- Chair of Biodiversity and Nature Tourism
- Chair of Crop Science and Plant Biology
- Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management
- Chair of Horticulture
- Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery
- Chair of Landscape Architecture
- Chair of Plant Health
- Chair of Soil Science
- Polli Horticultural Research Centre
- Rõhu Experimental Centre
1.1. Scholarly articles indexed by Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and/or indexed by Scopus (excluding chapters in books)
Kiani, M.; Raave, H.; Tammeorg, O.; Tammeorg, P. (2021) Recycling lake sediment to agriculture: Effects on plant growth, nutrient availability, and leaching. Science of The Total Environment. Vol. 753, 141984.
1.1. Scholarly articles indexed by Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and/or indexed by Scopus (excluding chapters in books)
Stegarescu, G.; Escuer-Gatius, J.; Soosaar, K.; Kauer, K.; Tõnutare, T.; Astover, A.; Reintam, E. (2020). Effect of crop residue decomposition on soil aggregate stability. Agriculture, 10(11), 527.
Loit, K.; Soonvald, L.; Astover, A.; Runno-Paurson, E.; Öpik, M.; Tedersoo, L. (2020). Temporal and Cultivar-Specific Effects on Potato Root and Soil Fungal Diversity. Agronomy, 10, 1535.
Soonvald, L., Loit, K., Runno-Paurson, E., Astover, A., Tedersoo, L. (2020). Characterising the effect of crop species and fertilisation treatment on root fungal communities. Scientific Reports 10, 18741.
Escuer-Gatius, J.; Shanskiy, M.; Mander, Ü.; Kauer, K.; Astover, A.; Vahter, H.; Soosaar, K. (2020). Intensive Rain Hampers the Effectiveness of Nitrification Inhibition in Controlling N2O Emissions from Dairy Slurry-Fertilized Soils. Agriculture, 10, 497.
Schindler, T.; Mander, Ü.; Machacova, K.; Espenberg, M.; Krasnov, D.; Escuer-Gatius, J.; Veber, G.; Pärn, J.; Soosaar, K. (2020). Short-term flooding increases CH4 and N2O emissions from trees in a riparian forest soil-stem continuum. Scientific Reports 10, 3204.
Escuer-Gatius, J.; Shanskiy, M.; Soosaar, K.; Astover, A.; Raave, H. (2020). High-Temperature Hay Biochar Application into Soil Increases N2O Fluxes. Agronomy, 10 (1).
Raave, H.; Escuer-Gatius, J.; Kauer, K.; Shanskiy, M.; Tõnutare, T.; Astover, A. (2020). Permanent grassland hay-derived biochar increases plant N, P and K uptake on an acidic soil. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 107 (3), 227−234. DOI 10.13080/z-a.2020.107.029
Are, Mihkel; Kauer, Karin; Kaart, Tanel; Selge, Are; Astover, Alar; Reintam, Endla (2020). Water Stability of Soil Aggregates in a 50-Year-Old Soil Formation Experiment on Calcareous Glacial Till. Eurasian Soil Science, 53 (5), 619−631.
Alaoui, Abdallah; Barão, Lúcia; Ferreira, Carla S. S.; Schwilch, Gudrun; Basch, Gottlieb; Garcia‐Orenes, Fuensanta; Morugan, Alicia; Mataix‐Solera, Jorge; Kosmas, Costas; Glavan, Matjaž; Szabó, Brigitta; Hermann, Tamás; Vizitiu, Olga Petrutza; Lipiec, Jerzy; Frąc, Magdalena; Reintam, Endla; Xu, Minggang; Di, Jiaying; Fan, Hongzhu; Sukkel, Wijnand ... Fleskens, Luuk (2020). Visual assessment of the impact of agricultural management practices on soil quality. Agronomy Journal, 1−16.
3.1. Articles/chapters in books published by the publishers listed in Annex (including collections indexed by the Web of Science Book Citation Index, Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Scopus)
Moor, Ulvi; Põldma, Priit; Starast, Marge; Mainla, Leila; Tõnutare, Tõnu; Karp, Kadri. (2020). Extension of the strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) season in Estonia using ever-bearing cultivars and covers during the winter. Acta Horticulturae, 1268, 143−148.10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1268.18.
Kõlli, Raimo; Lang, Mait; Lutter, Reimo; Tõnutare, Tõnu; Kauer, Karin; Rannik, Kaire (2020). Spatial Estimation of Estonian Forest Landscapes’ Soil Cover Humus Status: Methods, Model Samples and Assessments. In: Mirschel, W.; Terleev, V. V.; Wenkel, K.-O. (Ed.). Landscape Modelling and Decision Support (257−281). Springer. (Innovations in Landscape Research).10.1007/978-3-030-37421-1_13.
3.5. Articles/presentations published in local conference proceedings
Kõlli, Raimo; Kauer, Karin; Tõnutare, Tõnu (2020). Üldlämmastiku sisaldusest põllumajandusmaade muldkattes. Agronoomia 2020 (25−35). Eesti Maaülikool, Eesti taimekasvatuse instituut.
5.2. Conference abstracts that do not belong to section 5.1
Tõnutare, Tõnu; Kaldmäe, Gert; Köster, Tiina; Krebstein, Kadri; Rodima, Ako (2020). Comparison of Mehlich 3, AL and artificial root exudates containing extractants for soil phosphorus analysis. 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20904.
Ilves, Mihkel; Köster, Tiina; Krebstein, Kadri; Tõnutare, Tõnu (2020). Determination the influence of liming with oilshale ashes to the changes of water extractable plant nutrients in acidic soils. 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20338.
1.1. Scholarly articles indexed by Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and/or indexed by Scopus (excluding chapters in books)
Barao, Lucia; Alaoui, Abdallah; Ferreira, Carla; Basch, Gottlieb; Schwilch, Gudrun; Geissen, Violette; Sukkel, Wijnand; Lemesle, Julie; Garcia-Orenes, Fuensanta; Morugan-Coronado, Alicia; Mataix-Solera, Jorge; Kosmas, Costas; Glavan, Matjaz; Pintar, Marina; Toth, Brigitta; Hermann, Tamas; Vizitiu, Olga Petruta; Lipiec, Jerzy; Reintam, Endla; Xu, Minggang ... Wan, Fei (2019). Assessment of promising agricultural management practices. Science of the Total Environment, 649, 610−619.
Kauer, Karin; Astover, Alar; Viiralt, Rein; Raave, Henn; Kätterer, Thomas (2019). Evolution of soil organic carbon in a carbonaceous glacial till as an effect of crop and fertility management over 50 years in a field experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 283, 106562.
Vennik, Kersti; Krebstein, Kadri; Kukk, Peeter; Reintam, Endla; Keller, Thomas (2019). Measurements and simulations of rut depth due to single and multiple passes of a military vehicle on different soil types. Soil and Tillage Research, 186, 120−127.
Astover, Alar; Kõlli, Raimo (2019). Mullateaduse õppetooli 100 aastat. Agraarteadus, 30 (1), 13−24.
Soonvald, Liina; Loit, Kaire; Runno-Paurson, Eve; Astover, Alar; Tedersoo, Leho (2019). The role of long-term mineral and organic fertilisation treatment in changing pathogen and symbiont community composition in soil. Applied Soil Ecology, 141, 45−53.
Kõlli, Raimo; Kauer, Karin; Tõnutare, Tõnu (2019). Topsoil acidity of forested mineral lands in Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 25 (2), 213−222.
Kõlli, Raimo; Tõnutare, Tõnis (2019). Ülevaade: Eesti aastamuld 2019 on madalsoomuld. Agraarteadus, 13−24.
3.5. Articles/presentations published in local conference proceedings
Pärnpuu, Sandra; Kauer, Karin; Astover, Alar (2019). Väetamise mõju mulla orgaanilise aine koostisele. Tupits, I; Tamm, S.; Tamm, Ü.; Toe, A (Toim.). Agronoomia 2019 (10−15). Vali Press.
5.2. Conference abstracts that do not belong to section 5.1
Niilo, Lisette; Köster, Tiina; Kõlli, Raimo; Tõnutare, Tõnu (2019). Determination of oilshale fly ash impact to soil chemical properties and plant nutrient mobility. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21: EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna: European Geosciences Union,. (EGU2019-12939).
Soosaar, Kaido; Schindler, Thomas; Krasnov, Dmitrii; Krasnova, Alisa; Escuer Gatius, Jordi; Machácová, Katerina; Mander, Ülo (2019). The annual budget of CH4 and N2O from a riparian forest: balances between the forest floor, tree stems and canopy. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21: EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, (EGU2019-13200).
Schindler, Thomas; Mander, Ülo; Machácová, Katrina; Krasnov, Dmitrii; Escuar-Gatius, Jordi; Veber, Gert; Espenberg, Mikk; Soosaar, Kaido (2019). Understanding N2O and CH4 flux dynamics from soil to tree level in a grey alder forest under experimental flooding conditions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21: EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, ( EGU2019-7200).
6.2. Textbooks and other study materials (excluding university textbooks)
Astover, Alar; Leedu, Enn (2019). Mulla happesus ja lupjamine. Mulla ABC: III osa.
6.3. Popular science articles
Kõlli, Raimo; Tõnutare, Tõnis (2019). Madalsoomuld: 2019. aasta muld. Eesti Loodus, 7, 24−28.
1.1. Scholarly articles indexed by Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and/or indexed by Scopus (excluding chapters in books)
Chupakhina, G. Nataliia; Shansky, Merrit; Parol, Argaadi; Chupakhina, N. Y.; Feduraev, P. V.; Skrypnik, L. N.; Maslennikov, P. V. (2018). Comparative characteristics of antioxidant capacity of some forage plants of the Baltic Sea Region (a case study of the Kaliningrad Region and Estonia). Agronomy Research, 16 (5), 1976−1985.10.15159/AR.18.203 .
Kõlli, Raimo (2018). Dynamics of annual falling derbis decomposition and forest floor accumulation. Applied Soil Ecology, 123, 447−450.10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.06.039.
Bai, Zhanguo; Caspari, Thomas; Ruiperez Gonzalez, Maria; Batjes, Niels H.; Mäder, Paul; Bünemann, Else K.; de Goede, Ron; Brussaard, Lijbert; Xu, Minggang; Ferreira, Carla Sofia; Reintam, Endla; Fan, Hongzhu; Mihelič, Rok; Glavan, Matjaž; Tóth, Zoltán (2018). Effects of agricultural management practices on soil quality: A review of long-term experiments for Europe and China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 265, 1−7.10.1016/j.agee.2018.05.028.
Rannik, Kaire; Kõlli, Raimo (2018). Evaluation of the pedodiversity, agronomical quality and environment protection ability of the soil cover of Estonian croplands. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 67 (3), 205−222.10.3176/earth.2018.15.
Zanella, A.; Ponge, J. F.; Jabiol, B.; Sartori, G.; Kolb, E.; Le Bayon, C.; De Waal, R.; Van Delft, B.; Vacca, A.; Gobat, J. M.; Serra, G.; Chersich, S.; Andreetta, A.; Kõlli, R.; Brun, J. J.; Cools, N.; Englisch, M.; Hager, H.; Katzensteiner, K.; Brethes, A. ... Viola, F. (2018). Humusica 1, article 5: Terrestrial humus systems and forms - Keys of classification of terrestrial humus systems and forms. Applied Soil Ecology, 122 (P1), 75−86.10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.06.012.
Zanella, A.; De Waal R.; Van Delft, B.; Ponge, J.-F.; Ferronato, C.; De Nobili, M.; Le Bayon, R.-C.; Andreetta, A.; Kõlli, R. (2018). Humusica 2, article 10: Histic humus systems and forms – Key of classification. Applied Soil Ecology, 122, 154−161.10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.06.035.
Kõlli, Raimo (2018). Influence of land use change on fabric of humus cover (pro Humus form). Applied Soil Ecology, 123, 737−739.10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.06.022.
Kõlli, Raimo; Köster, Tiina (2018). Interrelationships of humus cover (pro humus form) with soil cover and plant cover: humus form as transitional space between soil and plant. Applied Soil Ecology, 123, 451−454.10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.07.029.
Kõlli, Raimo; Rannik, Kaire (2018). Matching Estonian humus cover types’ (pro humus forms’) and soils’ classifications. Applied Soil Ecology, 123, 627−631.10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.09.038.
Kõlli, Raimo; Tamm, Indrek (2018). Nitrogen and ash elements content in sub-horizons of forest floor. Applied Soil Ecology, 123, 627−631.10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.09.038.
Are, Mihkel; Kaart, Tanel; Selge, Are; Astover, Alar; Reintam, Endla (2018). The interaction of soil aggregate stability with other soil properties as influenced by manure and nitrogen fertilization. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 105 (3), 195−202.10.13080/z-a.2018.105.025.
Kõlli, Raimo; Tõnutare, Tõnu; Eiber, Laura (2018). Ülevaade: Eesti mullastiku seisundi uurimused, mullaseire suunad ja võimalused seire tõhustamiseks. Agraarteadus, 29 (1), 12−24.
2.4. University textbooks
Świtoniak, M.; Kabała, C.; Karklins, A.; Charzyński, P.; Hulisz, P.; Mendyk, Ł.; Michalski, A.; Novák, T. J.; Penížek, V.; Reintam, E.; Repe, B.; Saksa, M., Vaisvalavičius, R.; Waroszewski J. (2018). Guidelines for Soil Description and Classification Central and Eastern European. Students’ Version. Torun: Polish Society of Soil Science.
3.2. Artiklid/peatükid lisas mitte loetletud kirjastuste välja antud kogumikes
Reintam, Endla; Switoniak, M.; Astover, Alar; Kõlli, Raimo; Shanskiy, Merrit (2018). Area with hydrolithotoposequence of different deposits in the Haanja Upland (Estonia). In: Switoniak, M., Charzynski, P. (Ed.). Soil Sequences Atlas III (163−175). Torun, Poland: Machina Druku.
Reintam, Endla; Switoniak, M.; Astover, Alar; Shanskiy, Merrit; Kõlli, Raimo (2018). Area with hydrotoposequence of sandy soils on Palumaa Plateau. In: Switoniak, M., Charzynski, P. (Ed.). Soil Sequences Atlas II (55−63). Torun: Machina Druku.
Kõlli, Raimo; Tõnutare, Tõmi; Lang, Mait; Szajdak, Lech. W.; Kauer, Karin; Rannik, Kaire (2018). Evaluation of the soils’ humus status in Estonian forest landscapes. In: V.G. Sychev, L. Mueller (Ed.). Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. (60−64). Russian Academy of Sciences.
3.5. Articles/presentations published in local conference proceedings
Raave, Henn; Escuer-Gatius, Jordi; Shanskiy, Merrit (2018). Luhaheina biomassist toodetud biosöe omadused, mõju mullale ja karjamaa raiheina biomassi saagile. Alaru, M. (Toim.). Agronoomia 2018 (171−185). Tartu: Rebellis.
Teesalu, Triin; Toomsoo, Avo; Leedu, Enn; Astover, Alar (2018). Bakterpreparaadi Azofix mõju suviteraviljade saagikusele ning mõnedele kvaliteedinäitajatele mineraalse lämmastikväetise foonil näivleetunud mullal. Alaru, Maarika (Toim.). Agronoomia 2018 (69−74). Eesti Maaülikool / Eesti Taimekasvatuse Instituut.
Toomsoo, Avo; Tõnutare, Tõnu; Kõlli, Raimo; Jürgens, Meit (2018). Eesti põllumuldade fosforitarbe määramisest ja seda mõjutavatest teguritest. Alaru, Maarika (Toim.). Agronoomia 2018 (36−44). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool / Eesti Taimekasvatuse Instituut.
Tammik, Kerttu; Kauer, Karin; Astover, Alar; Penu, Priit (2018). Eesti põllumuldade süsinikuvaru dünaamika aastatel 1983–2016. Alaru, Maarika (Toim.). Agronoomia 2018 (30−35). Tartu: AS Rebellis.
Reintam, Endla; Sutri, Merit; Kahu, Greete; Are, Mihkel; Stagerescu, Georghe; Selge, Are (2018). Otsekülvi mõju mulla kvaliteedile Eesti tootmispõldudel. Maarika Alaru (Toim.). Agronoomia 2018 (22−29). Tartu: Rebellis AS.
5.1. Conference abstracts indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Science
Soonvald, Liina; Loit, Kaire; Astover, Alar; Tedersoo, Leho (2018). Assessment of plant pathogenic fungal and oomycete communities in the soil of a long-term fertilization experiment. Phytopathology, 108 (10), 90−90.
Loit, Kaire; Soonvald, Liina; Astover, Alar; Tedersoo, Leho (2018). Molecular Characterization of the Pathogen and Symbiotic Fungal Community composition in the rhizosphere of common European potato varieties. Phytopathology, 108 (10), 80−80.
5.2. Conference abstracts that do not belong to section 5.1
Toomsoo, Avo; Jürgens, Meit; Tõnutare, Tõnu; Kõlli, Raimo; Kauer, Karin (2018). About factors influencing the distribution of soils into phosphorus fertility classes by AL-, DL-, and M3 methods. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.EGU General Assembly 2018, 08-13 Apr 2018 Vienna, Austria.
Tõnutare, Tõnis; Oras, Aldo; Ratas, Arno; Tõnutare, Tõnu (2018). About possibility of use of smartphones for determination of plant available phosphorus in soil. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20.
Toomsoo, A.; Jürgens, M.; Kõlli, R.; Kaart, T.; Kauer, K.; Tõnutare, T. (2018). About the influence of clay content to the distribution of soils into P status groups by AL, DL and Mehlich 3 method. Book of abstracts, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant Climate, 17-19 September 2018: 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant Climate, 17-19 September 2018; Lublin. Ed. Slawinski, C.; Zdunek, A. Lublin: Institute of Agrophysic, Polish Academy of Science, 27−27.
Reintam, E.; Astover, A.; Shanskiy, M.; Charzynski, P.; von Wrangell, P. (2018). Challenges to teach soil science at Eesti Maaülikool in local and international level. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20: EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, April 8-13. Vienna: EGU General Assembly,. (EGU2018-2913).
Tõnutare, T.; Kõlli, R.; Rinken, M.; Szajdak, L.; Szczepanski, M. (2018). Impact of extraction time to results of soil phosphorus content determined by Mehlich 3 method. Book of abstracts, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant Climate, 17-19 September 2018: 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant Climate, 17-19 September 2018. Ed. C. Slawinski, A. Zdunek. Lublin, Poland: Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Science, 125−125.
6.3. Popular science articles
Kõlli, Raimo; Tõnutare, Tõnu (2018). 2018. aasta muld: kahkjad ehk näivleetunud mullad. Eesti Loodus, 69 (11), 20−25.
Kõlli, Raimo (2018). 12 aastat hiljem. Alar Astover (Toim.). Eesti mõttelugu 144. Loit Reintam: Kummardus mullale. (291−293). Ilmamaa.
Astover, Alar (2018). Eessõna raamutule "Kummardus mullale". Kummardus mullale. Eesti mõttelugu. Tartu: Ilmamaa.
Kõlli, Raimo (2018). Saateks prof. Loit Reintami personaalnimestikule. Alar Astover (Toim.). Eesti mõttelugu 144. Loit Reintam: Kummardus mullale. (287−291). Ilmamaa.
6.4. Popular science books
Reintam, Loit; Astover, Alar (koostaja) (2018). Kummardus mullale. Tartu: Ilmamaa.
6.6. Articles in other journals and newspapers
Reintam, Endla; Ameerikas, Margus. (2018). Muld ei maga kunagi. Maa Elu. Postimees.19.04.2018 Tartu.
1.1. Scholarly articles indexed by Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and/or indexed by Scopus (excluding chapters in books)
Lang, Mait; Kõlli, Raimo; Nikopensius, Maris; Nilson, Tiit; Neumann, Mathias; Moreno, Adam (2017). Assessment of MODIS NPP algorithm-based estimates using soil fertility and forest inventory data in mixed hemiboreal forests. Metsanduslikud uurimused = Forestry studies, 66 (1), 49−64.10.1515/fsmu-2017-0006.
Vennik, Kersti; Keller,Thomas; Kukk, Peeter; Krebstein, Kadri; Reintam, Endla (2017). Soil rut depth prediction based on soil strength measurements on typical Estonian soils. Biosystems Engineering, 163, 78−86.10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2017.08.016.
3.2. Articles/chapters in books published by the publishers not listed in Annex
Kõlli, Raimo (2017). Süsiniku aastakäibest Eesti põllumuldades. I. Tupits, S. Tamm, Ü. Tamm ja A. Toe. (Toim.). Taimekasvatuse alased uuringud Eestis 2017 (14−21). Eesti Taimekasvatuse Instituut.
3.4. Articles/presentations published in conference proceedings not listed in Section 3.1
Graefe, U.; Kõlli, R.; Milbert, G.; Broll, G. (2017). Biological indicators of topsoil formation: a case study from forest sites in Estonia. ESSC International Conference, Soil Classification.: ESSC International Conference, Soil Classification. Riga, Latvia, 21 July 2017. Riga: ESSC.
5.2. Conference abstracts that do not belong to section 5.1
Kriiska, K.;Uri, V.; Frey, J.; Napa, Ü.; Kabral, N.; Soosaar, K.; Rannik, K.; Ostonen, I. (2017). Carbon allocation patterns in boreal and hemiboreal forest ecosystems along the gradient of soil fertility. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23– 28 April. (EGU2017-12807).
Tõnutare, T.; Krebstein, K.; Toomsoo, A.; Szajdak, L.; Soobik, L.; Jürgens, M.; Kõlli, R. (2017). Factors influencing the distribution of arable soils by their phosphorus content classes in dependent of the used methods of analysis.
Tõnutare, T.; Kõlli, R.; Jürgens, M.; Toomsoo, A.; Szajdak, L.; Szczepanski, M. (2017). Impact of method of analysis on the distribution of soils into P status classes. In: 9th International Workshop on Chemical Bioavailability in the Terrestrial Environment (71−73). Varssavi, Poola: Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, State Research Institute.
Reintam, E.; Are, M.; Selge, A. (2017). Testing the Visual Soil Assessment tool on Estonian farm fields. Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 19: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April. Copernicus Publications (Geophysical Research Abstracts),. (EGU2017-6953).
6.3. Popular science articles
Kõlli, Raimo (2017). Mõnede asjaosaliste rööbiti kulgenud tegevustest Eesti metsaökosüsteemide uurimisel. Kull, K.; Koppel, A. (Toim.). Vooremaa metsaökoloogia jaam ja Toomas Frey (145−151). Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus..
6.8. Short publications in scholarly journals and books
Kõlli, Raimo (2017). Igna Rooma. Mullateadlane ja mullageograaf. Arvo Järvet (Toim.). EGS Aastaraamat 42. köide (276−288). Eesti Geograafia Selts.
1.1. Scholarly articles indexed by Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and/or indexed by Scopus (excluding chapters in books)
Kõlli, Raimo; Asi, Endla; Tõnutare, Tõnu; Astover, Alar; Szajdak, Lech; Tamm, Indrek (2016). Fabric and properties of mineral soils underlying a shallow peat mantle in Estonia. Quaternary International, 418, 84−93.10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.045.
Reintam, E.; Vennik, K.; Kukk, L.; Kade, S.; Krebstein, K.; Are, M.; Astover, A. (2016). Measuring and predicting soil moisture conditions for trafficability. Acta Agriculturæ Scandinavica, Section B - Soil Plant Science, 66 (8), 698−705.10.1080/09064710.2016.1210210.
Rannik, Kaire; Kõlli, Raimo; Kukk, Liia; Fullen, Michael (2016). Pedodiversity of three experimental stations in Estonia. Geoderma Regional, 7 (3), 293−299.10.1016/j.geodrs.2016.05.002.
Vennik, K.; Kukk, P.; Krebstein, K.; Reintam, E. (2016). The relationship between precompression stress and rut depth of different soil types in Estonia. Agronomy Research, 14 (2), 624−634.
Sánchez de Cima, Diego; Tein, Berit; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Luik, Anne; Kauer, Karin; Reintam, Endla; Kahu, Greete (2016). Winter cover crop effects on soil structural stability and microbiological activity in organic farming. Biological Agriculture Horticulture: An International Journal for Sustainable Production Systems, 32 (3), 170−181.10.1080/01448765.2015.1130646.
1.2. Peer-reviewed articles in other international research journals with an ISSN code and international editorial board, which are circulated internationally and open to international contributions
Kõlli, Raimo (2016). Ülevaade: Rabamuld - Eesti aasta 2016 muld. Agraarteadus, 27 (1), 26−37.
3.1. Articles/chapters in books published by the publishers listed in Annex (including collections indexed by the Web of Science Book Citation Index, Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Scopus)
Astover, A.; Szajdak, L.; Kõlli, R. (2016). Impact of long-term agricultural management and native forest ecosystem on the chemical and biochmeical properties of Retisols organic matter. In: Szajdak, L. (Ed.). Bioactive Compounds in Agricultural Soils (149−171). Springer International Publishing AG.10.1007/978-3-319-43107-9.
3.2. Articles/chapters in books published by the publishers not listed in Annex
Kõlli, Raimo; Penu, Priit (2016). Mullastik. Külvik, M., Palo, K., Puura, I. (koostajad) (Toim.). Setomaa 1. Loodus (105−116). Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
Kõlli, Raimo; Penu, Priit (2016). Põllumajandusmaa muldade seisund. Külvik, M., Palo, K., Puura, I. (koostajad) (Toim.). Setomaa I. Loodus (121−127). Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
Kõlli, Raimo (2016). Ühe APSi eestseisuse liikme tagasivaade seltsi taasasutamise aastatesse. Vahtramäe, E., Tänavots, A., Kass, M. (Toim.). Akadeemiline Põllumajanduse Selts 95, 1920-2015 (85−97). Tartu: Akadeemiline Põllumajanduse Selts.
5.2. Conference abstracts that do not belong to section 5.1
K. Soosaar, K. Repp, K. Lõhmus, V. Uri, K. Rannik, A. Krasnova, I. Ostonen, M. Kukumägi, M. Maddison, Ü. Mander (2016). Carbon balance of an old hemi-boreal pineforest in Southern Estonia determined by different methods. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April. (EGU2016-18229).
Reintam, E.; Vooremäe, A. (2016). Developments in the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of Estonian University of Life Sciences. 20th Baltic Agronomy Forum. Book of Abstracts: 20th Baltic Agronomy Forum, Jelgava, Latvia University of Agriculture, 7-8 July, 2016. Ed. Gaile, Z.; Šterne, D. Jelgava, Latvia: Latvijas Lauksaiminecibas Universitate, 7−8.
Reintam, E.; Kahu, G.; Are, M.; Talgre, L.; Luik, A. (2016). Fertilization and field crops effect on earthworms. International Fertiliser Society. 24th Annual Conference. Programme. Sponsors. Delegate list. Posters: International Fertiliser Society 24th Annual Conference, Robinson College, Cambridge, UK, 8-9 December 2016. Ed. S.W. Hallam. Cambridge, UK: International Fertiliser Society, 16−17.
Reintam, E.; Vennik, K.; Kukk, L.; Krebstein, K.; Raet, J. (2016). Soil trafficability mapping in Estonia. Abstract Book: EUROSOIL 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, 16-21 October, 2016. Istanbul: Soil Science Society of Turkey, 51−51.
Are, M.; Teesalu, T.; Kaart, T.; Selge, A.; Reintam, E. (2016). The effect of manure and nitrogen fertilizer on the soil aggregate stability. 20th Baltic Agronomy Forum. Book of Abstracts.: 20th Baltic Agronomy Forum. Jelgava, Latvia University of Agriculture, 7-8 July, 2016. Ed. Gaile, Z.; Šterne, D. Jelgava, Latvia: Latvijas Lauksaimniecibas Universitate, 37−37.
Tõnutare, T.; Astover, A.; Szajdak, L.; Krebstein, K. (2016). The Risk of Contamination in Agri-Environment with Fertilizers Containing Heavy Metals as Impurities.
Tõnutare, T.; Rodima, A.; Künnapas, A.; Kõlli, R.; Albre, I. (2016). The use of MP-AES for analysis major and micronutrients in soils. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.EGU General Assembly 2016..
6.3. Popular science articles
Astover, A. (2016). Mulda ja selles toimuvaid protsesse tuleb märkama hakata. Maaleht: Maamajandus (14−15).
Kõlli, Raimo (2016). Tänavuse aasta muld on rabamuld. Eesti Loodus, 10, 32−36.
1.1. Scholarly articles indexed by Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and/or indexed by Scopus (excluding chapters in books)
Sánchez de Cima, Diego; Luik, Anne; Reintam, Endla (2015). Organic farming and cover crops as an alternative to mineral fertilizers to improve soil physical properties. International Agrophysics, 29 (4), 405−412.
Sánchez de Cima, Diego; Reintam, Endla; Tein, Berit; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Luik, Anne (2015). Soil Nutrient Evolution during the First Rotation in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 46 (21), 2675−2687 .10.1080/00103624.2015.1089268.
1.2. Peer-reviewed articles in other international research journals with an ISSN code and international editorial board, which are circulated internationally and open to international contributions
Kõlli, R.; Asi, E.; Szajdak, L.; Tõnutare, T.; Astover, A.; Krebstein, K. (2015). Accumulation of metallic elements into the superficial peat layer of mires and wet mineral soils of Estonian forest land. Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, 26 (4), 6−9.
Kõlli, Raimo; Graefe, Ulfert; Tamm, Indrek (2015). Mikroanneliidide arvukus ja liigirikkus eesti metsamuldade huumuskattes. Agraarteadus, XXVI (1), 24−29.
Kõlli, Raimo; Tamm, Indrek (2015). Muld paekivil – Eesti aasta 2015 muld. Agraarteadus, 26 (2), 51−61.
Reintam, E.; Vennik, K.; Krebstein, K.; Kukk, L. (2015). Predicting Soil Freezing Depth For Trafficability. KVÜÕA Toimetised, 21, 30−38.
3.5. Articles/presentations published in local conference proceedings
Tõnutare, T.; Rodima, A.; Kõlli, R.; Krebstein, K.; Penu, P.; Rebane, J.; Künnapas, A. (2015). Makroelementide sisalduse määramisest mullas Mehlich 3 meetodil. Alaru, M.; Astover, A.; Karp, K.; Viiralt, R.; Must, A. (Toim.). Agronoomia 2015 (219−224).. Ecoprint.
Are, M.; Reintam, E.; Selge, A.; Sanchez de Cima, D. (2015). Mulla tallamise järelmõju mulla omadustele ja rohumaa saagikusele. Alaru, M.; Astover, A.; Karp, K.; Viiralt, R.; Must, A. (Toim.). Agronoomia 2015 (10−15).. Tartu: Ecoprint.
Reintam, E; Kahu, G; Sulp, K; Sanches de Cima, D; Are, M; L, Anne. (2015). Viljelusviisi ja väetamise mõju vihmaussidele. Alaru, M; Astover, A; Karp, K; Viiralt, R; Must, A. (Toim.). Agronoomia 2015 (34−39).. Tartu: Ecoprint.
Teesalu, Triin; Täkker, Jaak; Rossner, Helis; Toomsoo, Avo; Leedu, Enn; Astover, Alar (2015). Väetamise mõju odra 'Anni' saagile ja saagistruktuurile näivleetunud mullal. Alaru, Maarika; Astover, Alar; Karp, Kadri; Viiralt, Rein; Must, Anne (Toim.). Agronoomia 2015 (95−100). Eesti Maaülikool / Eesti Taimekasvatuse Instituut.
5.2. Conference abstracts that do not belong to section 5.1
Kõlli, Raimo; Asi, Endla; Szajdak, Lech; Tõnutare, Tõnu; Astover, Alar; Krebstein, Kadri (2015). Accumulation of metallic elements into the superficial peat layer of mires and wet mineral soils of Estonian forest land. In: (34−34).XI International Scientific and Technical Conference ”Element Cycle in the environment: Bioaccumulation – Toxity – Prevention” 10 September 2015. IOS-PIB, Warsaw,.
Krebstein, K.; Tõnutare, T.; Rodima, A.; Kõlli, R.; Künnapas, A.; Rebane, J.; Penu, P.; Vennik, K.; Soobik, L. (2015). Determination of soil micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Mn, B) extracted by Mehlich 3 using MP-AES. 17: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April. (EGU2015-3914).
Kõlli, R.; Tõnutare, T.; Rannik, K.; Krebstein, K. (2015). Estonian soil classification as a tool for recording information on soil cover and its matching with local site types, plant covers and humus forms classifications. 17: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April. (EGU2015-1916).
Tõnutare, T.; Krebstein, K.; Rodima, A.; Kõlli, R.; Künnapas, A.; Rebane, J.; Penu, P.; Vennik, K.; Soobik, L. (2015). The influence of soil pH and humus content received by Mehlich 3 method nutrients analysis results. 17: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April. (EGU2015-3932).
6.3. Popular science articles
Kõlli, Raimo (2015). Enn Leedu 70 – Mõnda tema akadeemilisest karjäärist. Agraarteadus, 26 (2), 108−109.
Astover, Alar (2015). Hääletu muld. Sirp.
Astover, Alar (2015). Muld on jäetud tähelepanuta. Maaleht.
Astover, Alar (2015). Muld on nagu pank – laenab ja nõuab võlga tagasi. Maaleht.
Kõlli, Raimo; Tamm, Indrek (2015). Paepealsed mullad. Eesti Loodus, 8, 20−25.
6.7. Other creative activities
Graefe, U.; Kõlli, R.; Milbert, G.; Broll, G. (2015). Biological indicators of topsoil formation – a case study from forest sites in Estonia. 1−1.
Kõlli, Raimo (2015). Rabamuld. Rabamuld. Fibric Histosol. Aasta muld 2016. Teavik (1−6). Tartu.
Kõlli, Raimo (2015). Rabamuld. Rabamuld. Postkaart (1−2).
1.1. Scholarly articles indexed by Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and/or indexed by Scopus (excluding chapters in books)
Rossner, Helis; Ritz, Christian; Astover, Alar (2014). Optimisation of fertiliser rates in crop production against energy use indicators. European Journal of Agronomy, 55, 72−76.10.1016/j.eja.2014.01.003.
Tõnutare, Tõnu; Moor, Ulvi; Szajdak, Lech (2014). Strawberry anthocyanin determination by pH differential spectroscopic method - how to get true results? Acta Scientiarum Polonorum - Hortorum Cultus, 13 (3), 35−47.
Krebstein, K.; von Janowsky, K.; Kuht, J.; Reintam, E. (2014). The effect of tractor wheeling on the soil properties and root growth of smooth brome. Plant, Soil and Environment, 60 (2), 74−79.
3.2. Articles/chapters in books published by the publishers not listed in Annex
Kõlli, Raimo (2014). Muldkate. I. Hermet (Toim.). Keskkonna ülevaade 2013 (75−79). Tallinn: Eesti Keskkonnaministeerium.
Vennik, K.; Krebstein, K. (2014). Trafficability conditions on the typical soil type in Estonia. In: Proceedings of the 18th international conference of the ISTVS (1−9).. Convention Center, Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University.
Soosaar, Kaido; Mander, Ülo; Lõhmus, Krista; Uri, Veiko; Rannik, Kaire; Ostonen, Ivika; Uuemaa, Evelyn; Järveoja, Järvi; Läänelaid, Alar; Maddison, Martin; Muhel, Mart; Teemusk, Alar (2014). Ökosüsteemi süsinikdioksiidi bilanss, mullahingamine ja netoprimaarproduktsioon Soontaga boreaalses männikus. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 95. aastapäeval (352−362).. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. (PUBLICATIONES INSTITUTI GEOGRAPHICI UNIVERSITATIS TARTUENSIS; 111).
3.4. Articles/presentations published in conference proceedings not listed in Section 3.1
Fließbach, A.; Hammerl,V.; Antichi,D.; Bàrberi, P.; Berner, A.; Bufe,C.; Delfosse, P.; Gattinger, A.; Grosse, M.; Haase, T.; Heß,J.; Hissler,C.; Koal, P.; Kranzler, A.; Krauss, M.; Mäder,P.; PEigné, J.; Pritsch, K.; Reintam, E.; Surböck, A. ... Schloter, M. (2014). Soil Quality Changes in Field Trials Comparing Organic Reduced Tillage to Plough Systems across Europe. In: Rahmann, G. Aksoy, U. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific Conference. Thünen Report 20 – Volume 1. Argentina-France (1051−1054).Organic World Congress "Building Organic Bridges", Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October, 2014. Braunschweig, Germany: Thünen-Institut.10.3220/REP_20_1_2014.
3.5. Articles/presentations published in local conference proceedings
Reintam, E.; Sulp, K.; Sanchez de Cima, D.; Luik, A. (2014). Talviste vahekultuuride haljasväetiseks kasvatamise mõju vihmaussidele. Teasuselt mahepõllumajandusele: Eesti mahepõllumajandus täna ja tulevikus. Toim. Metspalu, L., Luik, A. Tartu: Ecoprint, 80−83.
5.2. Conference abstracts that do not belong to section 5.1
Tõnutare, T.; Krebstein, K.; Utso, M.; Rodima, A.; Kõlli, R.; Shanskiy, M. (2014). Biochar contribution to soil pH buffer capacity. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 02 May. (EGU2014-10354).
Tõnutare, T.; Penu, P.; Krebstein, K.; Rodima, A.; Kõlli, R.; Shanskiy, M. (2014). Comparision of ICP-OES and MP-AES in determing soil nutrients by Mechlich3 method. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 02 May. EGU General Assembly,. (EGU2014-11065).
Tõnutare, T.; Kõlli, R.; Köster, T.; Rannik, K.; Szajdak, L.; Shanskiy, M. (2014). Effect of land use change on soil properties and functions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16: EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 02 May, 2014. Vienna, Austria: EGU General Assembly,.
Kõlli, R.; Asi, E.; Tõnutare, T.; Astover, A.; Szajdak, L. (2014). Morphology and properties of mineral soils covered by shallow peat mantle. Abstracts of XIIIth International Symposium and Field Workshop on Paleopedology: “Paleopedological record of postglacial soil and landscape evolution” 1-6 September 2014, Toruń, Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus University. Ed. M. Jankowski, M. Markiewicz. Toruń, Poland, 17.
6.3. Popular science articles
Raave, Henn; Rossner, Helis; Astover, Alar (2014). Biosöe potentsiaal põllumajanduses. Maamajandus, 3, 16−17.
Kõlli, Raimo; Tamm, Indrek (2014). Eesti metsamuldade huumuskate. Eesti Mets, 1, 46−52.
Astover, Alar; Lauringson, Enn; Rossner, Helis (2014). Huumus näitab mulla kvaliteeti. Maamajandus, 7, 3−5.
Kõlli, Raimo; Astover, Alar; Tamm, Indrek (2014). Tänavu on tähelepanu all leostunud mullad. Eesti Loodus, 4, 24−29.
6.6. Articles in other journals and newspapers
Krebstein, K.; Tõnutare, T. (2014). Mullateaduse ja agrokeemia osakonnas ei ole lõbus ainult töötajatel, vaid ka lastel. Maaülikool.
1.1. Scholarly articles indexed by Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and/or indexed by Scopus (excluding chapters in books)
Kauer, Karin; Kõlli, Raimo; Raave, Henn; Viiralt, Rein; Köster, Tiina; Noormets, Merrit; Laidna, Toomas; Keres, Indrek; Parol, Argaadi; Varul, Triin; Selge, Are (2013). Effect of Cut Plant Residue Management and Fertilization on the Dry-Matter Yield of Swards and on Carbon Content of Soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 44 (1-4), 205−218.10.1080/00103624.2013.736304.
Köster, Tiina; Kõlli, Raimo (2013). Interrelationships between soil cover and plant cover depending on land use. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62 (2), 93−112.10.3176/earth.2013.08.
Eriksson, A.K.; Ulén, B.; Berzina, L.; Iital, A.; Jansons, V.; Sileika, A.S.; Toomsoo, A. (2013). Phosphorus in agricultural soils around the Baltic Sea – comparison of laboratory methods as indices for phosphorus leaching to waters. Soil Use and Management, 29 (1), 5−14.
1.2. Peer-reviewed articles in other international research journals with an ISSN code and international editorial board, which are circulated internationally and open to international contributions
Haiba, E.; Lillenberg, M.; Kipper, K.; Astover, A.; Herodes, K.; Ivask, M.; Kuu, A.; Litvin, S.V.; Nei, L. (2013). Fluoroquinolones and sulfonamides in sewage sludge compost and their uptake from soil into food plants. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8 (23), 3000−3006.
Kõlli, Raimo; Tamm, Indrek (2013). Humus cover and its fabric depending on pedo-ecological conditions and land-use: an Estonian approach to classification of humus forms. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 62 (1), 6−23.
Rannik, K.; Kõlli, R. (2013). Jõgeva, Kuusiku ja Olustvere katseala muldadest. Agraarteadus, XXIV (1), 29−37.
3.5. Articles/presentations published in local conference proceedings
Moor, Ulvi; Põldma, Priit; Tõnutare, Tõnu (2013). Eestis kasvatatud aedmaasika (Fragaria x ananassa) 'Sonata' viljade kvaliteet ja säilivus. Kangor, T.; Tamm, S.; Lindepuu, R. (Toim.). Agronoomia 2013 (156−163).. Jõgeva: AS Rebellis.
Reintam, E.; Krebstein, K.; Sanchez de Cima, D.; Leeduks, J. (2013). Mulla tallamise mõju karjamaa raiheina ja hübriidlutserni saagikusele. T. Kangor; S. Tamm; R. Lindepuu (Toim.). Agronoomia 2013 (22−27).. Jõgeva: AS Rebellis.
Kukk, Liia; Suuster, Elsa; Shanskiy, Merrit; Roostalu, Hugo; Astover, Alar (2013). Mullakaardi rakendusmudel päideroo saagipotentsiaali asukohapõhiseks hindamiseks. Kangor, T.; Tamm, S.; Lindepuu, R.. Agronoomia 2013 (28−33).. Jõgeva: AS Rebellis.
Tõnutare, Tõnu; Võikar, Madis; Vool, Ele; Moor, Ulvi; Shanskiy, Merrit (2013). Spektroskoopia rakendusvõimalusi aiandustoodangu keemilisel analüüsil veini näitel. Kangor, Tiia; Tamm, Sirje; Lindepuu, Raine (Toim.). Agronoomia 2013 (164−173).. Jõgeva: AS Rebellis.
4.1. Editing collections or special issues of research journals corresponding to the requirements set in sections 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2
Kõlli, R. (2013). Estonian Journal of Ecology. Volume 62, No 1. In: Kõlli, R. (Ed.). Selected papers of the International Scientific Conference . (1−78).“Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity”, 27-28 August 2012, Tartu. Selected papers of the International Scientific Conference: Estonian Academy Publishers.
Kõlli, Raimo (2013). Foreword. Selected papers of the International Scientific Conference ‘Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity’, 27-28 August 2012. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 62 (1), 3−5.
5.2. Conference abstracts that do not belong to section 5.1
Krebstein, K.; Reintam, E. (2013). Effects of changes in land use on soil properties in Estonia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 Vienna, Austria, 07 – 12 April. (EGU2013-14167).
Kõlli, Raimo; Köster, Tiina; Rannik, Kaire; Tõnutare, Tõnu; Szajdak, Lech; Astover, Alar (2013). Influence of land use change on soil functions. Protection of soil functions - challenges for the future: International Conference "Protection of soil functions - challenges for the future" 15-18 October 2013, Puławy, Poland. Puławy, Poland: xxx, 44−46.
Tõnutare, Tõnu; Rodima, Ako; Rannik, Kaire; Shanskiy, Merrit (2013). Utilization of peatlands as possible land resource for low-input agriculture: cultivation of Vaccinium species as an example. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 Vienna, Austria, 07 – 12 April. 12612. (EGU2013-12612).
6.2. Textbooks and other study materials (excluding university textbooks)
Astover, Alar; Reintam, Endla; Leedu, Enn; Kõlli, Raimo (2013). Muldade väliuurimine. Tartu: Eesti Loodusfoto.
6.3. Popular science articles
P. Penu, V. Loide, A. Astover (2013). Mulla- ja väetistarbekaardid põllumehe teenistuses. Maamajandus, 4, 14−15.
11.1. Scholarly articles indexed by Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index and/or indexed by Scopus (excluding chapters in books)
Suuster, Elsa; Ritz, Christian; Roostalu, Hugo; Kõlli, Raimo; Astover, Alar (2012). Modelling soil organic carbon concentration of mineral soils in arable land using legacy soil data. Journal of Soil Science, 63 (3, 3), 351−359.10.1111/j.1365-2389.2012.01440.x.
3.1. Scholarly articles in Estonian and other peer-reviewed research journals with a local editorial board; peer-reviewed scientific articles in journals important for Estonian culture or scholarly articles in Akadeemia, Looming, Vikerkaar
Põldma, Priit; Moor, Ulvi; Merivee, Agnes; Tõnutare, Tõnu (2012). Effect of Controlled Atmosphere Storage on Storage Life of Onion and Garlic Cultivars. In: Acta Horticulturae (63−69).. ISHS.
3.2. Articles/chapters in books published by the publishers not listed in Annex
Kõlli, Raimo; Tamm, Indrek (2012). Eesti parimate põllumuldade levik, rühmitamine ja huumusseisund. Agronoomia 2012 (15−22).. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.
Astover, A.; Leedu, E.; Teesalu, T.; Toomsoo, A.; Rossner, H. (2012). Mineraal- ja orgaaniliste väetiste lühi- ja pikaajalised mõjud suviteraviljadele ning mullale. Põllumajandusministeerium (Toim.). Taimekasvatuse areng 2007–2011 ja valdkonna rakendusuuringud (73−79).. Tallinn: Põllumajandusministeerium.
Kõlli, Raimo; Kukk, Liia; Astover, Alar (2012). The management and protection of peat and peaty soils: an ecosystem approach. In: Szajdak, L.W., Gaca, W., Meysner, T., Styla, K. Szczepanski, M. (Ed.). Necessity of peatlands protection (281−296). IAFE PAS, Poznan: Polish Acad of Sciences.
3.4. Articles/presentations published in conference proceedings not listed in Section 3.1
Rossner, H.; Poikalainen, V.; Praks, J.; Veerme, I.; Nõmmeots, A.; Frorip, J.; Ruus, A.; Lepasalu, L.; Talgre, L.; Hovi, M.; Hänilane, B. (2012). ENPOS – energeetiliselt sõltumatu talu. Agronoomia 2012, Tartu (Eesti Maaülikool).
3.5. Articles/presentations published in local conference proceedings
Rossner, Helis; Hänilane, Birgit; Astover, Alar (2012). Erineva maaharimisviisiga taimekasvatustalude energeetiline efektiivsus. A. Astover, L. Metspalu, R. Viiralt, K. Karp (Toim.). Agronoomia 2012 (23−28).. Tartu: AS Rebellis.
Toomsoo, Avo; Astover, Alar; Leedu, Enn; Rossner, Helis; Teesalu, Triin (2012). Haava puitmassi jääkmuda ja klinkritolmu segu mõju kartuli saagile. A. Astover, L. Metspalu, R. Viiralt, K. Karp (Toim.). Agronoomia 2012 (87−90).. Tartu: AS Rebellis.
Teesalu, Triin; Rossner, Helis; Toomsoo, Avo; Leedu, Enn; Astover, Alar (2012). Haava puitmassi jääkmuda ja selle klinkritolmuga segu mõju suviteraviljade saagile ja kvaliteedile. A. Astover, L. Metspalu, R. Viiralt, K. Karp (Toim.). Agronoomia 2012 (73−80).. Tartu: AS Rebellis.
Nurk, K.; Runno-Paurson, E.; Hallik, L.; Astover, A. (2012). Lämmastik- ja alternatiivväetiste mõju võrklaiksuse ohtrusele odral 2011. aastal. Agronoomia 2012 (157−160).. AS Rebellis.
Põldma, Priit; Moor, Ulvi; Merivee, Agnes; Tõnutare, Tõnu (2012). Sibula (Allium cepa) ja küüslaugu (Allium sativum) säilivus kontrollitud atmosfääriga hoidlas. Agronoomia 2012 (207−212).. Tartu: AS Rebellis.
Krebstein, K.; Reintam, E.; Leeduks, J.; Kuht, J.; Horn, R. (2012). Tallamise mõju mulla mehaanilistele omadustele ohtetu luste põllul. Astover, A.; Metspalu, L.; Viiralt, R.; Karp, K.; Lauk, R.; Rehemaa, V. (Toim.). Agronoomia 2012 (9−14).. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.
Sanchez de Cima, D.; Reintam, E.; Luik, A. (2012). Viljelusviisi mõju mulla mõningatele füüsikalistele omadustele. Metspalu, L.; Luik, A. (Toim.). Teaduselt mahepõllumajandusele: Konverentsi "Mahepõllumajanduse arengusuunad - teadlaselt mahepõllumajandusele" toimetised (15−17).. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.
4.2. Editing of other research publications that are published by academic publishers
Kauer, K; Kõlli, R. (2012). International Conference "Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity". Programme. Abstracts. Participants. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.http://.
Kõlli, R.; Teesalu, T. (2012). International Conference “Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity”. Excursion guide. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.http://.
5.2. Conference abstracts that do not belong to section 5.1
Kõlli, Raimo; Tamm, Indrek (2012). Humus cover and its fabric depending on pedo-ecological conditions and land-use. Abstracts of International Conference "Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity". Eesti Maaülikool, 14−14.
Asi, E.; Timmusk, T.; Apuhtin, V.; Kõlli, R. (2012). Organic carbon accumulation in different forest soil types of Estonia. Abstracts of International Conference “Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity”. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, 17−17.
Sanchez de Cima, D.; Reintam, E.; Luik, A. (2012). Soil physical properties under different cropping systems in Estonia. NJF Report vol. 8, No. 1: NJF Seminar 448, Soil compaction – effects on soil function and strategies for prevention, House of Science and Letters, Helsinki, Finland, 6-8 March 2012. Ed. Alakukku, L.; Kymäläinen, H-R., Pienmunne, E. Helsinki, Finland, 65−67.
Reintam, Krebstein, K.; Sanchez de Cima, D.; Köster, T. (2012). Soil quality and productivity losses due to compaction in Estonian Grasslands. EUROSOIL 2012: 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012: Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, Fiera del Levante, Bari, Italy, 2-6 July 2012. Ed. Nicola Senesi. Bari, Italy, 1031.
Tullus, Hardi; Karoles, Kalle; Tullus, Arvo; Kõlli, Raimo; Tamm, Indrek (2012). Stocks of organic carbon in Estonian forest site types as related to forest management. Abstracts of International Conference “Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity”.. Eesti Maaülikool, 16−16.
Kauer, K.; Kõlli, R.; Viiralt, R.; Köster, T.; Noormets, M.; Laidna, T.; Keres, I.; Parol, A.; Varul, T.; Selge, A.; Raave, H. (2012). The effect of plant residues and fertilization on swards productivity and on soil organic carbon content. Abstracts of International Conference “Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity”. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, 27−27.
Reintam, E.; Krebstein, K.; Kuht, J.; Leeduks, J.; Sanchez de Cima, D.; Trükmann, K. (2012). Canges of plant growth and some soil properties due to the compaction on grassland. In: Alakukku, L.; Kymäläinen, H-R.; Pienmunne, E. (Ed.). NJF Seminar 448: Soil compaction - effects on soil functions and strategies for prevention. NJF Report Vol 8, No 1 (41−42).. Helsinki, Finland: Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists.
6.2. Textbooks and other study materials (excluding university textbooks)
Reintam, Endla; Moor, Ulvi; Starast, Marge; Laatsit, Toomas; Kiiman, Heli; Järv, Eha; Aland, Andres; Parol, Argaadi; Tuvi, Eva-Liis; Kask, Kadri; Luik, Matis; Käis, Lemmik (2012). Erialase eesti keele õppematerjal põllu- ja aiasaaduste tootmise erialade muukeelsetele üliõpilastele. Peatükid:taimede morfoloogia; taimeraku ehitus, fotosüntees, taimede hingamine, taimede kasv ja areng, taimede paljundamine, taimekahjustajad. Moodle keskkonnas ja trükiformaadis CD-l. Tartu.
Astover, A.; Kõlli, R.; Roostalu, H.; Reintam, E.; Leedu, E. (2012). Mullateadus. Õpik kõrgkoolidele.
6.6. Articles in other journals and newspapers
Astover, Alar; Kõlli, Raimo (2012). Mullateadlased arutlesid huumusvormide üle. Maaülikool, 2−2.