
Current projects


Program: LIFE programme
Duration: 02.01.2020-31.12.2028
Contact person in EMU:  Alar Astover (
Project leader: Ministry of the Environment




Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils

Program: European Joint Programme (EJP SOIL)

Duration: 01.02.2020-31.01.2025
Contact person from Estonia: Alar Astover (



SYStem - Share Your Soils 

Project nr: 2019-1-PL01-KA203-065101
Duration: 1.10.2019-31.08.2022
Partners: Estonian University of Life Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Extremadura University, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Czech University of Agriculture, Latvia University of Agriculture, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Sassari University
Contact person from Estonia:  Endla Reintam (e-post:, tel: 7313534; 5170121)


Higher education is currently facing a huge challenge related to the 'Z' generation, the 'digital natives', who expect universities to make extensive use of mobile technologies and gamification. The answer to such needs in the field of soil and environmental sciences education is the project Share Your Soils (SYStem) prepared by dr Marcin Świtoniak (coordinator) and dr hab. Przemysław Charzyński from the Department of Soil Science and Landscape Management of the Nicolaus Copernicus University. The application received a total of 88 points out of 100 and was the highest-rated project out of 50 submitted, thanks to which it obtained funding in the Erasmus + Action 2 Strategic Partnerships competition. It will be implemented by a consortium of specialists from 10 universities from 8 countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Slovenia and Spain) with research and teaching experience in soil science issues in various regions of Europe.
The goal of SYStem is to create edutainment social media dedicated to the description and classification of soils according to international WRB classification. The main tool created under the project will be a mobile application for sending soil profile photos with a description and geolocation, and a classification proposal. Users will have the opportunity to interact and share their knowledge, helping less experienced colleagues through comments and suggestions on soil genesis and classification. In addition, a soil Omnibus will be prepared dedicated to teaching the latest edition of the WRB system (2015) at the university level. Project results will provide an innovative teaching tool supporting not only college teachers but also high schools as well as environmental researchers and practitioners.


Project: Stability of soil organic matter

Principal investigator: Karin Kauer

Duration: 01.01.2018-31.12.2021

Finance program: Personal research funding: Start-up grant

Annotation: Soil organic carbon stock plays an important role in the global biochemical C cycle and the soil is an important carbon reservoir. Also, the soil acts as the source of atmospheric CO2. The accumulation and decomposition of organic matter depend on several factors: climatic conditions, land use management, etc.. The stabilization (turnover) of soil organic matter after the organic matter entering the soil is still poorly understood. A better understanding of the mechanisms and regulation of organic matter stabilization on soils requires a deeper insight into the chemical composition of soil organic matter. Understanding the mechanisms controlling the stabilization and release of C in the soil is important for the prediction of the effects of global climate change and for the development of management strategies to increase soil C sequestration.

IOSDV long-term field experiment
Since 1989
Leader: Alar Astover



Concluded projects

Diversity, integrity and sustainability of agroecosystems 
Target financing
Duration: 2008-2013
Leader: prof. Tiiu Kull; participators A. Astover, E. Reintam. Other participators: look at ETIS


Estonia: properties, ecology, evaluation of status, sustainable management, taxonomy
Targeted financing
Duration: 2003-2007
Leader: R. Kõlli
Staff: A. Astover, O. Ellermäe, P. Kuldkepp, T. Köster, E. Leedu, L. Link, M. Mõtte, E. Reintam, H. Roostalu, K. Rannik, K. Suik, T. Teesalu, A. Toomsoo, T. Tõnutare, N. Vasiliev, V. Vingisaar

Investigation of biomelioration methos and these agro-ecological aspects on the areas with compacted subsoil
Estonian Science Foundation research grant ETF5418
Leader: J. Kuht
Duration: 01.01.03–31.12.06
Staff: L. Edesi, E. Nugis, E. Reintam

Dolomit powder as the magnemsium-fertilizer
Duration: 2005-2007
Principal investigator: V. Loide
Staff: R. Kõlli, E. Reintam

Pedoecological parameters of soil cover status and development and their application in sustainable land use and soil taxonomy
Principal investigator: R. Kõlli
Duration: 01.01.98–31.12.02

Peculiarities of soil organic carbon annual circulation and sequestration in Estonian postlithogenic mineral soils
Principal investigator: R. Kõlli
Duration: 01.01.02–31.12.05 
Staff: T. Köster, L. Link, E. Reintam

Optimisation of Land Use and Agricultural Production in Estonia Proceeding from Pedoclimatic, Environmental Protection Related and Economic Conditions
Principal investigator: H. Roostalu
Duration: 01.01.01–31.12.04
Staff: O. Kärt, E. Lauringson, A. Selge, K. Sepp

Pedoecological Analysis of Soil Cover Characteristics for Environmental Issues
Principal investigator: R. Kõlli
Duration:  01.01.98–31.12.01 
Staff:  T. Köster, K. Soosaar

Scientifically and Economically Effective Methods to Restore Arable Soil Properties Degraded as the Result of Overcompaction
principal investigator: J. Kuht
duration: 01.01.99–31.12.02
staff: M. Alaru, Ü. Algma, L. Hirsnik, Ü. Laur, E. Nugis, E. Reintam

Primary Pedogenesis on Afforestated Quarry Detritus
Principal investigator: L. Reintam
Duration: 01.01.00–31.12.02
Staff: L. Reintam

Effect of Tree Species on Rhizosphere Processes in Coniferous Seedings in Different Soil Conditions
Principal investigator: K. Lõhmus (TU Faculty of Biology and Geography)
Duration: 01.01.01–31.12.03 
Staff: A. Kanal, I. Ostonen, J. Truu, M. Truu

Hooghännalised kui võimalikud bioindikaatorid põllumuldade majandamisel
Principal investigator: A. Kanal
Duration: 2000

ESF grant 188
Orgaaniliste ja lämmastikväetiste kasutamise optimeerimise teoreetiliste aluste täiustamine külvikorras
Principal investigator: P. Kuldkepp
Staff: T. Teesalu, I. Liiva, A. Toomsoo, A. Vaap

ESF grant 190
Pedoecological analysis of hytoprouctivity and humus status in natural and cultural ecosystems.
Principal investigator: R. Kõlli
Duration: 1994–1997
Staff: E. Kitse, A. Kanal, I. Lemetti, P. Penu, T. Köster, O. Ellermäe, H. Roostalu, P. Kasearu, A. Selge, T. Tamm, I. Liiva, M. Rei.

USA joint project, financed by USDA
Soil classification and land evaluation in Baltic republics
Duration: 1994–1997
Co-ordinator from Estonia R. Kõlli

Cooperation work with Humboldt University Berlin:
 “Influence of organic and mineral N-fertilization on yield formation and quality parameters of spring barley. A comparison between the Berlin (Germany) and Tartu (Estonia) locations”
Principal investigator: F. Ellmer (Universitet of Humboldt in Berlin), P.Kuldkepp
Duration 1994–1999
Staff: T. Teesalu, O. Erekul

Contract of research and development with company Kiviõli Keemiatööstuse OÜ
”Possibilities of using oil-shale semi-coke composts in agriculture”
Duration: 2002–2003
Principal investigator: P. Kuldkepp
Staff: E. Leedu, K. Karp, H. Raave, A. Merivee, A. Toomsoo, K. Sangla, M. Kissa

Joint project with company “Hydro Eesti OÜ”
Effect of foliar fertilizer ‘Fenso Coctail’ on yield and quality of potato
Duration: 1999–2000
Staff: E. Leedu, A. Toomsoo, P. Kuldkepp, T. Tõrra

Baltic environmental agricultural run-off project BEAROP in Estonia – An Estonian – Swedish project within the Baltic Agricultural run-off action programme,
BAAP co-ordinator from Estonia: prof. E. Loigu TTU
Staff: P. Kuldkepp

Joint project with company “Farm Plant Eesti AS”
Effect of complex fertilizers on yield and quality of crops
Duration: 1999-2004
Staff: E. Leedu, A. Toomsoo, P. Kuldkepp

Project of Nonprofit organization Centre of Ecological Technologies
Comparison of varieties of cereals and crop rotations suitable for organic farming“ (subscriber ministry of agriculture)
duration: 2000
performer : O. Ellermäe

Project of  Nonprofit organization Centre of Ecological Technologies and its  international partner (firm Rust&Knast from Danmark)
Development of organic field crop husbandry" (subscriber ministry of agriculture)
duration: 2001
performer: O. Ellermäe

Project of Nonprofit organization Centre of Ecological Technologies
Monitoring of agro-environmental pilot-area" (subscriber ministry of agriculture)
duration: 2001
performer: O. Ellermäe