Applied biology of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems

The goal is to train specialists with broad-based applied knowledge on water bodies and terrestrial ecosystems.

What do the students learn?

The graduate:

  1. have been acquired basic knowledge and understanding of operation of ecosystems, their biota and protection, human impact to the biodiversity, management, restoration;
  2. has ability to describe basics through terms of biology, ecology and limnology;
  3. is a able to obtain and critically evaluate knowledge of domain;
  4. knows the most essential theories, development ways and actual problems of applied biology;
  5. has ability to implement gathered knowledge in professional activities incl. on international level, skills effectively to implement principles of ecological management and to mitigate human impact, ability to consider and act from ethical aspects;
  6. owns communication -, information- and corresponding tehnological skills, necessary for professional life;
  7. can explain and take part in discussions in studying language and at least in one foreign language professional problems verbally, graphically and in writing;
  8. is ready to take part in civil society considering general ethical aspects and acts on their basis;
  9. can estimate the role of consequences of own knowledge and activities in society;
  10. is able to implement obtained knowledge in employment, proceed studies on master level and independently upgrade professional skills;
  11. is competent to work under the supervision of leading specialist on the position demanding qualification of specialist of biota, ecosystems, management and restoration;
  12. has basic knowledge to proceed studies on master level.