Defenced dissertations
PhD thesis
Name |
Year |
Title |
Supervisor(s) |
Reelika Rätsep |
2016 |
Effect of cultivation techniques on grapevine (Vitis sp.) and strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) fruit quality. Abstract and full text |
Prof. Kadri Karp, dots. Ele Vool |
Tõnu Tõnutare |
2015 |
Possibilities to affect antioxidant properties of strawberries and some methodological aspects in their determination. Abstract and full text |
Dots. Ulvi Moor, Prof. Lech Wojciech Szajdak |
Leila Mainla |
2013 |
Changes in the biochemical composition of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) fruits depending on rootstock and calcium treatment. Abstract and full text |
Prof. Kadri Karp, Dots. Ulvi Moor |
Tairi Albert |
2010 |
Influence of fertilisation and mulch on growth, yield and fruit biochemical composition of blueberries. Abstract and full text
Prof. Kadri Karp |
Ele Vool |
2009 |
Yield and fruit quality of some selected bramble (Rubus) species. Abstract and full text
Prof. Kadri Karp |
Merrit Noormets |
2006 |
Ahtalehise mustika (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) ja kanada mustika (V. myrtilloides Michx.) õie bioloogia mõningaid aspekte; ahtalehise mustika ja hariliku jõhvika (Oxycoccus palustris Pers.) kultiveerimine ammendatud freesturbaväljadel. |
Prof. Kadri Karp, Dr. Sci., Taimi Paal, PhD., Prof. Arhtur Randall Olson |
Ulvi Moor |
2006 |
Aiasaaduste kvaliteedi parandamise võimalusi aedmaasika (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) ja aed-õunapuu (Malus domestica Borkh.) viljade näitel |
dots. Ao Pae, Ph.D., prof. Kadri Karp, D.Sc. |
Virge Vasar |
2003 |
Auksiinide ja antioksüdantide mõju maguskirsipuu mikrovõrsete in vitro juurdumisele ning järelmõju aklimatiseerumisele ja ex vitro kasvule. |
Dr. V. Rosenberg, Ph.D. Ao Pae. |
Sirje Vabrit |
2002 |
Üheaastaste ilutaimede haljastusväärtust mõjutavad tegurid |
Ph.D. Ao Pae, pm.kand.H.Roostalu |
Kadri Karp |
2001 |
Agrotehniliste võtete ja sordi mõju mesimuraka (Rubus arcticus) ja aedmaasika (Fragaria x ananassa) taimede kasvule ja saagile |
Ph.D. Ao Pae |
PhD. Leila Mainla koos juhendajatega