Work Package1 “Learning/teaching toolbox”
The Work Package1 "Learning/teaching toolbox" consists of short lecture materials, virtual learning aids, such as tests, videos, exercises, manuals of practical works in the field of soil and plant ecology. The toolbox enables to use the materials more flexible and widely. It can be used in the regular learning and teaching process on different levels of higher education as well on life-long learning. The learning/teaching toolbox in soil and plant ecology enables to use materials of specific interest and combine materials according to specific needs. Click here to see the learning/teaching toolbox titled "Carbon in terrestrial ecosystems".
The “Learning/teaching toolbox” consists of virtual learning aids tested during the Summer Schools.
♦Participants for Summer Schools will be selected on the base of their knowledge on soil science and plant ecology from the partner universities. Student selection will be made also on the base of their scientific interests and motivation to enhance their master or doctoral degree. Students from the University of Life Sciences (Estonia), University of South Bohemia (Czech Republic), Aix-Marseille University (France) and Ulm University (Germany) can participate in this course.
The three Summer Schools will take place in France in September 2018, in the Czech Republic and Germany in September 2019 (one week in one country, second in another) and the last in Estonia in June/July 2020. Six students and three teachers from each partner universities are planned to participate in Summer Schools.
*All three Summer Schools aren't financed from the IntASEK project.