Thesis’s defended in 2004

Master’s  4+2

  1. Aunpuu, Moonika; Utility Possibilities of Waste Derived Compost; sup. Mait Kriipsalu, PhD
  2. Haak, Rein; Working out and implementing the methodology of the town of Tartu; sup. Aija Kosk, MSc
  3. Looring, Merle; Assessment of marine pollution risks and monitoring of Gulf of Riga;
  4. Troškin, Tiina; Environmental supervision on protected areas in Estonia and the possibilities of use corresponding databases; sup. Mart Külvik, PhD; Uudo Timm, MSc
  5. Väärtnõu, Eino; National sustainability analysis of development strategy Sustainable Estonia 21 (SE 21); sup. Rein Ratas, PhD


Bachelor’s  4+2

  1. Ermel, Maigi; About the influence of the repulse of reed on the macroinverterbrates in the Lake Võrtsjärv; sup. Henn Timm, PhD
  2. Grosnõi, Helen; Erosion. Soil erosion prevention in Viljandi; sup. Riho Karjus; MSc
  3. Hirse, Toomas; Rare plant species distribution and protection around Nõo Karujärve area and in the Valley of Tatra; sup. Ülle Kukk, PhD
  4. Jalak, Merlene; Analysis of abandoned agricultural landscapes in Jõgeva county; sup. Kalev Sepp, PhD
  5. Kaasik, Merit; Nature and environment protection restrictions for building on waterfront; sup. Uku Alakivi
  6. Kangur, Timo; Evaluation of recultiv results in Aidu open cast oli schale mine on the basis of birch and pine cultures; sup. Kalev Sepp, PhD; Tiit Kangur
  7. Kasvandik, Maia-Liisa; Maintenance plan of Soontagana valuable landscape; sup. Urmas Vahur, MSc
  8.  Kivirand, Maarika; Development of waste management of Nõo parish according to local Waste Management Plan and Waste Management Law; sup. Hegri Narusk, BSc
  9. Kljutsivski, Piret; Rehema, Merlin; Character and management of valuable landscapes delineated in county thematic plan; sup. Kalev Sepp, PhD; Katre Daniel, MSc
  10. Kõiv, Margit; Leachate treatment in peatfilter; sup. Pille Kängsepp, MSc; Mait Kriipsalu, MSc
  11. Laurisson, Piret; Research of pet-bottle optimal deposit on the example of city of Tartu; sup. Aija Kosk, MSc
  12. Maasikmets, Marek; The odour measurement: the principal methods and possible solutions in Estonia; sup. Rein Ratas, PhD; Joel Valge
  13. Neljandik, Triin; Cultural heritage in the landscape of Kirikuküla; sup. Mart Külvik, PhD; Kaja Lotman, MSc
  14. Olle, Lilian; Indoor food waste management with worms; sup. Mari Ivask, PhD; Mait Kriipsalu, MSc
  15. Peterson, Kristi; Evaluation of the condition of nine rare forest plant species on the example of ten years of monitoring; sup. Ülle Kukk, PhD
  16. Pung, Kristi; Evaluation of the parks as nature reserves in Järva county; sup. Olavi Randver
  17. Ruut, Katri; Pheromontraps usage Männi and Karli Uuspõllu Liiva farmstead in Lääne-Virumaa and Jõgeva Plant Breeding Institute; sup. Enno Mõttus
  18. Sillaste, Marit; Opportunities for growing energy wood as the alternative environmental source of energy in Võru county; sup. Peeter Muiste, PhD
  19. Tamm, Piia; Faktore, die, den Aufbau eines Umweltmanagementsysteme in estnischen Unternehmen beinflussen; sup. Aija Kosk, MSc; Harri Moora, MSc
  20. Tamm, Sirli; Main features of development of nature conservation terminology and present progress in Estonia; sup. Mart Külvik, PhD
  21. Tammla, Tuuli; Trell, Tanel; Composition of plans for the arrangement of use for Põhja-Kõrvemaa recreation area; sup. Mart Külvik, PhD
  22. Traks, Katrin; Quality, assortment and price comparison of waste treatment services in the county of Jõgeva; sup. Moonika Aunpuu
  23. Tuvi, Triinu; Youth projects of Environmental Investment Center (2001-2002) and their impact of students environmental awareness; sup. Kalev Sepp, PhD; Mai Zernask
  24. Tõnisots, Eve; Small sewage treatment plants in Pärnumaa which have water discharge consent and their state; sup. Mihkel Gross
  25. Viik, Eneli; The impact of different growing technologies to the number of pollinators of spring oilseed rape; sup. Marika Mänd, PhD
  26. Õigemeel, Reelika; Study of Alvar Forest Protection and Use as Recreation Areas in Kohila Parish; sup. Jüri Ehrpais