Project "GoodFruit"
Increasing competitiveness of Estonian and Latvian food industry
based on new and improved local fruit and berry product development


Project activities

29. august 2011

High value products from domestic berries Silvanolsis. Project "GoodFruit" summaring-up seminar

                             Pictures about Silvanols Seminar timetable


4. august 2011

Seminar "Small scale fruit storage and processing in Piladži farm in Latvia".



14. mai 2011

Promotional event "GoodFruit weekend". Small scale fruit and berry product demonstration for customers in Pure, Latvia.




12 -16. jaanuar 2010
Fruit storage and processing in Poland.




27. november 2009

Seminar "Controlled atmosphere storage technology and research"in Pure.



6. november 2009

Practical seminar "Polli experimental fruit and berry product development centre

 Pictures | Timetable | Short overview


4-6. veebruaar 2009

International trade fair for fresh fruit and vegetable "Fruit Logistica"

Pictures I Short overview


 6-8. november 2008

International fair "Interpoma", Bolzano

Pictures I Short overview


  26. september 2008

 Seminar and field trip "Fruit and berry processing in Latvia".   Promotional event Mikelu fair .

 Time table | Presentation | Pictures processors | Pictures Mikelu fair I Article (latvian)


  Seminar 24-25. juulil 2008

Seminar "Fruit storaging in Estonia and Latvia.
Situation and perspectives. Controlled atmosphere storage technology"Field trip "Fruit and berry processing in Estonia".

Seminar timtable , overview , pictures | Timetable of field trip , overviewpictures
