
CO-LAND. Inclusive Coastal Landscapes Workshop in Tallinn

This book is the result of the collective work of the tutors and students involved in the CO-LAND Intensive Study Programme (ISP), which took place in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia at the Baltic Sea, from 19th to 28th of May 2019. During the intentsive workshop students in international groups created ideas and visions for forgotten part of Tallinn which is Kopli Penninsula.

These are various books and magazines written or edited by our people

in Estonian


Published in 2008. Collection of the conference papers.

Book can be purchased from best bookstores, from the department of landscape architecture and from the institute's library.

Books by Simon Bell


All books are available in the  Routledge webstore and Springeri webstore.

Books by Mari Nõmmela


Published in 2008. Voldemar Vaga 1899-199 and history of Estonian art.

Available in best book stores

Books by Kadri Maikov

Published on 2011. Healing Gardens. Book can be purchased from best bookstores and from the institute's library.

Publications by several members of staff


Landscape architecture magazine ÕU. Publisher MTÜ Kino