Bojārs
Supervisor: Valdo Kuusemets, PhD
Title: Impact of habitat abiotic and landscape factors on the distribution and abundance of brown bear
Piret Lang
Supervisor: Valdo Kuusemets, PhD
Title: Biodiversity and ecolocical demands of plants and insects in seminatural communities
Anne-Liis Lepp
Supervisor: Valdo Kuusemets, PhD
Title: Relations between mire environmental conditions and invertebrate communities
Fiona Nevzati
Supervisor: Mart Külvik, PhD
Title: Human wellbeing supporting ecosystem services along urban gradient (urban-rural-wilderness)
Defended Theses:
Oleksandr Karasov, PhD 2020
Supervisors: Mart Külvik, PhD; Ihor Chervanyov, PhD
Maastikumeetrika ja ökosüsteemi kultuuriteenused – ressursipõhine integreeriv lähenemine maastikuharmoonia kaardistamisele / Landscape metrics and cultural ecosystem services: an integrative resource-driven mapping approach for landscape harmony
Miguel Villoslada Peciña, PhD 2020
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD; Raymond D. Ward, PhD; R.G:H. Bunce, PhD
Pool-looduslike koosluste ökosüstemiteenuste kaardistamine ja hindamine erinevatel tasanditel: eksperthinnangud, kaudsed indikaatorid ja drooniuuringud / A tiered framework for mapping and assessing ecosystem services from semi-natural grasslands: expert-based assessments, proxy indicators and UAV surveys
Ivar Ojaste, PhD 2019
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD; Aivar Leito, PhD; Ülo Väli, PhD
Sookure (Grus grus L.) pesitsus- ja rändeökoloogia / Breeding and migration ecology of Common Crane (Grus grus L.)
Kaie Metsaots, PhD 2019
Supervisor: Kalev Sepp, PhD
Põlevkiviregiooni terviklik areng tööstuspärandi-, puhke-, spordi- ja turismipiirkonnana / Holistic development of the oil shale region as an industrial heritage, recreational, sports and tourism district
Marek Maasikmets, PhD 2019
Supervisors: Valdo Kuusemets, PhD; Hans Orru, PhD; Erik Teinemaa, PhD
Inimtekkeliste peenosakeste eriheidete määramine õhuemissioonide ja tervisemõjude hindamiseks / Determination of emission factors from anthropogenic particle sources for air emission and health impact assessment
Pille Tomson, PhD 2018
Supervisors: Robert G.H. Bunce, PhD; Kalev Sepp, PhD
Ajaloolise alepõllunduse roll Lõuna-Eesti maastike ja metsataimestiku kujunemisel / Role of historical slash and burn cultivation in the development of cultural landscapes and forest vegetation in south Estonia
Kadri Maikov, Phd 2016
Supervisor: Kalev Sepp, PhD
Exploring the salutogenic properties of the landscape: from garden to forest / Maastiku tervendavad omadused: uurimus tervendavatest aedadest metsa vaadeteni
Priit-Kalev Parts, PhD 2015
Supervisor: Kalev Sepp, PhD
Sustainable community management in Estonia: reflections on heritage projects on Kihnu Island, in Viljandi County, and in various protected areas / Kestlik kogukonnakorraldus: kultuuripärandiga seostuvate arendustegevuste peegeldusi Kihnu saarelt, Viljandi maakonnast ja Eesti kaitsealadelt
Kadri Kask, PhD 2015
Supervisor: Valdo Kuusemets, PhD
Distribution and habitat preferences of Clouded Apollo butterfly [Parnassius mnemosyne (L.)] in Estonia / Mustlaik-apollo [Parnassius mnemosyne (L.)] levik ja elupaiga eelistused Eestis
Monika Suškevičs, PhD 2014
Supervisors: Mart Külvik, PhD; Aivar Leito, PhD
Knowledge, learning and legitimacy in multi-level participatory ecological network governance / Kaasamisprotsesside tõhusus ja tulemuslikkus ökoloogilise võrgustiku planeerimisel ning rakendamisel mitmetasandilises valitsemismudelis
Ants Tammepuu, PhD 2014
Supervisor: Kalev Sepp, PhD
Emergency risk assessment in Estonia / Hädaolukorra riskianalüüs Eestis
Are Kaasik, PhD 2014
Supervisor: Kalev Sepp, PhD
The detection of land use change and its interactions with biota in Estonian rural landscapes / Maakasutusmuutuste mõju maapiirkondade maastikulisele ja bioloogilisele mitmekesisusele
Ave Liivamägi, PhD 2013
Supervisor: Valdo Kuusemets, PhD
Variation in the habitat requirements of pollinating insects in semi-natural meadows / Tolmeldajate elupaiganõudluste mitmekesisus poollooduslikes kooslustes
Mario Luna Del Risco, PhD 2011
Supervisors: Kaja Orupõld, PhD; Marta Carballa Arcos, PhD; Henri-Charles Dubourguier, PhD
Biochemical methane potential of Estonian substrates and evaluation of some inhibitors of anaerobic digestion / Eesti substraatide biokeemilise metaanitootlikkuse potentsiaali määramine ja anaeroobse kääritamise mõnede inhibiitorite uurimine.
Isabel Margarita Diaz Forero, PhD 2011
Supervisors: Valdo Kuusemets, PhD; Marika Mänd, PhD
Influence of abiotic and biotic factors at patch and landscape scale on bumblebees (Bombus spp.) in semi-natural meadows / Abiootiliste ja biootiliste faktorite mõju kimalaste populatsioonidele poollooduslikel kooslustel: maastikuline analüüs
Villem Aruoja, PhD 2011
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD; Anne Kahru, PhD; Henri-Charles Dubourguier, PhD
Algae Pseudokircheriella subcapitata in environmental hazard evaluation of chemicals and synthetic nanoparticles / Vetikad Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata kemikaalide ja sünteetiliste nanoosakeste keskkonnaohtlikkuse hindamisel
Merike Lillenberg, Phd 2011
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD; Lembit Nei, PhD
Residues of some pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge in Estonia, their stability in the environment and accumulation into food plants via fertilizing / Mõnede ravimijääkide sisaldus Eesti reoveesettes, nende stabiilsus keskkonnas ja akumuleerumine kompostväetisest toidutaimedesse
Margit Heinlaan, Phd 2010
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD; Anne Kahru, PhD; Henri-Charles Dubourguier, PhD
Ecotoxicological evaluation of synthetic nanoparticles and particulate environmental samples / Prioriteetsete saasteainete liikuvus ja biokättesaadavus komplekssetes keskkonnamaatriksites: mehhanismid ja modelleerimine
Simon Bell, PhD 2009
Supervisor: Kalev Sepp, PhD
Landscape Change, landscape perception and the Latvian countryside / Maastikumuutuste ja maastikutaju analüüs Läti maapiirkondades
Supervisions from outside the Chair:
Lisandra Marina Da Rocha Meneses, PhD 2020
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Technology
Supervisors: Timo Kikas, PhD; Kaja Orupõld, PhD
Teise põlvkonna bioetanooli tootmine: kõrvalvoogude valoriseerimine jätkusuutliku ringmajanduse kontseptsioonis / Second-generation bioethanol production: strategies for sidestreams valorisation in a sustainable circular economy
Lauri Lihtmaa
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering, Chair of Geomatics
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD
Title: Ehitatud keskkonna jätkusuutlikkuse hindamine
Kaarel Sahk
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering, Chair of Rural Building and Water Management
Supervisors: Kalev Sepp, PhD; Peeter Torop, PhD
Title: Factors impacting changes in property values
Elis Vollmer
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Chair of Crop Science and Plant Biology
Supervisors: Merrit Noormets, PhD; Kalev Sepp, PhD
Title: Cultivating energy crops: environmental and landscape aspects
Vello Palm
University of Tartu, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Department of Geography
Supervisors: Aivar Leito, PhD; Mait Sepp, PhD
Title: Migration phenology of birds
Hillar Toomiste
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering, Chair of Rural Building and Water Management
Supervisors: Valdo Kuusemets, PhD; Mait Kriipsalu, PhD
Title: Extraction of nutrients from organic wastes