Laboratory of insect physiology

For the purpose of physiological studies, complex equipment was elaborated in the Plant Protection Department of Estonian University of Life Sciences, which enables simultaneous monitoring of the breathing, haemolymph circulation and functioning of the nervous and muscular system of an insect. Signals from the different sensors of an insect are transferred via an analogous-digital converter to the PC monitor; they are stored and processed by means of special programmes. This complex method enables observing the mutual functional dependence of different organs and deviations in the functioning of the systems in different stress situations. The respirometer was the first device described enabling recording of passive suction inspirations in insects. In the laboratory, also an extra sensitive differential micro-calorimeter was elaborated to record the heat production of insects by the frequency of their gas exchange cycles. This micro-calorimeter is shown to be useful for long-term measurements of cyclic gas exchange in insects. To determine the transpiratory water loss of insects, an infrared gas chromatograph combined with a digital hygrometer was adapted. During experimental period it is possible to control and record the relative humidity and temperature by using the Humidity and Temperature Display Instrument for digital HygroClip probes. To determine the inter supercooling ability and cold tolerance of hibernating insects, an adapted digital thermocouple thermometer (TES, RS-232/ datalogger thermometer) with a personal computer is used and through the data gained, factors affecting the hibernation ability of the insect can be monitored.