Farm management

The Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences opened a new Bachelors curriculum in September 2007 that will educate the managers for agricultural enterprises.
Estonian agriculture is in desperate need for well educated specialists who would guarantee the competitiveness of our firms and enterprises. The curriculum offers both theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of agriculture and adds to management skills. There is possibility to complete the curriculum in a form of long distance learning for those who are already employed.

What do the students learn?

  • plant and animal production (including horticulture),
  • economics, marketing and economical analysis,
  • organisation and personnel management,
  • strategic planning and company management,
  • contemporary technologies and risk management, etc.
  • specifics of regional economics,
  • sustainable use of natural and economical resources,
  • production risks and possibilities for their mitigation,
  • alternative activities in rural area,
  • GIS application in agroeconomic production planning and optimization.