Specialists of Academic Affairs


Specialist of Academic Affairs: Lagle Lõhmus
Phone: (+372) 731 3533; 508 1787
E-mail: lagle.lohmus@emu.ee
Kreutzwaldi 5-D179, Tartu 50412
- Horticulture
- Landscape Architecture

- Landscape Protection and Preservation
- Environmental Protection
- ​Environmental Planning and Landscape Design
- Environmental management and policy

Specialist of Academic Affairs: Maire Vatsar
Phone: (+372) 731 3886; 525 9565
E-mail: maire.vatsar@emu.ee
Kreutzwaldi 5-D179, Tartu 51014
- Nature Tourism
- Fisheries and aquaculture
- Fisheries and applied ecology
- Applied Biology of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems

- Production and Marketing of Agricultural Products
- ERASMUS coordinator in Institute


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