Keskkonnakaitse ja maastikukorralduse õppetooli ning Maastikuarhitektuuri õppetooli (kuni 2017) töötajate ja kraadiõppurite poolt publitseeritud artiklid

2021 (Updated: 08.12.2020)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1.  Massante, J.C.; Köbel, M.; Pinho, P.; Gerhold, P.; Branquinho, C.; Nunes, A. (2021). Phylogenetic structure of understorey annual and perennial plant species reveals opposing responses to aridity in a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot. The Science of The Total Environment [ilmumas]

1.1. Mendes, G.M.; Silveira, F.; Oliveira, C.; Dáttilo, W.; Guevara, R.; Ruiz-Guerra, B.; Boaventura, M.G.; Naidoo, S.; Ramdhani, S.; Phartyal, S.S.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Pinto, V.D.; Vasconcelos, H.; Tito, R.; Pereira, C.C.; Carvalho, B.; Carvalho, G.M.; del Val, E.; Buisson, E.; Arruda, A. ... Cornelissen, T. (2021). How much leaf area do insects eat? A dataset of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. Ecology [ilmumas].

1.1. Shkaruba, Anton; Skryhan, Hanna; Likhacheva, Olga; Kireyeu, Viktar; Katona, Attila; Shyrokostup, Sergey; Sepp, Kalev (2021). Environmental drivers and sustainable transition of dachas in Eastern Europe: An analytical overview. Land Use Policy, 100, 104887.

1.1. Stober, Dina; Suškevičs, Monika; Eiter, Sebastian; Müller, Stefanie; Martinát, Stanislav; Buchecker, Matthias (2021). What is the quality of participatory renewable energy planning in Europe? A comparative analysis of innovative practices in 25 projects. Energy Research & Social Science, 71, 101804.

3.1. Ward, Raymond D.; de Lacera, Luiz Drude (2021). Responses of mangrove ecosystems to sea level change. In: Daniel Friess, Frida Sidik (Ed.). Dynamic Sedimentary Environment of Mangrove Coasts (236−253). Netherlands: Elsevier.


2020 (Updated: 08.12.2020)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Bardos, Paul; Spencer, Kate L.; Ward, Raymond D.; Maco, Barbara H.; Cundy, Andrew B. (2020). Integrated and Sustainable Management of Post-industrial Coasts. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, ARTN 86.

1.1. Blasenbauer, Dominik; Huber, Florian; Lederer, Jakob; Quina, Margarida J.; Blanc-Biscarat, Denise; Bogush, Anna; Bontempi, Elza; Blondeau, Julien; Chimenos, Josep Maria; Dahlbo, Helena; Fagerqvist, Johan; Giro-Paloma, Jessica; Hjelmar, Ole; Hyks, Jiri; Keaney, Jackie; Lupsea-Toader, Maria; O’Caollai, Catherine Joyce; Orupõld, Kaja; Pajak, Tadeusz; Simon, Franz-Georg; Svecova, Lenka; Šyc, Michal; Ulvang, Roy; Vaajasaari, Kati; Caneghem, Jo Van; Zomeren, Andre van; Wégner, Krisztina; Fellner, Johann (2020). Legal situation and current practice of waste incineration bottom ash utilisation in Europe. Waste Management, 102, 868-883.

1.1. Blaus, A.; Reitalu, T.; Gerhold, P.; Hiiesalu, I.; Massante, J.C.; Veski, S. (2020). Modern pollen–plant diversity relationships inform palaeoecological reconstructions of functional and phylogenetic diversity in calcareous fens. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:207.

1.1. Bunce, R.G.H.; Pungar, D.; Villoslada, M.; Raet, J.; Kaart, T.; Sepp, K. (2020). A survey of habitats on agricultural land in Estonia: I Construction and validation of the database using the botanical field data. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22, e01007.

1.1. Celis-Hernandez, Omar; Cundy, Andrew B.; Croudace, Ian W.; Ward, Raymond D.; Busquets, Rosa; Wilkinson, John L. (2020). Assessing the role of the “estuarine filter” for emerging contaminants: pharmaceuticals, perfluoroalkyl compounds and plasticisers in sediment cores from two contrasting systems in the southern U.K. Water Research, 116610.

1.1. Celis-Hernandez, Omar; Giron-Garcia, Maria Patricia; Ontiveros-Cuadras, Jorge Feliciano; Canales-Delgadillo, Julio César; Pérez-Ceballos, Rosela Yazmin; Ward, Raymond D.; Acevedo-Gonzales, Odedt; Armstrong-Altrin, John S.; Merino-Ibarra, Martin (2020). Environmental risk of trace elements in mangrove ecosystems: An assessment of natural vs oil and urban inputs. Science of the Total Environment, 138643.

1.1. Ciani, Elena; Mastrangelo, Salvatore; Da Silva, Anne; Marroni, Fabio; Ferenčaković, Maja; Ajmone-Marsan, Paolo; Baird, Hayley; Barbato, Mario; Colli, Licia; Delvento, Chiara; Dovenski, Toni; Gorjanc, Gregor; Hall, Stephen J. G.; Hoda, Anila; Li, Meng-Hua; Marković, Božidarka; McEwan, John; Moradi, Mohammad H.; Ruiz-Larrañaga, Otsanda; Ružić-Muslić, Dragana; Šalamon, Dragica; Simčič, Mojca; Stepanek, Ondrej; Curik, Ino; Cubric-Curik, Vlatka; Lenstra, Johannes A.; Econogene Consortium; Sheephapmap Consortium (2020). On the origin of European sheep as revealed by the diversity of the Balkan breeds and by optimizing population-genetic analysis tools. Genetics Selection Evolution, 52, 25.

1.1. González-Ávila, S.; López-Leiva, C.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Elena-Rosselló, R. (2020). Changes and drivers in Spanish landscapes at the Rural-Urban Interface between 1956 and 2018. Science of The Total Environment, 714, 136858,

1.1. Hall, Stephen J. G.; Bunce, Robert G. H.; Arney, David R.; Vollmer, Elis (2020). Sheep in Species-Rich Temperate Grassland: Combining Behavioral Observations with Vegetation Characterization. Animals, 10 (9), 1−13.

1.1. Karasov, Oleksandr; Vieira, António Avelino Batista; Külvik, Mart; Chervanyov, Igor (2020). Landscape coherence revisited: GIS-based mapping in relation to scenic values and preferences estimated with geolocated social media data. Ecological Indicators, 111, 105973.

1.1. Karasov, Oleksandr; Heremans, Stien; Külvik, Mart; Domnich, Artem; Chervanyov, Igor (2020). On How Crowdsourced Data and Landscape Organisation Metrics Can Facilitate the Mapping of Cultural Ecosystem Services: An Estonian Case Study. Land.

1.1. Lanno, Marge; Silm, Maidu; Shanskiy, Merrit; Kisand, Anu; Orupõld, Kaja; Kriipsalu, Mait. (2020). Open windrow composting of fish waste in Estonia. Agronomy Research 18(4), 2465 2477.​

1.1. Lima, Mariana do Amaral Camara; Ward, Raymond D.; Joyce, Chris B. (2020). Environmental drivers of sediment carbon storage in temperate seagrass meadows. Hydrobiologia, 847, 1773–1792.

1.1. Massante JC, Gerhold P (2020). Environment and evolutionary history depict phylogenetic alpha and beta diversity in the Atlantic coastal white-sand woodlands. Journal of Vegetation Science. 31:634-645.

1.1. Ojaste, I.; Leito, A.; Suorsa, P.; Hedenström, A.; Sepp, K.; Leivits, M.; Sellis, U.; Väli, Ü. (2020). From northern Europe to Ethiopia: long-distance migration pattern of Common cranes (Grus grus). Ornis Fennica, 97, 12−25.

1.1. Pehme, Kaur-Mikk; Orupõld, Kaja; Kuusemets, Valdo; Tamm, Ottar; Jani, Yahya; Tamm, Toomas; Kriipsalu, Mait (2020). Field Study on the Efficiency of a Methane Degradation Layer Composed of Fine Fraction Soil from Landfill Mining. Sustainability, 12 (15), 6209.

1.1. Raud, M.; Orupõld, K.; Rocha-Meneses, L.; Rooni, V.; Träss, O.; Kikas, T (2020). Biomass Pretreatment with the Szego Mill™ for Bioethanol and Biogas Production. Processes, 8, 1327.

1.1. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; A. Ferreira, Jorge; Mushtaq, Maryam; Karimi, Sajjad; Orupõld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2020). Genetic modification of cereal plants: A strategy to enhance bioethanol yields from agricultural waste. Industrial Crops and Products, 150 (C), 112408.

1.1. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Otor, Oghenetejiri Frances; Bonturi, Nemailla; Orupõld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2020). Bioenergy Yields from Sequential Bioethanol and Biomethane Production: An Optimized Process Flow. Sustainability, 12 (1), 272.

1.1. Spyra, S.; La Rosa, D.; Zasada, I.; Sylla, M.; Shkaruba, A. (2020). Governance of ecosystem services trade-offs in peri-urban landscapes. Land Use Policy, 95, 104617.

1.1. Storie, Joanna T.; Chenault, Edith; Külvik, Mart; Bell, Simon (2020). When Peace and Quiet Is Not Enough: Place-Shaping and the Role of Leaders in Sustainability and Quality of Life in Rural Estonia and Latvia. Land, 9 (8), 259.

1.1. Storie, J.; Suškevičs, M.; Külvik, M.; Lehtoranta, V.; Vikström, S.; Riikonen, S.; Kuosa, H.; Kuhn, K.; Oinonen, S. (2020). What evidence exists for the impact of Baltic Sea ecosystems on human health and well-being? A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence.

1.1. Tammeleht, Egle; Kull, Anne; Pärna, Katri (2020). Assessing the importance of protected areas in human-dominated lowland for brown bear (Ursus arctos) winter denning. Mammal Research, 65 (1), 105−115.

1.1. Tauginienė, L.; Butkevičienė, E.; Vohland, K.; Heinisch, B.; Daskolia, M.; Suškevičs, M.; Portela, M.; Balázs, B.; Prūse, B. (2020). Citizen science in the social sciences and humanities: the power of interdisciplinarity. Palgrave Communications, 6 (89).

1.1. Veettil, Bijeesh Kozhikkodan; Ward, Raymond D.; Lima, Mariana Do Amaral Camara; Stankovic, Milica; Hoai, Pham Ngoc; Quang, Ngo Xuan (2020). Opportunities for seagrass research derived from remote sensing: A review of current methods. Ecological Indicators, 117, 106560.

1.1. Villoslada, M.; Bergamo, T. F.; Ward, R. D.; Burnside, N. G.; Joyce, C. B.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Sepp, K. (2020). Fine scale plant community assessment in coastal meadows using UAV based multispectral data. Ecological Indicators, 111, 105979.

1.1. Vinogradovs, Ivo; Villoslada, Miguel; Nikodemus, Olgerts; Ruskule, Anda; Veidemane, Kristina; Gulbinas, Justas; Morkvenas, Žymantas; Kasparinskis, Raimonds; Sepp, Kalev; Järv,Henri; Klimask, Jaak; Zariņa, Anita; Brūmelis, Guntis; Dotas, Arvydas; Kryžanauskas, Audrius  (2020). Integrating ecosystem services into decision support for management of agroecosystems: Viva Grass tool. One Ecosystem, 5 (e53504).

1.1. Ward, Raymond D. (2020). Carbon sequestration and storage in Norwegian Arctic coastal wetlands: Impacts of climate change. Science of the Total Environment, 141343.

1.1. Ward, Raymond D. (2020). Sedimentary response of Arctic coastal wetlands to sea level rise. Geomorphology, 107400.

1.2. Shkaruba, A.; Zondervan, R.; Likhacheva, O.; Skryhan, H. (2020). Addressing inertia and isolation in teaching and studying global environmental change in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Pskov region studies journal, 41 (1), 102−114.

1.2. Skar, S. L. G.; Pineda-Martos, R.; Timpe, A.; Pölling, B.; Bohn, K.; Külvik, M.; Delgado, C.; Pedras, C. M. G.; Paço, T. A.; Ćujić, M.; Tzortzakis, N.; Chrysargyris, A.; Peticila, A.; Alencikiene, G.; Monsees, H.; Junge, R. (2020). Urban agriculture as a keystone contribution towards securing sustainable and healthy development for cities in the future. Blue-green Systems, 2 (1), 1−27.


Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Poom, Age; Sepp, Kalev (2020). Loodusalade kujundamine avalikuks kasutuseks. Helen Sooväli-Sepping (Toim.). Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2019/2020: Linnastunud ühiskonna ruumilised valikud (178−189). Tallinn: SA Eesti Koostöö Kogu.

5.2. Karasov, Oleksandr; Külvik, Mart; Heremans, Stien; Domnich, Artem (2020). Using geotagged photographs and remote sensing to examine visual and recreational landscape values in Estonia. EGU General Assembly 2020. Vienna: European Geosciences Union,

5.2. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Orupõld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2020). Second-generation bioethanol production: Strategies for sidestreams valorisation. Book of Abstracts: 11th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2020: 11th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2020, Tartu, 6.05.2020. Ed. Olt, J.; Kikas, T.; Meneses, L. Tartu: Estonian University of Life Sciences, 41.


2019 (Updated: 10.04.2020)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Haase, M.; Höltje, H.; Blahy, B.; Bridge, D.; Henne, E.; Johansson, U.S.; Kaldma, K.; Khudyakova, E.A.; King, A.; Leito, A.; Mewes, W.; Mudrik, E.; Ojaste, I.; Politov, D.V.; Popken, R.; Rinne, J.; Stanbury, A.; Tofft, J.; Väli, Ü.; Schmitz Ornés, A. (2019). Shallow genetic population structure in an expanding migratory bird with high breeding site fidelity, the Eurasian Crane, Grus g. grus. Journal of Ornithology, 160, 965–972. (

1.1. Hall, Stephen J. G.; Bunce, Robert G. H. (2019). The use of cattle Bos taurus for restoring and maintaining holarctic landscapes: Conclusions from a long-term study (1946-2017) in northern England. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (10), 5859−5869.

1.1. Jongman, Rob H.G.; Mücher, Caspar A.; Bunce, Robert G.H.; Lang, Mait; Sepp, Kalev (2019). A Review of Approaches for Automated Habitat Mapping and their Potential Added Value for Biodiversity Monitoring Projects. Journal of Landscape Ecology, 12 (3), 53−69.

1.1. Karasov, O., Külvik, M., & Burdun, I. (2019). Deconstructing landscape pattern: applications of remote sensing to physiognomic landscape mapping. GeoJournal, 1-27 [First Online]

1.1. Karasov, Oleksandr; Külvik, Mart; Chervanyov, Igor; Priadka, Kostiantyn (2019). Mapping the extent of land cover colour harmony based on satellite Earth observation data. GeoJournal, 84 (4), 1057–1072.

1.1. Macura, Biljana; Suškevičs, Monika; Garside, Ruth; Hannes, Karin; Rees, Rebecca; Rodela, Romina (2019). Systematic reviews of qualitative evidence for environmental policy and management: an overview of different methodological options. Environmental Evidence, 8 (1). 10.1186/s13750-019-0168-0.

1.1. Mafi-Gholami, D., Zenner, E. K., Jaafari, A., & Ward, R. D. (2019). Modeling multi-decadal mangrove leaf area index in response to drought along the semi-arid southern coasts of Iran. Science of the Total Environment, 656, 1326-1336.

1.1. Muna, Marge; Blinova, Irina; Kahru, Anne; Vinković Vrček, Ivana; Pem, Barbara; Orupõld, Kaja; Heinlaan, Margit (2019). Combined Effects of Test Media and Dietary Algae on the Toxicity of CuO and ZnO Nanoparticles to Freshwater Microcrustaceans Daphnia magna and Heterocypris incongruens: Food for Thought. Nanomaterials, 9(1), 23.

1.1. Palang, H., Külvik, M., Printsmann, A., & Storie, J. T. (2019). Revisiting futures: integrating culture, care and time in landscapes. Landscape Ecology, 34(7), 1807–1823.

1.1. Pilving, Tarmo; Kull, Tiiu; Suškevičs, Monika; Viira, Ants-Hannes (2019). The tourism partnership life cycle in Estonia: Striving towards sustainable multisectoral rural tourism collaboration. Tourism Management Perspectives, 31, 219−230. 10.1016/j.tmp.2019.05.001

1.1. Ponomarenko, Elena; Tomson, Pille; Ershova, Ekaterina; Bakumenko, Varvara (2019). A multi-proxy analysis of sandy soils in historical slash-and-burn sites: A case study from southern Estonia. Quaternary International, 516, 160-206.

1.1. Radchuk, V.; Reed, T.; Teplitsky, C.; van de Pol, M.; Charmantier, A.; Hassall, C.; Adamík, P.; Adriaensen, F.; Ahola, M.P.; Arcese, P.; Miguel, Avilés, J.; Balbontin, J.; Berg, K.S.; Borras, A.; Burthe, S.; Clobert, J.; Dehnhard, N.; de, Lope, F.; Dhondt, A.A.; Dingemanse, N.J.; Doi, H.; Eeva, T.; Fickel, J.; Filella, I.; Fossøy, F.; Goodenough, A.E.; Hall, S.J.G.; Hansson, B.; Harris, M.; Hasselquist, D.; Hickler, T.; Joshi, J.; Kharouba, H.; Martínez, J.G.; Mihoub, J.B.; Mills, J.A.; Molina-Morales, M.; Moksnes, A.; Ozgul, A.; Parejo, D.; Pilard, P.; Poisbleau, M.; Rousset, F.; Rödel, M.O.; Scott, D.; Senar, J.C.; Stefanescu, C.; Stokke, B.G.; Kusano, T.; Tarka, M.; Tarwater, C.E.; Thonicke, K.; Thorley, J.; Wilting, A.; Tryjanowski, P.; Merilä, J.; Sheldon, B.C.; Pape Møller, A.; Matthysen, E.; Janzen, F.; Dobson, F.S.; Visser, M.E.; Beissinger, S.R.; Courtiol, A. & Kramer-Schadt, S. (2019). Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient. Nature Communications, 10(1).

1.1. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Bergamo, Thaísa Fernandes; Kikas, Timo (2019). Potential of cereal-based agricultural residues available for bioenergy production. Data in Brief, 23, 103829. 10.1016/j.dib.2019.103829.

1.1. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Ferreira, Jorge A; Bonturi, Nemailla; Orupõld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2019). Enhancing Bioenergy Yields from Sequential Bioethanol and Biomethane Production by Means of Solid–Liquid Separation of the Substrates. Energies, 12 (19),

1.1. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Ivanova, Anastasia; Atouguia, Guilherme; Ávila, Isaac; Raud, Merlin; Orupõld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2019). The effect of flue gas explosive decompression pretreatment on methane recovery from bioethanol production waste. Industrial Crops And Products, 127, 66-72.

1.1. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Raud, Merlin; Orupõld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2019). Potential of bioethanol production-waste for methane recovery. Energy, 173, 133−139. 10.1016/

1.1. Shkaruba, Anton; Skryhan, Hanna (2019). Chernobyl science and politics in Belarus: The challenges of post-normal science and political transition as a context for science–policy interfacing. Environmental Science and Policy, 92, 152−160.

1.1. Storie, J.T., Külvik, M. (2019). Transformative actions on communities and landscapes: The case of Kaldabruņa village. Landscape Research, 44(3), 337-350

1.1. Storie, Joanna T.; Uusna, Enri; Eglāja, Zane; Laur, Teele; Külvik, Mart; Suškevičs, Monika; Bell, Simon (2019). Place Attachment and Its Consequence for Landscape-Scale Management and Readiness to Participate: Social Network Complexity in the Post-Soviet Rural Context of Latvia and Estonia. Land, 8 (8), 125. 10.3390/land8080125.

1.1. Suškevičs, M. (2019). Legitimate Planning Processes or Informed Decisions? Exploring Public Officials’ Rationales for Participation in Regional Green Infrastructure Planning in Estonia. Enviromental Policy and Governance, xxx−xxx.eet.1836 [First published: 15 January 2019].

1.1. Suškevičs, M.; Eiter, S.; Martinat, S.; Stober, D.; Vollmer, E.; de Boer, C.; Buchecker, M. (2019). Regional variation in public acceptance of wind energy development in Europe: what are the roles of planning procedures and participation? Land Use Policy, 81, 311−323.

1.1. Suškevičs, M.; Hahn, T.; Rodela, R. (2019). Process and contextual factors supporting action-oriented learning: A thematic synthesis of empirical literature in natural resource management. Society & Natural Resources, 32 (7), 731−750.

1.1. Tõnisson, Hannes; Kont, Are; Orviku, Kaarel; Suursaar, Ülo; Rivis, Reimo; Palginõmm, Valdeko (2019). Application of system approach framework for coastal zone management in Parnu, SW Estonia. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 23 (5), 931−942.

1.1. Van der Sluis, Theo; Arts, Bas; Kok, Kasper; Bogers, Marion; Busck, Anne G.; Sepp, Kalev; Loupa-Ramos, Isabel; Pavlis, Vangelis; Geamana, Nicoleta; Crouzat Emilie (2019). Drivers of European landscape change: stakeholders’ perspectives through Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping. Landscape Research, 44(4), 458-476 (Published online: 09 Apr 2018).

1.1. Veettil, B. K., Ward, R. D., Quang, N. X., Trang, N. T. T., & Giang, T. H. (2019). Mangroves of Vietnam: Historical development, current state of research and future threats. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 218, 212-236

1.1. Villoslada Peciña, Miguel; Ward, Raymond D.; Bunce, Robert G.H; Sepp, Kalev; Kuusemets, Valdo; Luuk, Ott (2019). Country-scale mapping of ecosystem services provided by semi-natural grasslands. Science of the Total Environmentnvironment, 661, 212-225.

1.1. Waylen, K.; Blackstock, K.; van Hulst, F.; Damian, C.; Horváth, F.; Johnson, R.; Kanka, R.; Külvik, M.; Macleod, C.; Meissner, K.; Oprina-Pavelescu, M.; Pino, J.; Primmer, E.; Rîșnoveanu, G.; Šatalová, B.; Silander, J.; Špulerová, J.; Suškevičs, M.; Van Uytvanck, J. (2019). Data summarizing monitoring and evaluation for three European environmental policies in 9 cases across Europe. Data in Brief, 23 (103785).

1.1. Waylen, K.; Blackstock, K.; van Hulst, F.; Damian, C.; Horváth, F.; Johnson, R.; Kanka, R.; Külvik, M.; Macleod, C.; Meissner, K.; Oprina-Pavelescu, M.; Pino, J.; Primmer, E.; Rîșnoveanu, G.; Šatalová, B.; Silander, J.; Špulerová, J.; Suškevičs, M.; Van Uytvanck, J. (2019). Policy-driven monitoring and evaluation: Does it support adaptive management of socio-ecological systems? Science of the Total Environment, 662, 373−384.

1.2. Skarlatidou, A.; Suškevičs, M.; Göbel, C.; Prūse, B.; Tauginienė, L.; Mascarenhas, A.; Mazzonetto, M.; Sheppard, A.; Barrett, J.; Haklay, M.; Baruch, A.; Moraitopoulou, E-A.; Austen, K.; Baïz, I.; Berditchevskaia, A.; Berényi, E.; Hoyte, S.; Kleijssen, L.; Kragh, G.; Legris, M. ... Wyszomirski, P. (2019). The Value of Stakeholder Mapping to Enhance Co-Creation in Citizen Science Initiatives. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 4 (1), 1−24.10.5334/cstp.226.

2.3. Marek Maasikmets (2019). Determination of emission factors from anthropogenic particle sources for air emission and health impact assessment. (Doktoritöö, Eesti Maaülikool). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool. 

2.3. Kaie Metsaots (2019). Holistic development of the oil shale region as an industrial heritage, recreational, sports and tourism district. (Doktoritöö, Eesti Maaülikool). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool. 

2.3. Ivar Ojaste (2019). Breeding and migration ecology of Common Crane (Grus grus). (Doktoritöö, Eesti Maaülikool). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool. 

3.1. Roose, Antti; Raagmaa, Garri, Kliimask, Jaak (2019). The Remote Rural Pathways in Estonia — Neo-Productivism or Conservation Designated. In: Banski, Jerzy (Ed.). Three Decades of Transformation in the East-Central European Countryside (73−98). Springer. chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-21237-7_4.

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Tomson, Pille (2019). Lõuna-Eesti alemaad ja nende käekäik. Järvet, Arvo (Toim.). Eesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamat nr 44 (129−143). Eesti Geograafia Selts.

3.5. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Ivanova, Anastasia; Atouguia, Guilherme; Avila, Isaac; Raud, Merlin; Orupõld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2019). Potential of bioethanol production-waste for methane recovery (poster). New Horizons in Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, India 20-24.11.2019. New Horizons in Biotechnology,.

5.2. Heinlaan, Margit; Aruoja, Villem; Blinova, Irina; Bondarenko, Olesja; Lukjanova, Aljona; Kasemets, Kaja; Khosrovyan, Alla; Kurvet, Imbi; Pullerits, Mirjam; Sihtmäe, Mariliis; Vasiliev, Grigory; Vija, Heiki; Kahru, Anne (2019). Acute toxicity evaluation of polystyrene nanoplastics with ten different bioassays. Abstracts_Meeting_48: SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsingi, 26-30 May, 2019. SETAC, 254.

5.2. Karasov, Oleksandr; Külvik, Mart; Vieira, António; Chervanyov, Igor (2019). Relationships between scenic values and GIS-based estimations of geomorphological and land cover diversity within the National Park Peneda-Gerês (Portugal). 21: EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April 2019. European Geosciences Union,. (Geophysical Research Abstracts; EGU2019-5709).

5.2. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Ferreira, Jorge A.; Karimi, Sajjad; Orupõld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2019). Genetic modification of cereal plants: A strategy to enhance bioethanol yields from agricultural waste. Abstract Book: New Horizons in Biotechnology: New Horizons in Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, India 20-24.11.2019. Mark Offset Press, 153−154.

5.2. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Ivanova, Anastasia; Atouguia, Guilherme; Avila, Isaac; Orupõlld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2019). Potential of bioethanol sidestreams for biomethane production. Abstract Book: New Horizons in Biotechnology: New Horizons in Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, India 20-24.11.2019. Mark Offset Press, 231−232. 

5.2. Schasmin, J.; Külvik, M.; Suškevičs, M. (2019). Land cover scores-based ecosystem services supply assessment for green infrastructure planning: case of Harku rural municipality.


2018 (Updated: 27.09.2019)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Benjamin Burkhard, Joachim Maes, Marion B. Potschin-Young, Fernando Santos-Martín, Davide Geneletti, Pavel Stoev, Leena Kopperoinen, Cristian Mihai Adamescu, Blal Adem Esmail, Ildikó Arany, Andy Arnell, Mario Balzan, David N. Barton, Pieter van Beukering, Sabine Bicking, Paulo Alexandre Vieira Borges, Bilyana Borisova, Leon Braat, Luke M Brander, Svetla Bratanova-Doncheva, Steven Broekx, Claire Brown, Constantin Cazacu, Neville Crossman, Bálint Czúcz, Jan Daněk, Rudolf de Groot, Daniel Depellegrin, Panayotis Dimopoulos, Nora Elvinger, Markus Erhard, Nora Fagerholm, Jana Frélichová, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Margarita Grudova, Roy Haines-Young, Ola Inghe, Tamas Kristof Kallay, Tamara Kirin, Hermann Klug, Ioannis P Kokkoris, Iskra Konovska, Marion Kruse, Iliyana Kuzmova, Manfred Lange, Inge Liekens, Alon Lotan, Damian Lowicki, Sandra Luque, Cristina Marta-Pedroso, Andrzej Mizgajski, Laura Mononen, Sara Mulder, Felix Müller, Stoyan Nedkov, Mariana Nikolova, Hannah Östergård, Lyubomir Penev, Paulo Pereira, Kati Pitkänen, Tobias Plieninger, Sven-Erik Rabe, Steffen Reichel, Philip K. Roche, Graciela Rusch, Anda Ruskule, Anna Sapundzhieva, Kalev Sepp, Ina Maren Sieber, Mateja Šmid Hribar, Simona Stašová, Bastian Steinhoff-Knopp, Małgorzata Stępniewska, Anne Teller, David Vackar, Martine van Weelden, Kristina Veidemane, Henrik Vejre, Petteri Vihervaara, Arto Viinikka, Miguel Villoslada, Bettina Weibel, Grazia Zulian, (2018). Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in the EU - Lessons learned from the ESMERALDA approach of integration. One Ecosystem 3 (e29153).

1.1. Bunce, R.G.H.; Wood, C.M.; Smart, S.M. (2018). The Ecology of British Upland landscapes. I. Composition of landscapes, habitats, vegetation and species. Journal of Landscape Ecology, 11 (3), 120−139. PDF

1.1. Bunce, R.G.H.; Wood, C.M.; Smart, S.M. (2018). The Ecology of British Upland Landscapes. II. The influence of policy on the current character of the Uplands and the potential for change. Journal of Landscape Ecology, 11 (3), 140−154. PDF

1.1. Elser, Miriam; El-Haddad, Imad; Maasikmets, Marek; Bozzetti, Carlo; Wolf, Robert; Ciarelli, Giancarlo; Slowik, Jay G.; Richter, Rene; Teinemaa, Erik; Hüglin, Christoph; Baltensperger, Urs; Prévôt, André S.H. (2018). High contributions of vehicular emissions to ammonia in three European cities derived from mobile measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 175, 210-220.

1.1. Hall, Stephen J.G. (2018). A novel agroecosystem: Beef production in abandoned farmland as a multifunctional alternative to rewilding. Agricultural Systems, 167, 10-16.

1.1. Hogland, Marika; Āriņa, Dace; Kriipsalu, Mait; Jani, Yahya; Kaczala, Fabio; L.S Salomão, André; Orupõld, Kaja; Pehme, Kaur‑Mikk; Vita, Rudoviča; Denafas, Gintaras; Burlakovs, Juris; Vincēviča‑Gaile, Zane; Hogland, William (2018). Remarks on four novel landfill mining case studies in Estonia and Sweden. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 20 (2), 1355-1363.

1.1. Kikas, T.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Kull, A.; Sepp, K. (2018). New high nature value map of Estonian agricultural land: Application of an expert system to integrate biodiversity, landscape and land use management indicators. Ecological Indicators, 94(2), 87−98

1.1. Lihtmaa, Lauri; Hess, Daniel Baldwin; Leetmaa, Kadri (2018). Intersection of the global climate agenda with regional development: Unequal distribution of energy efficiency-based renovation subsidies for apartment buildings. Energy Policy, 119 (8), 327−338.

1.1. Mander, Ülo; Kull, Ain; Uuemaa, Evelyn; Mõisja, Kiira; Külvik, Mart; Kikas, Tambet; Raet, Janar; Tournebize, Julien; Sepp, Kalev (2018). Green and brown infrastructures support a landscape-level implementation of ecological engineering. Ecological Engineering, 120, 23−35.

1.1. Niedziałkowski, Krzysztof; Shkaruba, Anton (2018). Governance and legitimacy of the Forest Stewardship Council certification in the national contexts – A comparative study of Belarus and Poland. Forest Policy and Economics, 97, 180-188.

1.1. Orru, Hans; Pindus, Mihkel; Harro, Haldo-Rait; Maasikmets, Marek; Herodes, Koit (2018). Metallic Fumes at Indoor Military Shooting Ranges: Lead, Copper, Nickel, and Zincin Different Fractions of Airborne Particulate Matter. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics

1.1. Poska, Anneli; Väli, Vivika; Tomson, Pille; Vassiljev, Jüri; Kihno, Kersti; Alliksaar, Tiiu; Villoslada, Miguel; Saarse, Leili; Sepp, Kalev (2018). Reading past landscapes: combining modern and historical records, maps, pollen-based vegetation reconstructions, and the socioeconomic background. Landscape Ecology, 34(4), 529−546. 

1.1. Sousa-Silva, R.; Verbist, B.; Lomba, Â.; Valent, P.; Suškevičs, M.; Picard, O.; Hoogstra-Klein, M. A.; Bouriaud, L.; Cosofret, V-C.; Ponette, Q.; Verheyen, K.; Muys, B. (2018). Adapting forest management to climate change in Europe: linking perceptions to adaptive responses. Forest Policy and Economics, 90, 22−30.

1.1. Suškevičs, M.; Hahn, T.; Rodela, R.; Macura, B.; Pahl-Wostl, C. (2018). Learning for social-ecological change: A qualitative review of outcomes across empirical literature in natural resource management. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61 (7), 1085−1112.

1.1. Tomson, P.; Kaart, T.; Sepp, K. (2018). Role of 19th-century rotational slash-and-burn cultivation in the formation of boreal forest vegetation and implications for management. Forest Ecology and Management, 409, 845−862.

1.1. Takkis, Krista; Kull, Tiiu; Hallikma, Tiit; Jaksi, Piia; Kaljund, Karin; Kauer, Karin; Kull, Thea; Kurina, Olavi; Külvik, Mart; Lanno, Kaire; Leht, Malle; Liira, Jaan; Melts, Indrek; Pehlak, Hannes; Raet, Janar; Sammet, Kaarel; Sepp, Kalev; Väli, Ülo; Laanisto, Lauri (2018). Drivers of species richness and community integrity of small forest patches in an agricultural landscape. Journal of Vegetation Science, 29, 978−988.

1.1. Villoslada, Miguel; Vinogradovs, Ivo; Ruskule, Anda; Veidemane, Kristina; Nikodemus, Olgerts; Kasparinskis, Raimonds; Sepp, Kalev; Gulbinas, Justas (2018). A multitiered approach for grassland ecosystem services mapping and assessment: The Viva Grass tool. One Ecosystem, 3 (e25380).

1.1. Visnapuu, Meeri; Rosenberg, Merilin; Truska, Egle; Nõmmiste, Ergo; Šutka, Andris; Kahru, Anne; Rähn, Mihkel; Vija, Heiki; Orupõld, Kaja; Kisand, Vambola; Ivask, Angela (2018). UVA-induced antimicrobial activity of ZnO/Ag nanocomposite covered surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 169, 222−232.

1.1. Wood, C. M.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Norton, L. R.; Maskell, L. C.; Smart, S. M.; Barr, C. J. (2018). Land cover and vegetation data from an ecological survey of "key habitat" landscapes in England, 1992–1993. Earth System Science Data, 10, 899−918.

1.1. Wood, C. M.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Norton, L. R.; Maskell, L. C.; Smart, S. M.; Scott, W. A.; Henrys, P. A.; Howard, D. C.; Wright, S. M.; Brown, M. J.; Scott, R. J.; Stuart, R. C.; Watkins, J. W. (2018). Ecological landscape elements: long-term monitoring in Great Britain, the Countryside Survey 1978–2007 and beyond. Earth System Science Data, 10 (2), 745−763.

2.3. Pille Tomson (2018). Role of historical slash and burn cultivation in the development of cultural landscapes and forest vegetation in south Estonia. (Doktoritöö, Eesti Maaülikool). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

3.1. Kaasik, A.; Maasikmets, M.; (2018). Chapter 10. Microclimate and air quality in uninsulated loose-housing cowsheds in temperate climate conditions. In: Thomas Banhazi, Andres Aland, Jörg Hartung (Ed.). Air Quality and Livestock Farming (153−160). CRC Press: Taylor&Francis Group, LOndon, UK. CRC Press.

3.1. Maasikmets, M.; Teinemaa, E.; Kaasik, A.; Kimmel, V. (2018). Chapter 6. Seasonal variability of the PM and ammonia concentration in uninsulated loose-housing cowshed. In: Thomas Banhazi, Andres Aland, Jörg Hartung (Ed.). Air Quality and Livestock farming (77−86). CRC Press: Taylor&Francis Group, LOndon, UK. CRC Press.

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Buchecker, M.; Eiter, S.; Stober, D.; Suškevičs, M.; de Boer, C.; Jongejan, B. (2018). Chapter 4.3. Tool-box for effective renewable energy planning. In: Roth, M.; Eiter, S.; Röhner, S.; Kruse, A.; Schmitz, S.; Frantal, B.; Centeri, C.; Frolova, M.; Buchecker, M.; Stober, D.; Karan, I.; van der Horst, D. (Ed.). Renewable energy and landscape quality. COST Action TU1401. (200−211). Jovis Verlag GmbH: Berlin.

3.2. Stober, D.; Buchecker, M.; Jongejan, B.; Eiter, S.; Suškevičs, M.; Martinat, S.; Kuvač, I. (2018). Chapter 4.2. Participatory planning of renewable energy with a focus on best practice. In: Roth, M.; Eiter, S.; Röhner, S.; Kruse, A.; Schmitz, S.; Frantal, B.; Centeri, C.; Frolova, M.; Buchecker, M.; Stober, D.; Karan, I.; van der Horst, D. (Ed.). Renewable energy and landscape quality. COST Action TU1401. (185−199). Jovis Verlag GmbH: Berlin.

3.2. Storie, J. T.; Külvik, M. (2018). When Peace and Quiet is Not Enough: Place-Shaping and the Role of Leaders in Sustainability and Quality of Rural Life. PECSRL 2018. European Landscapes for Quality of Life? Paysages européens et qualité de la vie?: 28th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape. 3-9 September 2018, Clermont-Ferrand and Mende, France. Clermont-Ferrand and Mende: PECSRL, 189−190.

3.2. Suškevičs, M.; Buchecker, M.; Eiter, S.; Stober, D.; Kuvač, I.; Jongejan, B.; Martinat, S.; de Boer, C. (2018). Chapter 4.1. Public acceptance of renewable energy projects: A focus on wind energy. In: Roth, M.; Eiter, S.; Röhner, S.; Kruse, A.; Schmitz, S.; Frantal, B.; Centeri, C.; Frolova, M.; Buchecker, M.; Stober, D.; Karan, I.; van der Horst, D. (Ed.). Renewable energy and landscape quality. COST Action TU1401. (179−184). Jovis Verlag GmbH: Berlin.

3.2. Vollmer, E.; Suškevičs, M.; Kull, A.; Külvik, M.; Palang, H. (2018). Chapter 1, National overviews: Estonia. In: Roth, M.; Eiter, S.; Röner, S.; Kruse, A.; Schmitz, S.; Frantal, B.; Center, C.; Frolova, M.; Buchecker, M.; Stober, D.; Karan, I.; Horst van der D. (Ed.). Renewable energy and landscape quality (34−35). Berlin: Jovis Verlag GmbH: Berlin.

5.2. Kriipsalu, M.; Orupõld, K.; Pehme, K.-M.; Kuusemets, V. (2018). Integrating principles of Circular Economy into the concept of modern sanitary landfills to reduce methane emissions. Nature-based solutions: From Innovation to Common-use.. Ed. Kapanen, Galina; Krustok, Ivo; Koff, Tiiu. Tallinn University, 127.

6.2. Bulitko, Tanel-Taavi; Riisenberg, Märt; Holm, Annely; Kask, Kadri; Oru, Enre; Karisalu, Kalev; Lepplaan, Toomas; Tasa, Katrin; Tõnissoo, Vahur; Värnik, Rando; Seidla, Ene (2018). Ühistu loomise käsiraamat. Tartu :: Eesti Maaülikool.

6.3. Printsmann, A.; Kuusik, M.; Pikner, T. (2018). Mere- ja rannikukultuur: kas seljaga või näoga mere poole? Eesti Loodus, 12, 12−17.

6.3. Tammeleht, Egle; Kull, Anne; Kuuspu, Maarja; Pärna, Katri (2018). Mägra ja karu korterid: kas kindel kants ja varjupaik? Eesti Loodus, 11, 12−19.

6.6. Pressiteade (2018). Teadlased ja rannarahvas kavandavad rannikuelu tulevikku. Maa Elu. Postimees.


2017 (Updated: 01.01.2019)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Bahriny, F.; Bell, S.; Mokhtarzadeh, S. (2017). The relationship between the distribution and use patterns of parks and their spatial accessibility at the city level: A case study from Tehran, Iran. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 27, 332−342.

1.1. Farinha-Marques, Paulo; Fernandes, Cláudia; Guilherme, Filipa; Lameiras, José M.; Alves, Paulo; Bunce, Robert G. H. (2017). Urban Habitats Biodiversity Assessment (UrHBA): a standardized procedure for recording biodiversity and its spatial distribution in urban environments. Landscape Ecology, 32 (9), 1753−1770.

1.1. Grellier, J.; White, M.; Albin, M.; Bell, S.; Elliot, L.; Gascon, M.; Gualdi, S.; Mancini, L.; Niewenhuisen, M.; Sarigiannis, D.; van den Bosch, M.; Wolf, T.; Wuits, S.; Fleming, L. (2017). BlueHealth: A study programme protocol for mapping and quantifying the potential benefits to public health and well-being from Europe’s blue spaces. BMJ Open, 7 (6).

1.1. Hegetschweiler, K. T.; De Vries, S.; Arnberger, A.; Bell, S.; Brennan, M.; Siter, N.; Olafsson, A. S.; Voigt, A.; Hunziker, M. (2017). Linking demand and supply factors in identifying cultural ecosystem services of urban green infrastructures: a review of European studies. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 21, 48−59,

1.1. Herzog, F; Lüscher, G.; Arndorfer, M.; Bogers, M.; Balázs, K.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Dennis, P.; Falusi, E.; Friedel, J. K.; Geijzendorffer, I. R.; Gomiero,T.; Jeanneret, P.; Moreno, G.; Oschatz, M.-L.; Paoletti, M. G.; Sarthou,J.-P.; Stoyanova, S.; Szerencsits, E.; Wolfrum, S.; Fjellstad, W. ... Bailey, D. (2017). European farm scale habitat descriptors for the evaluation of biodiversity. Ecological Indicators, 77, 205−217.

1.1. Juganson, K.; Mortimer, M.; Ivask, A.; Pucciarelli, S.; Miceli, C.; Orupõld, K.; Kahru, A. (2017). Mechanisms of toxic action of silver nanoparticles in the protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila: from gene expression to phenotypic events. Environmental Pollution, 225, 481−489.

1.1. Kaczala, Fabio; Mehdinejad, Mohammad Hadi; Lääne, Allar; Orupõld, Kaja; Bhatnagar, Amit; Kriipsalu, Mait; Hogland, William (2017). Leaching characteristics of the fine fraction from an excavated landfill: physico-chemical characterization. J Mater Cycles Waste Manag, 19, 294−304,

1.1. Kaczala, F.; Orupõld, K.; Augustsson, A.; Burlakovs, J.; Hogland,M.; Bhatnagar, A.; Hogland, W. (2017). Fractionation of Pb and Cu in the fine fraction (<10 mm) of waste excavated from a municipal landfill. Waste Management and Research, 35 (11), 1175−1182.

1.1. Lallemand, Félix; Püttsepp, Ülle; Lang, Mait; Luud, Aarne; Courty, Pierre-Emmanuel; Palancade, Céclie; Selosse, Marc-André (2017). Mixotrophy in Pyroleae (Ericaceae) from Estonian boreal forests does not vary with light or tissue age. Annals of Botany,  120(3), 361−371.

1.1. Luna Del Risco, M. A.; Orupõld, K.; Diaz-Forero, I.; González-Palacio, M. (2017). Influence of chemical composition on the biochemical methane potential of agro-industrial substrates from Estonia. Agronomy Research, 15 (5), 1156−1170.

1.1. Lõhmus, A., Leivits, M., Pēterhofs, E., Zizas, R., Hofmanis, H., Ojaste, I., Kurlavičius, P. (2017). The Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)‒ An iconic focal species for knowledge-based integrative management and conservation of Baltic forests. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26 (1), 1−21.

1.1. Nesshöver, C.; Assmuth, T.; Irvine, K. N.; Rusch, G. M.; Waylen, K. A.; Delbaere, B.; Haase, D.; Jones-Walters, L.; Keune, H.; Kovacs, E.; Krauze, K.; Külvik, M.; Rey, F.; van Dijk, J.; Vistad, O. I.; Wilkinson, M. E.; Wittmer, H. (2017). The science, policy and practice of nature-based solutions: An interdisciplinary perspective. Science of the Total Environment, 579, 1215−1227.

1.1. Palm, Vello; Sepp, Mait; Truu Jaak; Ward, Raymond D.; Leito, Aivar (2017). The effect of atmospheric circulation on spring arrival of short- and long-distance migratory bird species in Estonia. Boreal Environment Research, 22 (1), 97−114.

1.1. Raud, Merlin; Mitt, Marion; Oja, Tõnu; Olt, Jüri; Orupõld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2017). Utilization potential of urban greening waste: Tartu case-study. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 21, 96−101.

1.1. Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Raud, Merlin; Orupõld, Kaja; Kikas, Timo (2017). Second-generation bioethanol production: A review of strategies for waste valorisation. Agronomy Research, 15 (3), 830−847.

1.1. Smart ,S.M.; Henrys, P.A.; Norton, L.R.; Wallace, H.; Wood, C.M.; Williams, B.; Bunce, R.G.H. (2017). Changes in the frequency of common plant species across linear features in Wales from 1990 to 2016: implications for potential delivery of ecosystem services. New Journal of Botany, 7(2-3), 112-124,

1.1. Storie, J. T.; Bell, S. (2017). Wildlife management conflicts in rural communities: A case study of wild boar (Sus scrofa) management in Ērgļu Novads, Latvia. Sociologia Ruralis, 57 (1), 64−86.

1.1. Villoslada, Miguel; Bunce, Robert G. H.; Sepp, Kalev; Jongman, Rob H. G.; Metzger, Marc J.; Kull, Tiiu; Raet, Janar; Kuusemets, Valdo; Kull, Ain; Leito, Aivar (2017). A framework for habitat monitoring and climate change modelling: construction and validation of the Environmental Stratification of Estonia. Regional Environmental Change, 17, 335−349 (First Online: 05 July 2016), 

1.1. Wood, Claire M.; Smart, Simon M.; Bunce, Robert G. H.; Norton, Lisa R.; Maskell, Lindsay C.; Howard, David C.; Scott, W. Andrew; Henrys, Peter A. (2017). Long-term vegetation monitoring in Great Britain – the Countryside Survey 1978–2007 and beyond. Earth System Science Data, 9 (2), 445−459.

1.2. Karasov, Oleksandr (2017). Colour harmony of land cover as intangible environmental resource (Vooremaa landscape protection area, Estonia). VISNYK OF V N KARAZIN KHARKIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY-SERIES GEOLOGY GEOGRAPHY ECOLOGY, 46, 80−85.

1.2. Liivamägi, A.; Tarlap, P. (2017). Records of the mountain cicada Cicadetta montana (Scopoli, 1772) (Hemiptera, Cicadidae) from Estonia. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 64 (1), 5−9.

2.3. Nutt Nele (2017). The Perceivable Landscape a Theoretical-Methodological Approach to Landscape. (Doktoritöö, Eesti Maaülikool). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool. 10.15159/emu.10

2.5. Simeonova,V.; Bouwma,I.; van der Grift, E.; Sunyer, C.; Manteiga, L.; Külvik, M.; Suškevičs, M.; Dimitrov, S.; Dimitrova, A. (2017). Natura 2000 and Spatial Planning. Final report for the European Commission (DG ENV) (Project 07.0202/2015/716477/ETU/ENV. B.3).

3.1. Jongman, R. H. G.; Skidmore, A. K.; Mücher, C. A.; Bunce, R. G.; Metzger, M. J. (2017). Global Terrestrial Ecosystem Observations: Why, Where, What and How? In: Walters, Michele; Scholes, Robert J. (Ed.). The GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Observation Networks (19−38). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

3.1. Külvik, M.; Kliimask, J.; Niin, G.; Vassiljev, P.; Villoslada Pecina, M.; Hansson, K. (2017). Landscape scenarios for Saaremaa island: making heritage operational. In: Pungetti, G. (Ed.). Island Landscapes: An Expression of European Culture (x). Abingdon, New York: Routledge.

3.1. Terkenli, T. S.; Bell, S.; Živojinović, I.; Tomićević-Dubljević, J.; Panagopoulos, T.; Straupe, I.; Toskovic, O.; Kristianova, K.; Straigyte, L.; O’Brien, L. (2017). Recreational Use of Urban Green Infrastructure: The Tourist’s Perspective. In: Pearlmutter, D., Calfapietra, C., Samson, R., O’Brien, L., Krajter Ostoić, S., Sanesi, G. and Alonso del Amo, R. (Ed.). The Urban Forest: Cultivating Green Infrastructure for People and the Environment (191−216). Berlin: Springer Verlag.

3.1. Vieira, António; Bento-Gonçalves, António; Karasov, Oleksandr; Burdun, Iuliia; Uacane, Mário; Ombe, Zacarias (2017). The Recurrence of Forest Fires in the Gorongosa National Park (Mozambique). In: António José Bento Gonçalves, António Avelino Batista Vieira, Maria Rosário Melo Costa, and José Tadeu Marques (Ed.). Wildfires: Perspectives, Issues and Challenges of the 21st Century. Nova Publishers. (Natural Disaster Research, Prediction and Mitigation).

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Joanna Tamar Storie (2017). Understanding the Latvian and Estonian context using psychosocial perspectives. In: R. Robinson, C. Foulds, & R. Lertzman (Ed.). Behaviour Change from the Inside Out : applications of psychosocial ideas (51−55). Cambridge: Global Sustainability Institute.

3.2. Jongman, R.H.G.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Xu H. (2017). In-situ data: definitions and approaches. In: GOFC-GOLD & GEO BON (Ed.). A Sourcebook of Methods and Procedures for Monitoring Essential Biodiversity Variables in Tropical Forests with Remote Sensing (121−131). Wageningen University, The Netherlands: GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Project Office.

3.2. Poska, Anneli; Väli, Vivika; Kama, Pikne; Tomson, Pille; Jüri, Vassiljev; Kihno, Kersti. (2017). Karula kõrgustiku taimkatte ning inimasustuse pärastjääaegne areng. Järvet, A. (Toim.). Eesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamat (25−43). Tallinn: Vali Press OÜ.

3.4. Bloss, M.; Mylläri, F.; Aurela, M.; Maasikmets, M.; Kupri, H-L.; Vainumäe, K.; Simonen, P.; Salo, L.; Niemelä, V.; Rönkkö, T.; Timonen, H. (2017). Chemical composition of emissions originating from biomass and municipal solid waste burning in a masonry heater. European Aerosol Conference 2017: European Aerosol Conference 2017, 27.08-01.09.17

3.4. Kupri, Hanna-Lii; Maasikmets, Marek; Rebane, Riin; Vainumäe, Keio; Titova, Riina; Teinemaa, Erik; Voronova, Viktoria (2017). Emissions from wood and catalytic tar removal combustion in household stoves. European Aerosol Conference 2017: European Aerosol Conference 2017, 27.08-01.09.17.

3.4. Menert, A.; Kulli, S.S.; Korb, T.; Orupõld, K.; Teemusk, A.; Kivisaar, M. (2017). Nature-based solutions for valorization of Estonian black shale. Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-use. e-Book of Abstracts.: Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-use, Tallinn, 24-26 October 2017. Tallinn University: Estonian Ministry of Environment, 90−90.

5.2. Bunce, R.G.H. (2017). The Story of IALE UK – a personal view. 25 Years of Landscape Ecology: 25 Years of Landscape Ecology, Manchester, United Kingdom, 27-29 June 2017. Manchester: ialeUK, 4−4.

5.2. Bunce, R.G.H.; Sepp, K.; Kikas, K.; Wood, C.M. (2017). A comparison between lowland arable landscapes in Great Britain with those in a Baltic State, Estonia. 25 Years of Landscape Ecology: 25 Years of Landscape Ecology, Manchester, United Kingdom, 27-29 June 2017. Manchester: ialeUK, 37−37.

5.2. Herzog, F.; Lüscher, G.; Arndorfer, M.; Bogers, M.; Balázs, K.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Dennis, P.; Falusi, E.; Friedel, J.K.; Geijzendorffer, I.R.; Gomieroi, T.; Jeanneret, P.; Moreno, G.; Oschatz, M.-L.; Paoletti, M.G.; Sarthou, J.-P.; Stoyanova, S.; Szerencsits, E.; Wolfrum, S.; Fjellstad, W. ... Bailey, D. (2017). … and what about the farm scale? IALE 2017 European landscape ecology congress - From pattern and process to people and action, Ghent, Belgium, 12-15 September 2017. IALE-Europe,.

5.2. Juganson, Katre; Mortimer, Monika; Ivask, Angela; Pucciarelli, Sandra; Miceli, Cristina; Orupõld, Kaja; Kahru, Anne (2017). Ag-ions play the main role in silver nanoparticles toxicity in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila.

5.2. Kikas, T.; Kull, A.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Sepp, K. (2017). The application of the High Nature Value concept in Estonia in the production of a new map of farmland as a basis for national policy formulation. IALE 2017 European landscape ecology congress - From pattern and process to people and action, Ghent, Belgium, 12-15 September 2017. IALE-Europe,.

5.2. Kriipsalu, Mait; Orupõld, Kaja; Pehme, Kaur-Mikk; Kuusemets, Valdo (2017). Integrating principles on Circular Economy into the concept of modern sanitary landfills to reduce methane emissions. Nature-Based Solutions. From Innovation To Common-Use: Nature-Based Solutions Tallinn, 24-26 October 2017. Estonian Ministry of Environment, 45.

5.2. Kriipsalu, Mait; Pehme, Kaur-Mikk; Orupõld, Kaja (2017). Landfill mining as a tool for covering dumpsites with methane degradation layer. Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Climate Change - Palestine ICCP 2017: The 1st International Conference on Climate Change - Palestine ICCP 2017; 8-9 May 2017; Albireh, Palestine,. Palestine: Palestine Engineers Association, 81−92.

5.2. Ott, Ingmar; Laarmaa, Ronald; Saar, Katrin; Mishra, Himansu Sekhar; Külvik, Mart; Vassiljev, Peeter; Balicka, Jekaterina; Kuhlmann, Friedrich; Niin, Gloria; Bell, Simon (2017). Designing of methods for sustainable functioning of Blue-space areas in Europe. NBS2017: Nature-based solutions - From innovation to common-use; 24-26.10.2017; Tallinn. Tallinn: Tallinn University, 107.

5.2. Pungar, D.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Sepp, K.; Villoslada, M.; Raet, J. (2017). A comparison between the structure and composition of the principal linear features in Estonia and Arable Landscapes in Britain and Estonia. 25 Years of Landscape Ecology: 25 Years of Landscape Ecology, Manchester, United Kingdom, 27-29 June 2017. Manchester: ialeUK, 28−28.

5.2. Pungar, D.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Villoslada, M.; Sepp, K.; Raet, J. (2017). Composition and structure of linear and areal habitats in Estonia and their potential for expansion of species under scenarios of climate change. IALE 2017 European landscape ecology congress - From pattern and process to people and action, Ghent, Belgium, 12-15 September 2017. IALE-Europe.

5.2. Sepp, K. (2017). The Development of Landscape Ecology in Eastern Europe. 25 Years of Landscape Ecology: 25 Years of Landscape Ecology, Manchester, United Kingdom, 27-29 June 2017. Manchester: ialeUK, 7−7.

5.2. Tomson, P.; Sepp K.; Kaart, T. (2017). Using 19th century land use maps to study forest vegetation of former rotational slash and burn sites. IALE 2017 European landscape ecology congress - From pattern and process to people and action, Ghent, Belgium, 12-15 September 2017. IALE-Europe.

5.2. Villoslada, M.; Sepp, K.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Ward, R. D.; Raet, J. (2017). Assessment of ecosystem services provided by semi-natural grasslands as a basis for promoting conservation measures. Proceedings of IALE 2017: IALE 2017 European Landscape Ecology Congress - From pattern and process to people and action, Ghent, Belgium, 12-15 September 2017. IALE-Europe.

5.2. Villoslada, M.; Vinogradovs, I.; Gulbinas, J.; Morkvenas, Z.; Ruskule, A.; Veidemane, K.; Kuris, M.; Remmelgas, L.; Sepp, K. (2017). Viva Grass experience: mapping and identifying grassland ES. LIFE platform meeting on ecosystem services - Costing the Earth?, Estonia, Tallinn, 10-12 May 2017. Baltic Environmental Forum,.

5.2. Villoslada, M.; Ward, R. D.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Sepp, K. (2017). Assessment of ecosystem services provided by semi-natural grasslands as a basis for promoting conservation measures. ESP 9 Conference Proceedings: Ecosystem Services Partnership – 9th World Congress, Shenzhen, China, 11 – 15/12/2017. Ecosystem Services Partnership,.

5.2. Vollmer, E.; Bunce, R.G.H,; Raet, J.; Sepp, K. (2017). Biodiversity in rural gardens in Estonia. IALE 2017 European landscape ecology congress - From pattern and process to people and action, Ghent, Belgium, 12-15 September 2017. IALE-Europe.

5.2. Wood, C.M.; Bunce, R.G.H. (2017). Characterising the Upland Landscapes of Great Britain. 25 Years of Landscape Ecology: 25 Years of Landscape Ecology, Manchester, United Kingdom, 27-29 June 2017. Manchester: ialeUK, 16−17.

6.3. Liivamägi, Ave; Tarlap, Peeter (2017). Kaks kevadist kägukärbest. Eesti Loodus, 5, 32−33.

6.3. Liivamägi, Ave; Tarlap, Peeter (2017). Rännuhimulised sirelased. Eesti Loodus, 8, 29−31.


2016 (Updated: 21.01.2017)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Bela, G.; Peltola, T.; Young, J.C.; Balázs, B.; Arpin, I. Pataki, G.; Hauck, J.; Kelemen, E.; Kopperoinen, L.; Van Herzele, A.; Keune, H.; Hecker, S.; Suškevičs, M.; Roy, H.E.; Itkonen, P.; Külvik, M.; László, M.; Basnou, C.; Pino, J.; Bonn, A. (2016). Learning and the transformative potential of citizen science. Conservation Biology, 30 (5), 990−999.

1.1. Burlakovs, J.; Kaczala, F.; Vincevica-Gaile, Z; Rudovica, V; Orupõld, K.; Stapkevica, M; Bhatnagar, A.; Kriipsalu, M.; Hogland, M.; Klavins, M.; Hogland, W. (2016). Mobility of Metals and Valorization of Sorted Fine Fraction of Waste After Landfill Excavation. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 7 (3), 593−602,

1.1. Geijzendorffer, I. R.; Targetti, S.; Schneider, M. K.; Dick J. Brus, D. J.; Jeanneret, P.; Jongman, R. H. G.; Knotters, M.; Viaggi, D.; Angelova, S.; Arndorfer, M.; Bailey, D.; Balázs, K.; Báldi, A.; Bogers, M. M. B.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Choisis, J-P.; Dennis; P.; Eiter, S.; Fjellstad ... Herzog, F. (2016). How much would it cost to monitor farmland biodiversity in Europe? Journal of Applied Ecology, 53 (1), 140−149.

1.1. Elser, Miriam; Bozzetti, Carlo; El-Haddad, Imad; Maasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Richter, Rene; Wolf, Robert; Slowik1, Jay; Baltensperger, Urs; Prévôt, Andre (2016). Urban increments of gaseous and aerosol pollutants and their sources using mobile aerosol mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1−36,

1.1. Järv, Henri; Kliimask, Jaak; Ward, Raymond; Sepp, Kalev (2016). Socioeconomic impacts of protection status on residents of national parks. European Countryside, 8 (2), 67−85

1.1. Kull, Tiiu; Selgis, Ulvi; Villoslada Peciña, Miguel; Metsare, Mirjam; Ilves, Aigi; Tali, Kadri; Sepp, Kalev; Kull, Kalevi; Shefferson, Richard P. (2016). Factors influencing IUCN threat levels to orchids across Europe on the basis of national red lists. Ecology and Evolution, 6, 1−21.

1.1. Leito, Aivar; Leivits, Meelis; Leivits, Agu; Raet, Janar; Ward, Raymond; Ott, Ingmar; Tullus, Hardi; Rosenvald, Raul; Kimmel, Kai; Sepp, Kalev (2016). Black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus L.) – a keystone species in the lake bird community in primary forest-mire-lake ecosystem. Baltic Forestry 22(1), 34−45,[1]/e-Baltic%20Forestry%202016.1_34-45%20psl.pdf

1.1. Lüscher, G.; Ammari, Y.; Andriets, A.; Angelova, S.; Arndorfer, M.; Bailey, D.; Balázs, K.; Bogers, M.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Choisis, J.-P.; Dennis, P.; Díaz, M.; Dyman, T.; Eiter, S.; Fjellstad, W.; Fraser, M.; Friedel, J.K.; Garchi, S.; Geijzendorffer, I.R.; Gomiero, T. ... Zanetti, T. (2016). Farmland biodiversity and agricultural management on 237 farms in 13 European and two African regions. Ecology, 97 (6), 1625−1625.

1.1. Maasikmets, M.; Kupri, H.-L.; Teinemaa, E.; Vainumäe, K.; Arumäe, T.; Roots, O.; Kimmel, V. (2016). Emissions from burning municipal solid waste and wood in domestic heaters. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 7 (3), 438−446,

1.1. Orru, Kati; Orru, Hans; Maasikmets, Marek; Hendrikson, Reigo; Ainsaar, Mare (2016). Wellbeing and environmental quality: does pollution affect life satisfaction? Quality of Life Research, 25 (3), 699−705,

1.1. Pindus, Mihkel; Orru, Hans; Maasikmets, Marek; Kaasik, Marko; Jõgi, Rain (2016). Association between health symptoms and particulate matter from traffic and residential heating − results from RHINE III in Tartu. The Open Respiratory Medicine Journal, 10, 58−69.

1.1. Shefferson, R.P.; Roy, M.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Selosse M.-A. (2016). Demographic shifts related to mycoheterotrophy and their fitness impacts in two Cephalanthera species. Ecology, 97 (6), 1452−1462,

1.1. Tammepuu, Ants; Kaart, Tanel; Sepp, Kalev (2016). Emergency preparedness and response in ISO 14001 enterprises: an Estonian case study. International Journal of Emergency Management, 12 (1), 55−69,

1.1. Vanguelova, E. I.; Bonifacio, E.; De Vos, B.; Hoosbeek, M. R.; Berger, T. W.; Vesterdal, L.; Armolaitis, K.; Celi, L.; Dinca, L.; Kjønaas, O. J.; Pavlenda, P.; Pumpanen, J.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Reidy, B.; Simončič, P.; Tobin, B.; Zhiyanski, M. (2016). Sources of errors and uncertainties in the assessment of forest soil carbon stocks at different scales — review and recommendations. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188 (11), 630:1−24.

1.1. Ward, R.D.; Burnside, N.G.; Joyce, C.B.; Sepp, K. (2016). Importance of Microtopography in Determining Plant Community Distribution in Baltic Coastal Wetlands. Journal of Coastal Research, 32(5), 1062-1070,

1.1. Ward, R. D.; Burnside, N. G.; Joyce, C. B.; Sepp, K.; Teasdale, P. A. (2016). Improved modelling of the impacts of sea level rise on coastal wetlands plant communities. Hydrobiologia, 774 (1), 203−216,

1.1. Wood, C. M.; Bunce, R. (2016). Ecological survey of the native pinewoods of Scotland 1971. Earth System Science Data, 8 (1), 177−189.

1.1. Wood, C. M.; Bunce, R. G. H. (2016). Survey of the terrestrial habitats and vegetation of Shetland, 1974 - A framework for long-term ecological monitoring. Earth System Science Data, 8 (1), 89−103.

1.1. Zigmunde, D., Ņitavska, Kristīne, N., Vugule, Storie j., Katlapa A., Kalniņa A., Mengots A. (2016). Landscape Cognition. Landscape Architecture and Art : Scientific Journal of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 8 (8), 31−42.

1.2. Geijzendorffer, I. R.; Targetti, S.; Schneider, M. K.; Dick J. Brus, D. J.; Jeanneret, P.; Jongman, R. H. G.; Knotters, M.; Viaggi, D.; Angelova, S.; Arndorfer, M.; Bailey, D.; Balázs, K.; Báldi, A.; Bogers, M. M. B.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Choisis, J-P.; Dennis; P.; Eiter, S.; Fjellstad ... Herzog, F. (2016). How much would it cost to monitor farmland biodiversity in Europe? Journal of Applied Ecology, 53 (1), 140−149 [ilmumas].

1.2. Liivamägi, Ave; Tarlap, Peeter (2016).  The assassin bug Pygolampis bidentata Goeze, 1778 (Heteroptera, Reduviidae) in Estonia. Sahlbergia, 22 (2), 12−14.

1.2. Ward, Raymond D.; Friess, Daniel A.; Day, Richard H.; MacKenzie, Richard A. (2016). Impacts of Climate Change on Global Mangrove Ecosystems: A Regional Comparison. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2 (4), 1−25,

1.3. Parts, Priit-Kalev; Sepp, Kalev (2016). Ettepanekuid kultuuripärandi ja kultuurmaastiku korralduseks. Riigikogu Toimetised, 34/2016, 89−98.

2.3. Kadri Maikov (2016). Exploring the salutogenic properties of the landscape: from garden to forest. (Doktoritöö, Eesti Maaülikool). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

2.5. Külvik, M.; Palo, K.; Puura, I. (koostajad) (2016). Setomaa 1. Loodus. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

3.1. Bell, S. (2016). Adjusting to Renewable Energy in a Crowded Europe. In: Apostol, D., Palmer, J., Pasqualetti, M., Smardon, R and Sullivan, R. (_EditorsAbbr). The Renewable Energy Landscape Preserving Scenic Values in our Sustainable Future (78−108). Abingdon: Routledge.

3.1. Bell, S. (2016). Introduction. In: Bell, S.; Fox-Kämper, R.; Keshavarz, N.; Benson, M.; Caputo, S.; Noori, S.; Voigt, A. (Ed.). Urban Allotment Gardens in Europe (1−8). Abingdon: Routledge Taylor & Francis Ltd.

3.1. Bell, S.; Keshavarz, N. (2016). A History of Urban Gardens in Europe. In: Bell, S., Fox-Kämper, R., Keshavarz, N., Noori, S., Benson, M., Voigt, A., Caputo, S. (Ed.). Urban Allotment Gardens in Europe (8−33). Abingdon: Routledge Taylor & Francis Ltd.

3.1. van den Brink, A., Bruns, D., Tobi, H. and Bell, S. (2016). Advancing Landscape Architecture Research. In: van den Brink, A., Bruns, D., Tobi, H. and Bell, S. (_EditorsAbbr). Research in Landscape Architecture Methods and Methodology (11−24). Abingdon: Routledge.

3.1. van den Brink, A.; Bruns, D.; Bell, S.; Tobi, H. (2016). Introduction. In: van den Brink, A., Bruns, D.,Tobi, H. and Bell, S.. (_EditorsAbbr). Research in Landscape Architecture Methods and Methodology (1−9). Routledge.3.1.

3.1. van den Brink, A.; Bruns, D.; Tobi, H.; Bell, S. (2016). Research in Landscape Architecture. Methods and Methodology. Routledge.

3.1. Tomson, P.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Sepp, K. (2016). Historical Development of Forest Patterns in Former Slash and Burn Sites in Southern Estonia. In: Angoletti, M.; Emanueli, F. (Ed.). Biocultural Diversity in Europe (303−318). Switzerland: Springer. (Environmental History; 5).

3.1. Voigt, A.; Leitão, T. E.; Béchet, B.; Christ, Y.; Heller, A.; Hursthouse, A.; Jokinen, A.; Külvik, M.; Langemeyer, J.; Latkowska, M.; Brito da Luz, P. (2016). Lessons Learned towards Ecologically Sustainable Allotment Gardens. In: Bell, S.; Fox-Kämper, R.; Keshavarz, N.; Drilling, M.; Benson, M.; Voigt, A.; Caputo, S. (Ed.). Urban Allotment Gardens in Europe (165−198). Routledge.

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Külvik, M. (2016). Saateks. Külvik, M.; Palo, K.; Puura, I. (Koost.) (Toim.). Setomaa 1. Loodus (9−16). Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

3.2. Storie, Joanna Tamar; Bell, Simon (2016). Putting people first! Exploring how to improve public participation in planning: Case studies from Latvia and Estonia. Bridging the gap. Proceedings of the ECLAS conference: Bridging the Gap: ECLAS Conference 2016, Rapperswil, Switzerland, 11th - 14th September 2016. _EditorsAbbr P. Bauer, M. Collender, M. Jakob, L. K. Bonnelame, P. Petschek, D. Siegrist, & C. Tschumi . HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil: HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, 371−373.

3.2. Tohva, L.; Valk, T.; Külvik, M. (2016). Loodusturism. Külvik, M.; Palo, K.; Puura, I. (Koost.) (Toim.). Setomaa 1. Loodus (440−447). Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

3.5. Meriste, Mats; Sepp, Kalev; Tomson, Pille; Vain, Ants (2016). Aerolaserskaneerimise (ALS) andmestiku kasutamisvõimalustest Lahemaa ja Karula rahvuspargi kultuurmaastike uurimisel. Kaugseire Eestis 2016 (67−82). Tartu Observatoorium.

3.5. Reinart, Anu; Vain, Ants (2016). Copernicus - Euroopa jälgib Maad. Kaugseire Eestis 2016 (7−15). Tartu Observatoorium.

4.1. Bell, S.; Fox-Kämper, R.; Keshavarz, N.; Noori, S.; Benson, M.; Voigt, A.; Caputo, S. (Toim.) (2016). Urban Allotment Gardens in Europe. Abingdon: Routledge Taylor & Francis Ltd.

5.2. Heinsoo, Merilin; Pehme, Kaur-Mikk; Orupõld, Kaja; Kuusemets, Valdo; Tamm, Ottar; Kriipsalu, Mait (2016). Methane emissions in previously excavated Kudjape landfill. 10th International Conference on Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region, and the World. Book of Abstracts. Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2016: 10th Linnaeus Eco-Tech 2016 conference, Kalmar, 21 – 23 November 2016. Ed. Alriksson, Stina; Lundström, Jelena; Hogland, William. Sweden: Linnaeus University, 243.

5.2. Kupri, H.-L.; Maasikmets, M.; Teinemaa, E.; Vainumäe, K.; Arumäe, T. (2016). Waste burning aerosol identification in residential wood combustion area. Scientific Research Abstracts, 5: II International Conference on Atmospheric Dust . Ed. S. Fiore. Italy: Digilabs, 101.

5.2. Reintam, E.; Vennik, K.; Kukk, L.; Krebstein, K.; Raet, J. (2016). Soil trafficability mapping in Estonia. Abstract Book: EUROSOIL 2016, Istablul, Turkey, 16-21 October, 2016. Istanbul: Soil Science Society of Turkey, 51−51.

5.2. Storie, Joanna Tamar; Külvik, Mart (2016). Transformative actions on communities and landscapes: The case of Kaldabruņa village, Latvia. PECSRL 2016: Mountains, uplands, lowlands. European landscapes from an altitudinal perspective: 27th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape. In Innsbruck and Seefeld, Austria. 5–11 September 2016. Ed. O. Bender, J.Baumgartner, K. Heinrich, H. Humer-Gruber, B. Scott & T. Töpfer. Innsbruck: The Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research (IGF), 149−150.

5.2. Suškevičs, M.; Freiberg, R.; Kangur, K.; Kriiska, K.; Kruus, E.; Melts, I.; Peterson, K.; Poltimäe, H.; Pärnoja, M.; Randveer, T.; Salm, J.-O.; Sudakova, L.; Tullus, H.; Drenkhan, R.; Evans, R.; Hanso, M.; Jäärats, A.; Kaasik, A.; Kalamees, R.; Kaljund, K. ... Vetemaa, M. (2016). Adapting to a Changing Climate: Natural Environment and Bioeconomy. EcoBalt 2016: Book of Abstracts. Tartu, Estonia, October 9 - 12, 2016: EcoBalt 2016 Tartu, Estonia, October 9 - 12, 2016. Ed. Leito, I. et al. Tartu: Tartu Ülikool, 16−16.

5.2. Suškevičs, M.; Hahn, T.; Rodela, R.; Macura, B.; Pahl-Wostl, C. (2016). Learning in support of social-ecological change: A review of 52 case studies in natural resources management. Book of Abstracts: International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Wuppertal, Germany. 6-9.09.2016. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institute, 4−4.

5.2. Suškevičs, M.; Hahn, T.; Rodela,R.; Macura, B.; Pahl-Wostl, C. (2016). Learning in support of social-ecological change: methodological challenges of a qualitative synthesis. 24−24.

5.2. Villoslada, M.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Sepp, K. (2016). A functional framework design for ecosystem service mapping and assessment in Estonia. Proceedings of PALE 2016: Ecosystem Services - Landscape Ecology Integrative Role; Łochów, Poland; 22 – 24/06/2016. Ed. Polish Association of Landscape Ecology. Polish Association of Landscape Ecology,.

6.3. Kuusemets, V.; Kask, K.; Liivamägi, A.; Luig, J. (2016). Mustlaik-apollo elupaik ja levik Eestis. Eesti Loodus, 5, 18−19.

6.3. Liivamägi, Ave; Tarlap, Peeter (2016). Iseäralik kojuslutikas. Eesti Loodus, 5, 72−73.

6.3. Liivamägi, Ave; Tarlap, Peeter (2016). Tontlased, soiste ja liivaste alade asukad. Eesti Loodus, 8, 68−70.

6.3. Sepp, Mait; Palm, Vello; Leito, Aivar (2016). Lindude rändefenoloogia kajastab kliimamuutusi. Eesti Loodus, 4, 10−16.

6.8. Külvik, M. (2016). Saateks. Külvik, M.; Palo, K.; Puura, I. (Koost.) (Toim.). Setomaa 1. Loodus (9−16). Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum.


2015 (Updated: 21.01.2018)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Burlakovs, Juris; Kaczala, Fabio; Orupõld, Kaja; Bhatnagar, Amit; Vincevica-Gaile, Zane; Rudovica, Vita; Kriipsalu, Mait; Hogland, Marika; Stapkevica, Mara; Hogland, William; Klavins, Maris (2015). Field-portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry as rapid measurement tool for landfill mining operations: comparison of field data vs. laboratory analysis. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 95 (7), 609−617.

1.1. Kaczala, Fabio; Mehdinejad, Mohammad Hadi; Lääne, Allar; Orupõld, Kaja; Bhatnagar, Amit; Kriipsalu, Mait; Hogland, William (2015). Leaching characteristics of the fine fraction from an excavated landfill: physico-chemical characterization. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 600.

1.1. Kikas, Tambet; Bunce, Robert Gerald Henry; Kull, Ain; Sepp, Kalev (2015). A review of the application of the high nature value concept in Estonia within the context of the European Union. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 11 (2), 143−157.

1.1. Kliimask, J., Parts, P-K., Järv, H., Sepp, K. and Ward, R. (2015) Endangered settlements and protected areas in Estonia: the challenge of maintaining cultural landscapes, Int. J. Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, Vol. 11, Nos. 3/4, pp.346–368.

1.1. Lang, Mait; Vain, Ants; Bunce, Robert Gerlad Henry; Jongman, Rob; Raet, Janar; Sepp, Kalev; Kuusemets, Valdo; Kikas, Tambet; Liba, Natalia (2015). Extrapolation of in situ data from 1-km squares to adjacent squares using remote sensed imagery and airborne lidar data for the assessment of habitat diversity and extent. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, xxx - xxx. (accepted, published online,

1.1. Leito, A.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Külvik, M.; Ojaste, I.; Raet, J.; Villoslada, M.; Leivits, M.; Kull, A.; Sepp, K.; Kuusemets, V.; Kull, T.; Metzger, M. J; Sepp, K. (2015). The potential impacts of changes in ecological networks, land use and climate on the Eurasian crane population in Estonia. Landscape Ecology, 30(5), 887 - 904.

1.1. Maasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Kaasik, Allan; Kimmel, Veljo (2015). Measurement and analysis of ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and odour emissions from the cattle farming in Estonia. Biosystems Engineering, 139, 48−59.

1.1. Metsaots, K.; Printsmann, A.; Sepp, K. (2015). Public opinions on oil shale mining heritage and its tourism potential. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 15(4), 380 - 399.

1.1. Metsaots, K.; Printsmann, A.; Kaart, T.; Sepp, K. (2015). What hinders and what facilitates good living in the oil shale mining region? Oil Shale, 32(4),  373 - 392.

1.1. Norouzian-Maleki, S.; Bell, S.; Hosseini, S-B.; Faizi, M. (2015). Developing and testing a framework for the assessment of neighbourhood liveability in two contrasting countries: Iran and Estonia. Ecological Indicators, 48(January), 263 - 271.

1.1. Olesk, Aire; Voormansik, Kaupo; Vain, Ants; Noorma, Mart; Praks, Jaan (2015). Seasonal Differences in Forest Height Estimation From Interferometric TanDEM-X Coherence Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, 99, 1−8,

1.1 Orru, Kati; Orru, Hans; Maasikmets, Marek; Hendrikson, Reigo; Ainsaar, Mare (2015). Wellbeing and environmental quality: does pollution affect life satisfaction? Quality of Life Research, x−x (accepted, published online,

1.1. Tomson, Pille; Bunce, Robert Gerald Henry; Sepp, Kalev (2015). The role of slash and burn cultivation in the formation of southern Estonian landscapes and implications for nature conservation. Landscape and Urban Planning, 137(May), 54 - 63.

1.1. Wood, C. M.; Smart, S. M.; Bunce, R. G. H. (2015). Woodland survey of Great Britain 1971–2001. Earth System Science Data, 7, 203−214.

1.2. Liivamägi, Ave; Tarlap, Peeter (2015). Chlamydatus drymophilus Vinokurov, 1982 (Hemiptera, Miridae), a species new to the Estonian fauna. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 62, 9−11.

1.2. Nõmmela, Mari (2015). Die baltische Künstlerin Eva Limberg - anlässlich der Gedenkausstellung Tartu / Dorpat 2014. Michael Garleff. Deutsch-Baltisches Jahrbuch : Jahrbuch des baltischen Deutschtums. (48). Lüneburg: Carl Schirren Gesellschaft.

1.2. Tillemann, K.; Suškevičs, M.; Külvik, M. (2015). Ecological network as a multi-level spatial planning tool for biodiversity conservation: an analysis of Estonian case study. Tiltai, 1, 83−98.

1.3. Tilgar, V.; Ojaste, I.; Saag, P. (2015). Metsise (Tetrao urogallus) stressitase seoses sõjaliste harjutustega. Hirundo, 1, 1−9.

2.3. Kask, Kadri (2015). Distribution and habitat preferences of Clouded Apollo butterfly [Parnassius mnemosyne (L.)] in Estonia (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

2.3. Parts, Priit-Kalev (2015). Sustainable community management in Estonia: reflections on heritage projects on Kihnu Island, in Viljandi County, and in various protected areas (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

2.5. Marques, P. F.; Fernandes, C.; Guilherme, F.; Lameiras, J. M.; Alves, P.; Bunce, R. (2015). Morphology and Biodiversity in the Urban Green Spaces of the city of Porto. Book II - Habitat Mapping and Characterization. CIBIO.

2.5. Poltimäe, H.; Suškevičs, M.; Freiberg, R.; Kangur, K.; Kriiska, K.; Kruus, E.; Melts, I.; Peterson, K.; Pärnoja, M.; Randveer, T.; Salm, J.-O.; Sudakova, L.; Tullus, H.; Drenkhan, R.; Evans, R.; Hanso, M.; Jäärats, A.; Kaasik, A.; Kalamees, R.; Kaljund, K. ... Vetemaa, M. (2015). Ettepanek Eesti riikliku kliimamuutustega kohanemise strateegia 2017-2030 rakendusplaani koostamiseks: looduskeskkonna ja biomajanduse valdkonnad. Projekt BioClim.

2.5. Suškevičs, M. (koost.); Freiberg, R.; Kangur, K.; Kriiska, K.; Kruus, E.; Melts, I.; Peterson, K.; Poltimäe, H.; Pärnoja, M.; Randveer, T.; Salm, J.-O.; Sudakova, L.; Tullus, H.; Drenkhan, R.; Evans, R.; Hanso, M.; Jäärats, A.; Kaasik, A.; Kalamees, R.; Kaljund, K. ... Vetemaa, M. (2015). Ettepanek Eesti riikliku kliimamuutustega kohanemise strateegia 2017-2030 (visiooniga aastani 2100) koostamiseks: looduskeskkonna ja biomajanduse valdkonnad.

2.5. Suškevičs, M. (koost.); Freiberg, R.; Kangur, K.; Kriiska, K.; Kruus, E.; Melts, I.; Peterson, K.; Poltimäe, H.; Pärnoja, M.; Randveer, T.; Salm, J.-O.; Sudakova, L.; Tullus, H.; Drenkhan, R.; Evans, R.; Hanso, M.; Jäärats, A.; Kaasik, A.; Kalamees, R.; Kaljund, K. ... Vetemaa, M. (2015). Kliimamuutuste mõjuanalüüs, kohanemisstrateegia ja rakenduskava looduskeskkonna ja biomajanduse teemavaldkondades. Projekti BioClim lõpparuanne (alusuuring).

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Elser, Miriam; Bozzetti, Carlo; El Haddad, Imad; Richter, Rene; Maasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Baltensperger, Urs; Prévôt, Andre (2015). Spatial Distribution, Chemical Composition and Sources of Atmospheric Gases and Aerosols in Estonia. In: 2015 AAAR Annual Conference Abstracts: AAAR 34th Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN, USA. October 12-16, 2015. Minneapolis, MN, USA.

3.2. Semm, Maaria; Sepp, Kalev; Jagomägi, Jüri (2015). Lahemaa rahvuspargi maastikumuutused. Järvet Arvo (Toim.). Eesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamat (131−147). Tallinn: Vali Press OÜ. (40).

3.2. Tamar Storie, Joanna; Eglaja, Zane; Uusna, Enri; Suskevics, Monika; Külvik, Mart (2015). Embracing social network complexity in CEE countries' landscape planning: Cases from Latvia and Estonia. On-line proceedings of the XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress: Places of Possibility? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World: XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress: Places of Possibility? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, 18.-21. August 2015, Aberdeen Scotland .Aberdeen, Scotland: European Society for Rural Sociology, 170−171.

3.2. Voigt, A.; Latkowska, M. J.; Rutecka, A.; Poniży, L.; Mizgajski, A.; Breuste, J.; Haas, K.; Artmann, M.; Hursthouse, A.; Agboola, A. J.; Külvik, M.; Olonen, A.; Leitão, T.; Costa, H. (2015). Environmental behaviour of urban allotment gardeners in Europe. In: Niin, G.; Mishra, H. (Ed.). Landscapes in Flux. Conference Proceedings, ECLAS Conference, Tartu, 20.-23.09.2015 (78−82). Eesti Maaülikool.

3.2. Vassiljev, P.; Bell, S.; Raet, J.; Villoslada, M. (2015). Restorative value of pine forest compared with spruce forest: an experiment using an immersive, simulated, Estonian winter landscape. In: Landscapes in Flux. Book of Proceedings (134−139).ECLAS Conference 2015: Landscapes in Flux, Tartu, Estonia, 20-23 September 2015. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

3.4. Joanna Tamar Storie (Autor) (2015). A sense of place – revised! ECLAS 2015 Book of proceedings: Landscapes in Flux: ECLAS 2015: Landscapes in Flux, Estonian Univeristy of Life Sciences, Tartu, 20-23 September 2015. Ed. Nin, G., and Mishra, H.S. Tartu, Estonia: European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS), 227−229.

3.4. Maasikmets, M.; Kupri, H.-L.; Teinemaa, E.; Vainumäe, K.; Arumäe, T.; Kimmel, V. (2015). ACSM study to assess possible municipal solid waste burning in household stoves. In: DIGITAL HANDBOOK EAC 2015: European Aerosol Conference 2015, Milano, Italy. 06-11.09.15

3.4. Kupri, H.-L.; Maasikmets, M.; Teinemaa, E.; Vainumäe, K.; Arumäe, T.; Orru, H.; Kimmel, V. (2015). Wood and Municipal solid waste emissions from the household stoves. In: DIGITAL HANDBOOK EAC 2015: European Aerosol Conference 2015, Milano, Italy. 06-11.09.15

5.2. Hursthouse, A.; Voigt, A.; Breuste, J.; Külvik, M.; Leitao, T.; Latkowska, M.; Ponizy, L. (2015). Urban allotment gardeners: a picture of European behaviour and implications for future risk assessment of urban soils. Book of abstracts, 31st SEGH 2015 International Conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, June 22-26, 2015. Ed. Fajcíková, K.; Cvecková, V.; Zvarová, I.; Rapant, S. State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 22−22.

5.2. Maasikmets, Marek; Kupri, Hanna-Lii; Teinemaa, Erik; Vainumäe, Keio; Arumäe, Tarvo; Orru, Hans; Kimmel, Veljo. (2015). Wood and household waste emissions from the household stoves. In: Conference proceedings on 14th International Congress on Combustion By-Products and Their Health Effects: 14th International Congress on Combustion By-Products and Their Health Effects. Umea University.

5.2. Storie, J.; Suškevičs, M.; Külvik, M. (2015). Dare to dream?: Role of inspiration and participation in moving towards a more hopeful future in landscape governance.In: Pathways to the future. Education for sustainable development: International Conference on education for sustainable development 22.04.2015-24.04.2015, Tallinn, Estonia. 23−23.

5.2. Storie, J. T.; Eglaja, Z.; Uusna, E; Suškevičs, M; Külvik, M. (2015). Embracing social network complexity in CEE countries' landscape planning: Cases from Latvia and Estonia. XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress: Places of Possibility? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, 18.-21. August 2015, Aberdeen Scotland. Aberdeen, Scotland, 170−171.

5.2. Tullus, Hardi; Suškevics, Monika; Tullus, Arvo; Lutter, Reimo (2015). National Strategy for Adaption to Climate Change in Hemiboreal Estonia: Forestry. In: International Scientific Conference Abstarct Book: Our Common Future Under Climate Change, Paris, France, 7-10 July. Paris, 272−272.

5.2. Voigt, A.; Latkowska, M. J.; Rutecka, A.; Poniży, L.; Mizgajski, A.; Breuste, J.; Haas, K.; Artmann, M.; Hursthouse, A.; Agboola, A. J.; Külvik, M.; Olonen, A.; Leitão, T.; Costa, H. (2015). Environmental behaviour of urban allotment gardeners in Europe. Landscapes in Flux. Book of Abstracts & Conference Guide. ECLAS Conference, Tartu, 20.-23.09.2015. Toim. Niin, G.; Mishra, H. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, 38−38.

6.2. Kaasik, Marko; Kallaste, Tiit; Kimmel, Veljo; Maasikmets, Marek; Noe, Steffen; Orru, Hans; Roots, Ott; Tamm, Eduard; Teinemaa, Erik (2015). Õhusaaste käsiraamat. Tallinn: Ajakirjade Kirjastus.

6.2. Vellak, Ain; Tõnisson, Andres (2015). Eesti koopad. Varrak.

6.3. Hansson, K. (2015). Metsamaastike meeldivuse hindamisest. Metsamees, 2 (123), 33−36.

6.3. Liivamägi, Ave; Tarlap, Peeter (2015). Hämariku-röövlutikas (Pygolampis bidentata), vähe tuntud lutikaliik Eestis. Eesti Loodus, 8, 452−454.

6.3. Liivamägi, Ave; Tarlap, Peeter (2015). Mägitsikaadi (Cicadetta montana) esmasleid Eestis. Eesti Loodus, 5, 312−314.


2014 (Updated: 04.01.2016)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Bunce, R.G.H.; Wood, C.M.; Smart, S. M.; Oakley, R.; Browning, G.; Daniels, M.J.; Ashmole, P.; Cresswell, J.; Holl, K. (2014). The landscape ecological impact of afforestation on the British uplands and some initiatives to restore native woodland cover. Journal of Landscape Ecology, 7(2), 5 - 24.

1.1. Kampichler, Christian; Angeler, David; Holmes, Richard; Leito, Aivar; Svensson, Sören; Jeugd, Henk; Wesołowski, Tomasz (2014). Temporal dynamics of bird community composition: an analysis of baseline conditions from long-term data. Oecologia, 175, 1301 - 1313.

1.1. Kosmidou, V; Petrou, Z; Bunce, RGH; Mucher, CA; Jongman, RHG; Bogers, MMB; Lucas, RM; Tomaselli, V; Blonda, P; Padoa-Schioppa, E; Manakos, I; Petrou, M (2014). Harmonization of the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) with the General Habitat Categories (GHC) classification system. Ecological Indicators, 36, 290 - 300.

1.1. Larsson, K.; Hajdu, S.; Kilpi, M.; Larsson, R.; Leito, A.; Lyngs, P. (2014). Effects of an extensive Prymnesium polylepis bloom on breeding eiders in the Baltic Sea. Journal of Sea Research, 88, 21 - 28.

1.1. Leito, Aivar; Elts, Jaanus; Mägi, Eve; Truu, Jaak; Ivask, Mari; Kuu, Annely; Ööpik, Merle; Meriste, Mart; Ward, Raymond; Kuresoo, Andres; Pehlak, Hannes; Sepp, Kalev; Luigujõe, Leho (2014). Coastal grassland wader abundance in relation to breeding habitat characteristics in Matsalu Bay, Estonia. Ornis Fennica, 3, 149 - 165.

1.1. Liivamägi, Ave; Kuusemets, Valdo; Kaart, Tanel; Luig, Jaan; Diaz-Forero, Isabel (2014). Influence of habitat and landscape on butterfly diversity of semi-natural meadows within forest-dominated landscapes. Journal of Insect Conservation, 18(6), 1137 - 1145.

1.1. Maikov, Kadri (2014). Landscape characteristics in Tartu City parks – user influences through Design. Sustainable City, 353−364.

1.1. Rismanchian, O.; Bell, S. (2014). Evidence-based spatial intervention for the regeneration of deteriorating urban areas: A case study from Tehran, Iran. Urban Design International, 19, 1 - 21.

1.1. Smart, SM; Ellison, AM; Bunce, RGH; Marrs, RH; Kirby, KJ; Kimberley, A; Scott, AW; Foster, DR (2014). Quantifying the impact of an extreme climate event on species diversity in fragmented temperate forests: the effect of the October 1987 storm on British broadleaved woodlands. Journal of Ecology, 102(5), 1273 - 1287.

1.1. Unt, A.-L.; Bell, S. (2014). The impact of small-scale design interventions on the behaviour patterns of the users of an urban wasteland. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 13 (1).

1.1. Unt, A.-L.; Travlou, P.; Bell, S. (2014). Blank space: exploring the sublime qualities of urban wilderness at the former fishing harbour in Tallinn, Estonia. Landscape Research, 39(3), 267 - 286.

1.1. Ward, D. Raymond; Teasdale, A. Phillip; Burnside, G. Niall; Joyce, B. Christopher; Sepp, Kalev (2014). Recent rates of sedimentation on irregularly flooded Boreal Baltic coastal wetlands: responses to recent changes in sea level. Geomorphology, 217, 61 - 72.

1.2. Bell, S. (2014). The power of the market: landscape and economics. Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 2(2), 78 - 85.

1.2. Kaasik, Allan; Maasikmets, Marek (2014). Ammoniaagi ja väävelvesiniku emissioonist vedelsõnnikuhoidlatest. Agraarteadus : journal of agricultural science : Akadeemilise Põllumajanduse Seltsi väljaanne, XXV(2), 70 - 76.

1.2. Rennit, Piret; Maikov, Kadri (2014). Perceived Restoration Scale method turned into (used as the) evaluation tool for parks and open green spaces, using Tartu city parks as an example. City, Territory and Architecture, 2(6), 23

1.2. Vugule, K.; Bell, S.; Stokmane, I. (2014). Road landscape developments in Latvia up to the 21st century. Landscape Architecture and Art : Scientific Journal of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 4(4), 10 - 17.

2.3. Kaasik, Are (2014). The detection of land use change and its interactions with biota in Estonian rural landscapes (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

2.3. Liivamägi, Ave (2014). Variation in the habitat requirements of pollinating insects in semi-natural meadows (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

2.3. Suškevičs, Monika (2014). Knowledge, learning and legitimacy in multi-level participatory ecological network governance (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

2.3. Tammepuu, Ants (2014). Emergency risk assessment in Estonia (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

3.1. Bell, S. (2014). Cultures in flux. Roe, M. And Taylor, K. (Toim.). New cultural landscapes (78 - 99).Routledge Taylor & Francis Ltd.

3.1. Bell, S.; Ward Thompson, C. (2014). Human engagement with forest environments: implications for physical and mental health and wellbeing. Fenning, T. (Toim.). Challenges and opportunities for the world’s forests in the 21st century (71 - 92).Springer Verlag

3.1. Gómez-Sanz, Valentín; Bunce, Robert G. H.; Elena-Rosselló, Ramón (2014). Landscape assessment and monitoring. Azevedo, João C. et al. (Toim.). Forest Landscapes and Global Change (199 - 226). New York: Springer

3.1. Kliimask, Jaak; Järv, Henri; Sepp, Kalev; Ward, Raymond (2014). Nature conservation in remote rural areas: a win-win situation? In: Dünkel, Frieder; Herbst, Michael (Toim.). Think Rural! (193 - 208).Springer Verlag

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Külvik, Mart; Sepp, Kalev (2014). Biota and landscape. Saul, M., Anso, K. (Toim.). Estonian environmental indicators - development and outcomes (29 - 36).Estonian Environment Agency

3.2. Külvik, Mart; Sepp, Kalev (2014). Elustik ja maastikud. Saul, M., Anso, K. (Toim.). Eesti keskkonnaindikaatorid - arendustöö ja tulemused (29 - 36). Tallinn: Keskkonnaagentuur

3.2. Maasikmets, Marek; Eller, Meelis; Teinemaa, Erik; Kimmel, Veljo (2014). Aerosol chemical composition measurement campaign during the wintertime in typical Estonian town. In: 2014 International Aerosol Conference: 2014 International Aerosol Conference, Busan, Korea 28.08 - 02.09.2014.

3.4. Kaasik, Marko; Maasikmets, Marek; Vainumäe, Keio; Teinemaa, Erik (2014). Residential heating emissions of PM2.5 and NOx in Estonia. In: Proceedings of Abstracts 9th International Conference on Air Quality and Science and Application: Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 24-28.03.2014. (Toim.) Mitto, Tonio; Fallmann, Joachim; Mikolajczyk, Urszula; Suppan, Peter; Singh, Vikas; Sokhi, Ranjeet, 2014.

3.5. Maasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Kimmel, Veljo (2014). Measurement and modelling of PM2.5 from wood combustion in Estonia.

3.5. Püttsepp, Ülle; Liiva, Helen; Orupõld, Kaja; Purgas, Milvi; Kauer, Karin; Kikkas, Kadri; Kukumägi, Mai; Celi, Luisella (2014). Stability of soil organic matter in different forest soils and under artificial Cd stress. In: Book of Abstracts: BIOGEOMON 2014 8th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior University of Bayreuth, Germany July 13th – 17th, 2014. (Toim.) Holzheu, Stefan; Thies, Birgit. Bayreuth, Germany: Difo-Druck GmbH, 96052 Bamberg, Germany, 165 - 165.

4.2. Reimann, Mart; Sepp, Kalev; Pärna, Erkki; Tuula, Reeda (2014). Local Community and Outdoor Recreation. In: Reimann, Mart; Sepp, Kalev; Pärna, Erkki; Tuula, Reeda. (_EditorsAbbr). Local Community and Outdoor Recreation.

5.2. Kaczala, F.; Mehdinejad, H.; Lääne, A.; Orupõld, K.; Bhatnagar, A.; Kriipsalu, M.; Hogland, W. (2014). Leaching characteristics of the fine fraction from an excavated landfill: physico-chemical characterization. In: 9th International Conference on Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region, and the World. Book of Abstracts. Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2014: Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2014, Kalmar, Sweden, November 24-26, 2014. Ed. Kaczala, F.; Lundström, J.; Roselund, J.; Hogland, W. Sweden, 93.

5.2. Kaczala, F.; Orupõld, K.; Augustsson , A.; Hogland , W. (2014). Speciation of metals in the fine fraction of solid waste from an excavated landfill. In: 9th International Conference on Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region, and the World. Book of Abstracts. Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2014: Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2014, Kalmar, Sweden, November 24-26, 2014. Ed. Kaczala, F.; Lundström, J.; Roselund, J.; Hogland, W. Sweden, 95.

5.2. Menert, A.; Kriipsalu, M.; Anderson, K.; Pihlap, E.; Orupõld, K., Sipp Kulli, S. (2014). Study on biodegradability of wood residues. Book of abstracts, ORBIT 2014, 9th Conference on Organic Resources and Biological Treatment, Hungary, Gödöllö. 26-28 June 2014.

5.2. Menert, A.; Kriipsalu, M.; Pihlap, E.; Anderson, K.; Orupõld, K.; Toomik, E.; Sipp Kulli, S. (2014). Study on biodegrading microbiota of wood residues. Abstact Book, 2nd Congress of Baltic Microbiologists, Tartu, 16-19 October 2014. Tartu Ülikool.

5.2. Ojaste, I.; Leito, A.; Suorsa, P.; Leivits, M.; Palm, V.; Sepp, M.; Meitern, M.; Sellis, U. (2014). Migration tactics in the Eurasian crane (Grus grus) families in reaching Ethiopian over-wintering sites as revealed by satellite telemetry.

5.2. Pehme, Kaur-Mikk; Tamm, Toomas; Orupõld, Kaja; Kriipsalu, Mait (2014). A study on methane degradation layer extracted from landfill mining. In: 9th International Conference on Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region, and the World. Book of Abstracts. Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2014: Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2014, Kalmar, Sweden, November 24-26, 2014. Ed. Kaczala, F.; Lundström, J.; Roselund, J.; Hogland, W. Sweden, 85.

5.2. Roose, A.; Sepp, K; Kliimask, J. (2014). Dilemma of rural diversification via tourism and nature conservation in peripheral Estonia. Local Community and Outdoor Recreation: The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV), Tallinn, August 20 - 23, 2014 . Ed. Reimann, M., Sepp, K., Pärna, E., Tuula, R. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool, 185−187.

5.2. Väli, Vivika; Poska, Anneli; Kihno, Kersti; Alliksaar, Tiiu; Saarse, Leili; Tomson, Pille; Vassiljev, Jüri (2014). Reconstructing past vegetation changes in Karula heights, South-Estonia over the last millennia. In: Abstract book: 9th European Palaeobotany - Palynology Conference, 26-31 August 2014, Padova, Italy , 289.


2013 (Updated: 11.04.2014)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Atik, M.; Bell, S.; Erdogan, R. (2013). Understanding cultural interfaces in the landscape: A case study of Ancient Lycia in the Turkish Mediterranean. Landscape Research, 38(2), 222 - 242.

1.1. Bunce, RGH; Bogers, MMB; Evans, D; Halada, L; Jongman, RHG; Mucher, CA; Bauch, B; de Blust, G; Parr, TW; Olsvig-Whittaker, L (2013). The significance of habitats as indicators of biodiversity and their links to species. Ecological Indicators, 33, 19 - 25.

1.1. Bunce, RGH; Bogers, MMB; Evans, D; Jongman, RHG (2013). Field identification of habitats directive Annex I habitats as a major European biodiversity indicator. Ecological Indicators, 33, 105 - 110.

1.1. Diaz-Forero, Isabel; Kuusemets, Valdo; Mänd, Marika; Liivamägi, Ave; Kaart, Tanel; Luig, Jaan (2013). Influence of local and landscape factors on bumblebees in semi-natural meadows: a multiple-scale study in a forested landscape. Journal of Insect Conservation, 17(1), 113 - 125.

1.1. Kaasik, Allan; Maasikmets, Marek (2013). Concentrations of airborne particulate matter, ammonia and carbon dioxide in large scale uninsulated loose housing cowsheds in Estonia. Biosystems Engineering, 114(3), 223 - 231.

1.1. Liivamägi, Ave; Kuusemets, Valdo; Luig, Jaan; Kask, Kadri (2013). Changes in the distribution of Clouded Apollo Parnassius mnomosyne (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in Estonia. Entomologica Fennica, 24(3), 186 - 192.

1.1. Martin-Martin, C; Bunce, RGH; Saura, S; Elena-Rossello, R (2013). Changes and interactions between forest landscape connectivity and burnt area in Spain. Ecological Indicators, 33, 129 - 138.

1.1. Metzger, MJ; Brus, DJ; Bunce, RGH; Carey, PD; Goncalves, J; Honrado, JP; Jongman, RHG; Trabucco, A; Zomer, R (2013). Environmental stratifications as the basis for national, European and global ecological monitoring. Ecological Indicators, 33, 26 - 35.

1.1. Metzger, MJ; Bunce, RGH; Jongman, RHG; Sayre, R; Trabucco, A; Zomer, R (2013). A high-resolution bioclimate map of the world: a unifying framework for global biodiversity research and monitoring. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22(5), 630 - 638.

1.1. Ortega, M; Guerra, C; Honrado, JP; Metzger, MJ; Bunce, RGH; Jongman, RHG (2013). Surveillance of habitats and plant diversity indicators across a regional gradient in the Iberian Peninsula. Ecological Indicators, 33, 36 - 44.

1.1. Raposo, F.; Borja, R.; Cacho, J.A.; Mumme, J.; Orupõld, K.; Esteves, S.; Noguerol-Arias, J.; Picard, S.; Nielfa, A.; Scherer, P.; Wierinck, I.; Aymerich, E.; Cavinato, C.; Rodriguez, D.C.; García-Mancha, N.; Lens, P.N.T.; Fernández-Cegrí, V. (2013). First international comparative study of volatile fatty acids in aqueous samples by chromatographic techniques: Evaluating sources of error. Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 51, 127 - 143.

1.1. Ruskule, A.; Nikodemus, O.; Kasparinkis, R.; Bell, S.; Urtane, I. (2013). The perception of abandoned farmland by local people and experts: Landscapevalue and perspectives on future land use. Landscape and Urban Planning, 115, 49 - 61.

1.1. Suškevičs, Monika; Tillemann, Kadri; Külvik, Mart (2013). Assessing the relevance of stakeholder analysis for national ecological network governance: The case of the Green Network in Estonia. Journal for nature conservation, 21(4), 206 - 213.

1.1. Tammepuu, Ants; Sepp, Kalev (2013). Emergency risk assessment: the Estonian approach. Journal of Risk Research, 16(2), 169 - 193.

1.1. Unt, A.-L.; Travlou, P.; Bell, S. (2013). Blank space: exploring the sublime qualities of urban wilderness at the former fishing harbour in Tallinn, Estonia. Landscape Research, 1 - 25.

1.1. Ward, R.D.; Burnside, N.G.; Joyce, C.B.; Sepp, K. (2013). The use of medium point density LiDAR data in determining the location of plant community types in Baltic coastal wetlands. Ecological Indicators, 33, 96 - 104.

1.2. Herzog, F.; Jeanneret, P.; Ammari, Y.; Angelova, S.; Arndorfer, M.; Bailey, D.; Balázs, K.; Báldi, A.; Bogers, M.; Bunce, R.; Choisis, J.-P.; Cuming, D.;Dennis, P.; Dyman, T.; Eiter, S.; Elek, Z.; Falusi, E.;Fjellstad, W.; Frank, T.; Friedel, J.; Garchi, S.; Geijzendorffer, I.;Gomiero, T.;Jerkovich, G.;Jongman, R.; Kainz, M.; Kakudidi, E.; Kelemen, E.; Kölliker, R.; Kwikiriza, N.; Kovács-Hostyánszki, A.;Last, L.; Lüscher, G.; Moreno, G.; Nkwiine, C.; Opio, J.; Oschatz, M.-L.; Paoletti, M. G.; Penksza, K.; Pointereau, P.; Riedel, S.; Sarthou, J.-P.; Schneider, M.; Siebrecht, N.; Sommaggio, D.; Stoyanova, S.; Szerencsits, E.; Szalkovski, O.; Targetti, S.; Viaggi, D.; Wilkes- Allemann, J.; Wolfrum, S.; Yashchenko, S.; Zanetti, T. (2013). Measuring Farmland Biodiversity. Solutions, 4(4), 52 - 58.

1.2. Marrs, R. H.; Kirby, K. J.; Le Duc, M. G.; McAllister, H.; Smart, S. M.; Oksanen, J.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Corney, P. M. (2013). Native dominants in British woodland – a potential cause of reduced species-richness? New Journal of Botany, 3(3), 156 - 168.

1.2. Parts, Priit-Kalev; Rennu, Madis; Jõeste, Kristi (2013). Introduction. Studia Vernacula, 4, 23 - 38.

1.2. Parts, Priit-Kalev; Rennu, Madis; Jõeste, Kristi (2013). Sissejuhatus. Studia Vernacula, 4, 10 - 22.

1.2. Ööpik, M.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Tischler, M. (2013). Horticultural markets promote alien species invasions: an Estonian case study of herbaceous perennials. NeoBiota, 17, 19 - 37.

1.3. Bunce, R. G. H.; Hall, S. J. G. (2013). Vegetation change from 1979 to 2008 at Chillingham Park in relation to conservation of the Chillingham Wild Cattle. Northumberland Naturalist, 75, 18 - 30.

1.3. Elts, Jaanus; Leito, Aivar; Leivits, Agu; Luigujõe, Leho; Mägi, Eve; Nellis, Rein; Nellis, Renno; Ots, Margus; Pehlak, Hannes (2013). Eesti lindude staatus, pesitsusaegne ja talvine arvukus 2008–2012 . Hirundo, 26(2), 80 - 112.

2.3. Nõmmela, Mari (2013). Stiiliajaloolise ja marksistliku käsitluse konflikt Voldemar Vaga kunstiajalookirjutuses 20. sajandi II poolel. (Doktoritöö) Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus

3.1. Maikov, Kadri (2013). Landscape characteristics in Tartu City parks – user influences through Design. sustainable city, 353 - 364.

3.1. Reimann, Mart; Sepp, Kalev; Veersalu, Tuuli (2013). Combining Nature Conservation and Recreation Management in Urban Green Area. Scutelnicu,E.; Rotondo, F.; Varum, H. (Toim.). Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Urban Planning (151 - 156).WSEAS

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Järv, Henri; Raukas, Anto; Sepp, Kalev; Raet, Janar; Ward, R.D. (2014). Soviet military heritage: brown and green - recovery and enhancment. Brebbia, C.A. (Toim.). Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintance of Heritage Architecture (579 - 592). Ashurst: WIT Press

3.2. Macura, B.; Nayak, B.; Suškevičs, M.; Tondrasoa, T. (2013). Local Manifestations of International Conservation Ideologies and Biodiversity Conflicts in Developing Economies. Vatn, A. (Toim.). Student Papers. Thor Heyerdahl Summer School in Environmental Governance: Global Environmental Governance. Volume 2 (2012) (1 - 29). Aas, Norway: Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric), Norwegian University of Life Sciences

3.2. Palm, Vello; Sepp, Mait; Leito, Aivar (2013). Atmosfääri tsirkulatsiooni mõju rändlindude kevadisele saabumisele Eestis. Arvo Järvet (Toim.). Eesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamat (41 - 58). Tallinn: Eesti Geograafia Selts

3.4. Leito, Aivar; Ojaste, Ivar; Põder, Indrek (2013). Dependence of Cranes on Arable Lands and the Crop Damage Problem in Estonia. In: Proceedings of the VIIth European Crane Conference: breeding, resting, migration and biology: 7th European Crane Conference; Stralsund, Germany; Oct. 14-17, 2010. (Toim.) Nowald, Günter; Weber, Alexander; Fanke, Jane; Weinhardt, Elke; Donner, Norman . Crane Conservation Germany, 2013, 155 - 158.

3.4. Leito, Aivar; Ojaste, Ivar; Põder, Indrek; Sellis, Urmas (2013). The breeding Homerange and First Autumn Migration of two Offspring from a Cranebrood in 2009. In: Proceedings of the VIIth European Crane Conference: breeding, resting, migration and biology : 7th European Crane Conference; Stralsund, Germany; Oct. 14-17, 2010. (Toim.) Nowald, Günter; Weber, Alexander; Fanke, Jane; Weinhardt, Elke; Donner, Norman. Groβ Mohrdorf, Germany: Crane Conservation Germany, 2013, 151 - 154.

3.4. Leito, Aivar; Ojaste, Ivar; Põder, Indrek (2013). Monitoring of the Eurasian Crane in Estonia: Methods and Last Results . In: Proceedings of the VIIth European Crane Conference: breeding, resting, migration and biology: 7th European Crane Conference; Stralsund, Germany; Oct. 14-17, 2010. (Toim.) Nowald, Günter; Weber, Alexander; Fanke, Jane; Weinhardt, Elke; Donner, Norman . Groβ Mohrdorf, Germany: Crane Conservation Germany, 2013, 141 - 145.

3.4. Liiva, H.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Orupõld, K.; Kikkas, K. (2013). Can the presence of Norway spruce roots in soil alleviate the Cd contamination effect on cellulose decomposition? . In: COST Carbon turnover: COST Carbon turnover (COST Action: FP0803); Bordeaux, France 14-05-2013 kuni 15-05-2013. ChâTeau Luchey, Bordeaux, France:, 2013.

3.4. Maasikmets, Marek; Kaasik, Allan; Ruus, Aime; Teinemaa, Erik (2013). Seasonal variability of the PMx chemical composition and ammonia concentration in loose-housing cowshed. In: Digital Handbook EAC 2013, Prague: European Aerosol Conference 2013. , 2013.

3.4. Maasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Arumäe, Tarvo; Kimmel, Veljo (2013). Non-exhaust PMx emissions from road traffic. In: Digital Handbook EAC 2013, Prague: European Aerosol Conference 2013., 2013.

3.4. Maasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Vainumäe, Keio; Parts, Laine; Lehes, Lehar; Arumäe, Tarvo; Kimmel, Veljo (2013). Primary particles and marker compounds from wood combustion in household stoves. In: Digital Handbook EAC 2013, Prague: European Aerosol Conference 2013. , 2013.

3.4. Mõts, Krista; Maasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Vainumäe, Keio; Lehes, Lehar; Arumäe, Tarvo; Kimmel, Veljo (2013). PAH, PCDD/F and HCB emissions from residential wood combustion. In: Digital Handbook EAC 2013, Prague: European Aerosol Conference 2013, 2013.

3.4. Palm, V.; Ojaste, I.; Leito, A.; Elts, J. (2013). The Dependence of Spring Arrival and Breeding Success of the Eurasian Crane in Estonia on Climate Variables. In: PROCEEDINGS of the VIIth European Crane Conference - Breeding, resting, migration and biology: (Toim.) Nowald, G., Weber, A., Fanke J., Weinhardt E., Donner, N.., 2013, 146 - 150.

4.1. Nilsson, K.; Pauleit, S.; Bell, S.; Aalbers, C.; Nielsen, T.S. (2013). Peri-urban futures: scenarios and models for land use change in Europe. Springer Heidelberg

5.2. Mander, Ülo; Noe, Steffen M.; Niinemets, Ülo; Soosaar, Kaido; Maddison, Martin; Ostonen, Ivika; Portillo Estrada, Miguel; Püttsepp, Ülle (2013). Seasonal and diurnal dynamics of CO2 balance in two hemi-boreal forests in Estonia. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts: EGU General Assembly 2013. , 2013, EGU2013-6264.

5.2. Noe, Steffen Manfred; Krasnova, Alisa; Krasnov, Dmitrii; Portillo-Estrada, Miguel; Püttsepp, Ülle; Kimmel, Veljo; Köster, Kajar; Jõgiste, Kalev; Kangur, Ahto (2013). Trace gas concentrations and fluxes in a hemiboreal mixed forest. GHG Europe 2013 - Open Science Conference, Antwerp, 16-18.09.2013, 2013.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2013). Romantiline tervendaja. Kodu & Aed, 79 - 83.


2012 (Updated: 11.04.2014)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Atik, M.; Bell, S.; Erdogan, R. (2012). Understanding cultural interfaces in the landscape: A case study of Ancient Lycia in the Turkish Mediterranean. Landscape Research, 1 - 21.

1.1. Diaz-Forero, Isabel; Kuusemets, Valdo; Mänd, Marika; Liivamägi, Ave; Kaart, Tanel; Luig, Jaan (2012). Influence of local and landscape factors on bumblebees in semi-natural meadows: a multiple-scale study in a forested landscape. Journal of Insect Conservation, Published online: 15 May 2012

1.1. Hansson, Karl; Külvik, Mart; Bell, Simon; Maikov, Kadri (2012). A preliminary assessment of preferences for Estonian natural forests. Baltic Forestry, 18(2), 299 - 315.

1.1. Kahlert, Johnny; Leito, Aivar; Laubek, Bjarke; Luigujõe, Leho; Kuresoo, Andres; Aen, Kim (2012). Factors affecting flight altitude of migrating waterbirds in a migration hot-spot in Estonia. Ornis Fennica, 89(4), 241 - 253.

1.1. Ortega, M.; Metzger, M.J.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Wrbka, T.; Allard, A.; Jongman, R.H.G.; Elena-Rossello, R. (2012). The potential for integration of environmental data from regional stratifications into a European monitoring framework. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 55(1), 39 - 57.

1.1. Orupõld, K.; Heinlaan, M.; Põllumaa, L.; Dubourguier, H.C.; Kahru, A. (2012). Impact of oil shale opencast mining and combustion on Narva River and its tributaries: chemical and ecotoxicological characterisation. Oil Shale, 29(2), 173 - 189.

1.1. Prince, H.E.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Jongman, R.H.G. (2012). Changes in the vegetation composition of hay meadows between 1993 and 2009 in the Picos de Europa and implications for nature conservation. Journal for nature conservation, 20(3), 162 - 169.

1.1. Suškevičs, Monika (2012). Legitimacy Analysis of Multi-level Governance of Biodiversity: Evidence from 11 Case Studies across the EU. Environmental Policy and Governance, 22, 217 - 237.

1.1. van Eupen, M.; Metzger, M.J.; Perez-Soba, M.; Verburg, P.N.; van Doorn, A.; Bunce, R.G.H. (2012). A rural typology for strategic European policies. Land Use Policy, 29(3), 473 - 482.

1.2. Normak, A.; Suurpere, J.; Orupõld, K.; Jõgi, E.; Kokin, E. (2012). Simulation of anaerobic digestion of cattle manure. Agronomy Research, 10, 167 - 174.

1.3. Bell, Simon (2012). Sustainable landscapes. Meyers, R.A. (Toim.). Encyclopedia of sustainable science and technology (10360 - 10390). Springer-Verlag

1.3. Ojaste, Ivar; Rattiste, Kalev; Lilleleht, Vilju; Mägi, Eve; Leito, Aivar (2012). Kormorani (Phalacrocorax carbo) Eesti asurkonna kujunemine. Hirundo, 25, 1 - 33.

1.3. Sulina, Julia (2012). Re-scaling landscape. Re-scaling identity. Science - Future of Lithuania, 135 - 143.

2.4. Bell, S. (2012). Landscape: Pattern, perception and process. 2nd Edition. Abingdon: Routledge

3.1. Karlsson, I.; Ryden, L.; Sepp, K. (2012). Introduction - Rural Developmenmt and Land Use. Karlsson, I., Ryden, L. (Toim.). Rural Development and Land Use (11 - 22). University of Uppsala

3.1. Lihtmaa, Lauri; Sepp, Kalev (2012). The role of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in local developments: some exploratory perspectives of the stakeholders. In: Environmental Impact: 1st International Conference on Environmental and Economic Impact on Sustainable Development, New Forest, 2012. (Toim.) Brebbia C.A.; Chon, T-S.. Southampton: WIT Press, 2012, 97 - 108.

3.1. Luht, Kadi; Kull, Tarmo; Tammepuu, Ants (2012). Development of marine and coastal pollution training curriculum for master’s study level . Water Pollution XI (251 - 262). Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton: WIT Press

3.1. Möldri, Margus; Tammepuu, Ants; Tint, Piia; Paas, Õnnela; Laaniste, Priit (2012). Integration of the SMS to IMS in Estonian Seveso II establishments: selected case studies . Risk Analysis VIII (227 - 236). Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton: WIT Press

3.1. Sepp, Kalev (2012). Landscape Functions and Ecosystem Services. Karlsson, I., Ryden, L. (Toim.). Rural Development and Land Use (39 - 51). Uppsala University

3.1. Tammepuu, Ants; Sepp, Kalev (2012). National emergency risk assessments: comparative study of Estonia and the UK. Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards III (633 - 644). Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton: WIT Press

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.4. Liiva, Helen, Orupõld, Kaja, Purgas, Milvi, Püttsepp, Ülle (2012). Decomposition of fine-root and aboveground litters – quantification of soil microbial activity parameters. In: Roots to the Future: 8th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research ISRR, 26-29 June 2012 Dundee, UK. Dundee, UK:, 2012, 65 - 65.

3.4. Mölter, M., Ööpik, M (2012). Risk assessment of non-native tree species permitted in forestry in Estonia. NEOBIOTA konverents, Pontevedra (Hispaania), 12.-14. Sept. 2012. , 2012, 158 - 158.

3.4. Püttsepp, Ü., Liiva, H. (2012). Soil respiration measurements in a mixed hemi-boreal forest stand. In: Belowground carbon turnover in European forests, COST FP0803: Antalya, Türgi:, 2012, 36 - 36.

3.4. Sulina, Julia (2012). The power of landscape as a tool for social integration. In: Peer Reviewed Proceedings of ECLAS 2012 Conference THE POWER OF LANDSCAPE at Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW: WARSAW, 19–22 September, 2012. (Toim.) Dymitryszyn, Izabela; Kaczyńska, Małgorzata; Maksymiuk, Gabriela.. Warsaw:, 2012.

3.4. Teinemaa, Erik; Maasikmets, Marek; Kesanurm, Kaisa; Kaasik, Marko (2012). MEASUREMENT AND MODELLING OF PARTICULATE MATTER FROM WOOD COMBUSTION IN TALLINN. In: 8th International Conference on Air Quality: Science and Application: 19-23 March, Athens, Greece. (Toim.) Vikas Singh, Heather Price, John Bartzis, Ranjeet S Sokhi. United Kingdom: University of Hertfordshire, 2012, 183 - 183.

3.5. Ööpik, Merle (2012). Võõrtaimede mõte ja mõõt elurikkuse üldises mustris. Laanisto, L., Öpik, M., Vanatoa, A., Kull, K. (Toim.). Elurikkuse mõte ja mõõt. Schola Bioteorethica XXXVIII (54 - 61). Tartu: Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts

5.1. Maasikmets, Marek; Canonaco, Francesco; Slowik, G, Jay; Prévôt, S.H.Andre; Baltensperger, Urs (2012). Evaluation of collection efficiency for the Aerodyne Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor using long-term ambient air data. In: European Aerosol Conference, 2012, Digital Abstract book and Conference Handbook: European Aerosol Conference, Granada, 2012. , 2012.

5.1. Maasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Arumäe, Tarvo (2012). Emission measurement of PM size distribution from road wear. In: European Aerosol Conference, 2012, Digital Abstract book and Conference Handbook: European Aerosol Conference, Granada, 2012. , 2012.

5.2. Kuhlmann, Friedrich (2012). Baltic perceptions on the sustainability of public open spaces. In: Proceedings of the colloquium of 'Sustainable Public Open Spaces and Participation through Interaction and ICT': DESIGN - PARTICIPATION - SUSTAINABILITY - ICT. (Toim.) Tomas Ooms, Johan Verbeke. Luca School of Arts, Sint-Lucas School of Architecture Brussels/Gent:, 2012, 39 - 40.

5.2. Külvik, Mart; Hansson, Karl; Niin, Gloria; Vassiljev, Peeter (2012). Landscape scenarios for European islands: making natural and cultural heritage impact operational. European culture expressed in island landscapes: Book of abstracts of the ESLAND Conference. University of Sassari, 11-13 October. (Toim.) Pungetti, G.. CCLP, Cambridge, UK:, 2012, 7 - 7.

5.2. Maasikmets, Marek; Kaasik, Allan (2012). Seasonal variability of the particle size distribution and gas concentration in loose housing cowshed. In: Dairy production in modern loose housing cowsheds - practical implications and future challenges: Dairy production in modern loose housing cowsheds - practical implications and future challenges, Tartu, Estonia, May 2-4, 2012., 2012, 40 - 42.

5.2. Maasikmets, M.; Kaasik, A.; Teinemaa, E. (2012). PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND GAS CONCENTRATIONS IN LOOSE-HOUSING COWSHED. In: 8th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application. Book of Abstracts: 8th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application. (Toim.) Vikas Singh, Heather Price, John Bartzis, Ranjeet S Sokhi. United Kingdom: University of Hertfordshire, 2012, 257 - 257.

5.2. Orru, H.; Jõgi, R.; Maasikmets, M.; Kaasik, M.; Pindus, M.; Kalev, E.; Forsberg, B. (2012). The differences in self-reported health effects of particles induced by local-heating or traffic – findings from the RHINE II Tartu cohort. In: Book of abstracts: 8th International Conference on Air Quality, Science and Applications. (Toim.) Singh, V.; Price, H.; Bartziz, J.; Sokhi, R.S., 2012.

5.2. Roose, Antti; Sepp, Kalev (2012). Balancing conservation and visitation through a comprehensive monitoring system of nature protection in Estonia. In: Outdoor Recreation in Change - Current Knowledge and Future Challenges: The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas; Stockholm; August 21-24, 2012. (Toim.) P. Fredman, M. Stenseke, H. Liljendahl, A. Mossing and D.Laven. Stockholm :, 2012, (Friluftsliv i förändring; 19), 86 - 87.

5.2. Sulina, Julia (2012). Differences in Landscape Appreciation in Pilot study of Place Attachment and Collective. Ethics & Aesthetics of Architecture & the Environment, Newcastle University, 11-13.07.2012. , 2012.

5.2. Sulina, Julia (2012). Landscapes of Identity Value as a Part of Estonian Green Infrastructure.

5.2. Tirums, M.; Palm, V.; Sepp, M.; Leito, A. (2012). Effect of atmospheric circulation on spring arrival of long-distance bird species: a case study from Latvia and Estonia. In: EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts: 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), 10 – 14 September 2012, Łódź, Poland. , 2012, (9), 293 - 293.

6.2. Bell, Simon (2012). Landscape: Pattern, perception and process. 2nd Edition. Abingdon: Routledge

6.2. Hellat, Karin; Orupõld, Kaja; Tuvikene, Arvo; Kreitsberg, Randel; Laht, Mailis; Pedusaar, Tiia; Kahn, Huber (2012). Keskkonnatoksikoloogia alused.

6.2. Shanskiy, Merrit; Kask, Kadri; Kruusmaa, Karin (2012). Protection of Biodiversity in the Agriculture: Endagered Animal Breeds and Plant Varieties in Estonia.

6.2. Shanskiy, Merrit; Kask, Kadri; Kruusmaa, Karin (2012). Elurikkuse kaitse põllumajanduses: ohustatud loomatõud ja taimesordid Eestis.

6.3. Külvik, Mart (2012). Mis on kaitseala kasutuskorralduskava ja külastuskorralduskava? Eesti Loodus, 63(1), 22

6.3. Külvik, Mart (2012). Setomaa loodus on põnev, ent vähe uuritud.

6.3. Shanskiy, Merrit; Kask, Kadri; Kruusmaa, Karin; Vollmer, Elis; Sepp, Kalev (2012). Elurikkus meie ümber.


2011(Updated: 06.02.2012)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Aruoja, Villem; Sihtmäe, Mariliis; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles; Kahru, A. (2011). Toxicity of 58 substituted anilines and phenols to algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and bacteria Vibrio fischeri: Comparison with published data and QSARs . Chemosphere, 84, 1310 - 1320.

1.1. Köster, Kajar; Püttsepp, Ülle; Pumpanen, Jukka (2011). Comparison of soil CO2 flux between uncleared and cleared windthrow areas in Estonia and Latvia. Forest Ecology and Management, 262(2), 65 - 70.

1.1. Mario Luna del Risco, Kaja Orupõld, Henri-Charles Dubourguier (2011). Particle-size effect of CuO and ZnO on biogas and methane production during anaerobic digestion . Journal of Hazardous Materials, 189, 603 - 608.

1.1. Metsaots, Kaie; Sepp, Kalev; Roose, Antti (2011). Evaluation of oil shale mining heritage in Estonia. In: Sustainable Development and Planning V: ECUSUD 2011, Alicante, Hispaania, 13.-15.04.2011. (Toim.) Brebbia, C.A., Beriatos, E., WIT Press, 2011, 453 - 468.

1.1. Noe, S.M.; Kimmel, V.; Hüve, K.; Copolovici, L.; Portillo-Estrada, M.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Jõgiste, K.; Niinemets, Ü.; Hörtnagl, L.; Wohlfahrt, G. (2011). Ecosystem-scale biosphere-atmosphere interactions of a hemiboreal mixed forest stand at Järvselja, Estonia. Forest Ecology and Management, 262(2), 71 - 81.

1.1. Palang, Hannes; Alumäe, Helen; Printsmann, Anu; Rehema, M.; Sepp, Kalev; Sooväli-Sepping, Helen (2011). Social landscape: ten years of planning valuable landscapes in Estonia. Land Use Policy, 28(1), 19 - 25.

1.1. Parts, P.-K., Rennu, M., Jääts, L., Matsin, A., Metslang, J. (2011). Developing Sustainable Heritage-Based Livelihoods: an initial study of artisans and their crafts in Viljandi County, Estonia. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 17(5), 401 - 425.

1.1. Tuvi, E.-L.; Vellak, A.; Reier, Ü.; Szava-Kovats, R.; Pärtel, M. (2011). Establishment of protected areas in different ecoregions, ecosystems, and diversity hotspots under successive political systems. Biological Conservation, 144 (5), 1726 - 1732.

1.2. Alaru, M.; Olt, J.; Kukk, L.; Luna del Risco, M.; Lauk, R.; Noormets, M. (2011). Methane yield of different energy crops grown in Estonian conditions. Agronomy Research, 9, 13 - 22.

1.2. Kaasik, Are; Sepp, Kalev; Raet, Janar; Kuusemets, Valdo (2011). Transformation of rural landscape in Hiiumaa since 1956: consequences to open and half-open semi-natural habitats. Ekológia (Bratislava), 30(2), 257 - 268.

1.2. Luna del Risco, Mario; Normak, Argo; Orupõld, Kaja (2011). Biochemical methane potential of different organic wastes and energy crops from Estonia. Agronomy Research, 9(1-2), 331 - 342.

1.2. Sepp, Mait; Palm, Vello; Leito, Aivar; Päädam, Kalev; Truu, Jaak (2011). Effect of atmospheric circulation types on spring arrival of migratory birds and long-term trends in the first arrival dates in Estonia. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 60(2), 111 - 131.

1.3. Leito, Aivar; Ojaste, Ivar; Sellis, Urmas (2011). Eesti sookurgede rändeteed. Hirundo, 2, 41 - 53.

1.3. Unt, A.-L. (2011). Avalik ruum avatud teosena. Kalasadama juhtum. Nutt, N. (Toim.). Maastikuarhitektuuri toimetised. Acta monumenta naturalis (107 - 122).Tallinn University of Technology Press

2.2. Maikov, Kadri (2011). Tervendavad aiad. Tallinn: Pegasus, 180 lk.

2.3. Aruoja, Villem (2011). Algae Pseudokircheriella subcapitata in environmental hazard evaluation of chemicals and synthetic nanoparticles (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

2.3. Diaz-Forero, Isabel Margarita (2011). Influence of abiotic and biotic factors at patch and landscape scale on bumblebees (Bombus spp.) in semi-natural meadows (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

2.3. Lillenber, Merike (2011). Residues of some pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge in Estonia, their stability in the environment and accumulation into food plants via fertilizing (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

2.3. Luna del Risco, Mario Alberto (2011). Biochemical methane potential of Estonian substrates and evaluation of some inhibitors of anaerobic digestion (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

3.1. Bell, S.; Sarlöv Herlin, I.; Stiles, R. (2011). Exploring the boundaries of landscape architecture. Abingdon: Routledge

3.1. Bell, S.; van Zon, R.; Van Herzele, A.; Hartig, T. (2011). Health benefits of nature experience: Implications of practice for research. Nilsson, K.; Sangster, M.; Gallis, C.; Hartig, T.; de Vries, S.; Seeland, K.; Schipperijn, J. (Toim.). Forests, Trees and Human Health (183 - 204). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin

3.1. Diaz-Forero, Isabel; Kuusemets, Valdo; Mänd, Marika; Luig, Jaan (2011). Bumblebees as potential indicators for the evaluation of habitat quality. Sustainable Development and Planning (409 - 417). Wessex Institute of Techonology Press

3.1. Hartig, T.; van den Berg, A.; Hägerhäll, C.; Tomalak, M.; Bauer, N.; Hansmann, R.; Ojala, A.; Syngollitou, E.; Carrus, G.; van Herzele, A.; Bell, S.; Camilleri Podesta, M, T.; Waaseth, G. (2011). Health benefits of nature experience: Psychological, social and cultural processes. Nilsson, K.; Sangster, M.; Gallis, C.; Hartig, T.; de Vries, S.; Seeland, K.; Schipperijn, J. (Eds.) (Toim.). Forests, Trees and Human Health (127 - 168). Berlin: Springer Verlag

3.1. Vain, Ants; Liba, Natalja; Sepp, Kalev (2011). Factors afecting the airborn laser scanning intensity data. In: Environmental Engineering, selected papers: 8th International Conference, May 19-20, 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania. (Toim.) D.Cygas and K.D.Froehner. Vilnius, Lithuania: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press "Technika", 2011, 1511 - 1516.

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.4. Kaasik, Allan; Maasikmets, Marek; Aland, Andres (2011). Concentrations of airborne particulate matter, ammonia and carbon dioxide in large scale uninsulated loose housing cowsheds in Estonia. In: Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of the ISAH: XV ISAH Congress 2011 "Animal Hygiene and Sustainable Livestock Production", Vienna, Austria, July 3-7, 2011. (Toim.) J. Köfer; H. Schobesberger. Brno, Czech Republic: Tribun EU s.r.o., 2011, 219 - 221.

3.4. Kahru, A.;Ivask, A.; Blinova, I.; Kasemets, K.; Bondarenko, O.; Mortimer, M.; Heinlaan, M.; Käkinen, A.; Aruoja, V. (2011). Nan(eco)toxicology: science at the interphases. . International conference on materials and technologies for green chemistry jointy with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II), Sept 5-9, Tallinn, Estonia. . Tallinn: Tallinn Technical University, 2011, 22 - 22.

3.5. Liiva, H.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Orupõld, K.; Purgas, M. (2011). Fine-root decomposition affected by heavy metals in forest soils. In: Ecology of Soil Microorganisms, abstract book: Ecology of Soil Microorganisms, Microbes as Important Drivers of Soil Processes; Praha, Tsehhi Vabariik, 2011., 2011.

3.5. Lillenberg, Merike; Astover, Alar; Sepp, Kalev; Nei, Lembit (2011). Ravimijäägid reoveesette kompostis – potentsiaalne mõju kultuurtaimedele ja mullaelustikule. In: Veterinaarmeditsiin 2011: Tartu:, 2011, 42 - 47.

5.1. Orru, H.; Jõgi, R.; Maasikmets, M.; Kaasik, M.; Loot, A.; Kukk, E. (2011). Effects of Chronic PM Exposure From Local Heating on Self-reported Respiratory and Cardiovascular Health in the RHINE Tartu Cohort. In: Epidemiology:, 2011, (1), S225 - S226.

5.2. Aruoja, Villem; Sihtmäe, Mariliis; Kahru, Anne (2011). Toxicity of Substituted Anilines and Phenols to Algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Bacteria Vibrio fischeri: Comparison with Published Data and QSARs. In: Book of Abstracts of 15th International Symposium of Toxicity Assessment: 15th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment (ISTA), Hong Kong, 3-8.07.2011. , 2011, O-47.

5.2. Käkinen, A.; Blinova, I.; Ivask, A.; Kasemets, K.; Bitjukova, L.; Aruoja, V.; Kurvet, I.; Mortimer, M.; Bondarenko, O.; Sihtmäe, M.; Kahru, A. (2011). Narva elektrijaamade tuhaheitmete keskkonnamõjud: kombineeritud geokeemiline ja ökotoksikoloogiline uuring. XXXII Eesti keemiapäevad, Tartu, 14.-15. aprill. , 2011.

5.2. Leivits, Meelis; Tammekänd, Indrek; Tammekänd, Jaak; Ojaste, Ivar; Leivits, Agu (2011). Effect of forest drainage on the size of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) leks in Estonia: A key attribute for long-term habitat loss. In: Abstracts: 8th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union 27–30 August 2011, Riga. (Toim.) Fusani, L; Coppack, T.; Strazds, M.. Riga: Latvian Ornithological Society, 2011, 226 - 226.

5.2. Liiva, Helen; Orupõld, Kaja; Purgas, Milvi; Püttsepp, Ülle (2011). Decomposition of above- and belowground forest litters; short-term lab experiments. "Carbon balance after disturbances and drought, COST FP0803 conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 27-30, 2011., 2011.

5.2. Nei, L.; Lillenberg, M.; Haiba, E.; E.Kipper, K.; Herodes, K. (2011). Pharmaceuticals in Sewage Sludge Compost and Their Uptake from Fertilized Soil by Food Plants. In: Abstract Book: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 32nd Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts:, 2011, 241.

5.2. Sulina, Julia (2011). Haptic senses' influence on landscape perception: experimental methodology testing.

6.3. Külvik, Mart (2011). Soovitan raamatut. Loodusesõber, 4, 63

6.3. Lillenberg, Merike; Haiba, Egge; Nei, Lembit (2011). Reoveesette sobivusest põlluväetiseks. Keskkonnatehnika, 8, 16 - 18.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2011). Kunstiteosed aias peavad pakkuma positiivseid emotsioone. Postimees, teemaleht "Kevad aias", 2011, 14 - 14.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2011). Maaülikooli teadustrio säras Saaremaal. Maaülikool, 200, 1-1.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2011). Mäng aias on kui seiklus. Postimees, teemaleht "Kevad aias", 2011, 14 - 14.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2011). Mis on roheteraapia ehk kuidas aiad meile mõjuvad? Postimees, teemaleht "Kevad aias", 2011, 14 - 14.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2011). Tervendavad rohealad. Meie Maa, 2011, 96, 4-4.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2011). Tervendavate aedade lood. kodu ja aed, august, 58 - 59.

6.3. Müncher, Sander; Nilsson, Mats; Vain, Ants; Blank, Lior; Nordkvist, Karin; Roupioz, Laure; Granholm, Ann-Helen; Olsvig-Whittaker, Linda; Carmel, Yohay; Sepp, Kalev; Olsson, Hakan (2011). The use of LIDAR for biodiversity monitoring. EBONE newsletter, 5 - 6.

6.3. Unt, Anna-Liisa (2011). Parem tuvi katusel, vasem tuvi oksal. Maastikueetikast ja ökoloogilisest disainist linnas, aga mitte ainult.

6.3. Unt, Anna-Liisa (2011). Suvistest arhitektuurikonkurssidest ja ruumivõistlustest üldse.

6.6. Külvik, Mart (2011). BioLandMani loengud kliimamuutustest. Maaülikool, 200,2-2.

6.6. Külvik, Mart (2011). Setosit kutsutas vinne väigokõisi põh´arahvide mano.

6.6. Külvik, Mart (2011). Tšehhi uurija külaskäik.

6.6. Unt, Anna-Liisa (2011). Loomemajandus linnapildis. Kuidas tänavatel kultuuri ära tunda.

6.6. Unt, Anna-Liisa (2011). Raudtee teeb ruumi.

2010 (Updated: 06.02.2012)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Kukk, Liia; Astover, Alar; Muiste, Peeter; Noormets, Merrit; Roostalu, Hugo; Sepp, Kalev; Suuster, Elsa (2010). Assessment of abandoned agricultural land resource for bio-energy production in Estonia. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section B, Soil and Plant Science, 60(2), 166-173.

1.1. Lillenberg, M.; Yurchenko, S.; Kipper, K.; Herodes, K.; Pihl, V.; Lõhmus, R.; Ivask, M.; Kuu, A.  Kutti, S.; Litvin, S. V.; Nei, L. (2010). Presence of fluoroquinolones and sulfonamides in urban sewage sludge and their degradation as a result of composting. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 7(2), 307 - 312.

1.1. Orru, Hans; Kimmel, Veljo; Kikas, Ü.; Soon, A.; Künzli, N.; Schins, R.; Borm, P.J.A.; Forsberg, Bertil (2010). Elemental Composition and Oxidative Properties of PM2.5 in Estonia in Relation of Origin of Air Masses - results from ERCHS II in Tartu. Science of the Total Environment, 408(7), 1515 - 1522 .

1.1. Pensa, M.; Karu, H.; Luud, A.; Kund, K. (2010). Within-species correlations in leaf traits of three boreal plant species along a latitudinal gradient. Plant Ecology, 208(1), 155 - 166.

1.1. Sepp, Kalev (2010). Nature Conservation and sustainable mining. Oil Shale, 27(1), 93 - 98.

1.1. Sihtmäe, Mariliis; Blinova, Irina; Aruoja, Villem; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles; Legrand, Nicolas; Kahru, Anne (2010). E-SovTox: An Online Database of the Main Publicly-available Sources of Toxicity Data Concerning REACH-relevant Chemicals Published in the Russian Language. Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 38, 297 - 301.

1.1. Tranchida-Lombardo, V.; Roy, M.; Bugot, E.; Santoro, G.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Selosse, M.; Cozzolino, S. (2010). Spatial repartition and genetic relationship of green and albino individuals in mixed populations of Cephalanthera orchids. Plant Biology, 12, 659 - 667.

1.1. Vassiljev, P.; Palo, T.; Kull, A.; Külvik, M.; Bell, S.; Mander, Ü.; Kull, An. (2010). Landscape assessment for winter recreation in declining snow conditions: the case of Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 16(2), 280 - 295.

1.1. Zasada, I.; Alves, S.; Müller, F.; Piorr, A.; Berges, R.; Bell, S. (2010). International retirement migration in the Alicante region, Spain: process, spatial pattern and environmental impacts. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 53(1), 125 - 141.

1.2. Diaz-Forero, Isabel; Liivamägi, Ave; Kuusemets, Valdo; Luig, Jaan (2010). Pollinator richness and abundance in Northeast Estonia: bumblebees, butterflies and dayflying moths. Metsanduslikud Uurimused (Forestry Studies), 53, 5 - 14.

1.2. Lillenberg, M.; Litvin, S. V.; Nei, L.; Roasto, M.; Sepp, K. (2010). Enrofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin Uptake by Plants from Soil. Agronomy Research, 8(1), 807 - 814.

1.2. Nikodemus, O.; Bell, S.; Peneze, Z.; Rasa, I. (2010). The influence of single area payments and less favoured area payments on the Latvian landscape. GeoJournal, Volume 2, Number 1 / 2010, 25 - 41.

1.2. Orru, Hans; Maasikmets, Marek; Lai, Taav; Tamm, Tanel; Kaasik, Marko; Kimmel, Veljo; Orru, Kati; Merisalu, Eda; Forsberg, Bertil (2010). Health impacts of particulate matter in five major Estonian towns: main sources of exposure and local differences. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, xx - xx (available online)

1.2. Raet, Janar; Sepp, Kalev; Kaasik, Are; Kuusemets, Valdo; Külvik, Mart (2010). Distribution of the Green Network of Estonia. Metsanduslikud uurimused, 53, 66 - 74.

1.2. Roose, Antti; Sepp, Kalev (2010). Monitoring framework for assessing changes of the Estonian rural landscape in adopting European agricultural policies. European Countryside, 2(1), 42 - 59.

1.2. Sepp, Kalev; Kikas, Tambet; Koorberg, Pille; Selge, Siiri; Kaasik, Are (2010). Defining High Nature Value farmland - Estonian experiences. Eycott, A. Scott D., Smithers, J.R. (Toim.). Future Landscape Ecology, Proceedings of 17th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Landscape Ecology UK Chapter (137 - 144). Lancashire, UK: IALE UK, Colin Cross Printers Ltd

1.2. Vaht, Riina; Pensa, Margus; Sepp, Mait; Luud, Aarne; Karu, Helen; Elvisto, Tiina (2010). The assesment of vegetation performance on semi-coke hills of Kohtla-Järve oil-shale industry, Estonia. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 59(1), 3 - 18.

1.2. Vassiljev, P.; Palo, T.; Kull, A.; Külvik, M.; Bell, S.; Mander, Ü.; Kull, An. (2010). Forest landscape assessment for winter recreation in declining snow conditions: the case of Haanja Upland, Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 16(2), 280 - 295.

1.3. Orru, Hans; Teinemaa, Erik; Lai, Taav; Merisalu, Eda; Tamm, Tanel; Kaasik, Marko; Kimmel, Veljo; Orru, Kati; Forsberg, Bertil (2010). Peened osakesed välisõhus ja neist tuleneva tervisemõju hindamine Tallinnas, Tartus, Kohtla-Järvel, Narvas ja Pärnus. Eesti Arst, 89(4), 242 - 250.

3.1. Bell, Simon (2010). Challenges for Research in Landscape and Heath. Ward Thompson,C.; Aspinall, P. and Bell, S. (Toim.). Innovative Approaches to Researching Landscape and Health (259 - 278). Abingdon: Routledge

3.1. Kipper, Karin; Herodes, Koit; Lillenberg, Merike; Nei, Lembit ; Haiba, Egge; Litvin, Sandra V (2010). Plant Uptake of some Pharmaceuticals Commonly Present in Sewage Sludge Compost . Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, 261 - 264.

3.1. Lillenberg, M.; Herodes, K.; Kipper, K.; Nei, L. (2010). Plant Uptake of some Pharmaceuticals from Fertilized Soils. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 161 - 165.

3.1. Suškevičs, Monika; Külvik, Mart (2010). The role of information, knowledge and acceptance during landowner participation in the Natura 2000 designations: The cases of Otepää and Kõnnumaa. Jones, M.; Stenseke, M. (Toim.). The European Landscape Convention: Challenges of participation (275 - 294).Springer

3.1. Van Herzele, A.; Bell, S.; Hartig, T.; Camilleri Podesta, M.T.; and van Zon, R. (2010). Health benefits of nature experience: The challenge of linking practice and research. Nilsson, K.; Sangster, M.; Gallis, C.; Hartig, T.; de Vries, S.; Seeland, K.; Schipperijn, J. (Toim.). Forests, Trees and Human Health (169 - 182). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin

Muud artiklid / Other articles

2.3. Heinlaan, Margit; (2010). Ecotoxicological evaluation of synthetic nanoparticles and particulate environmental samples. (Doktoritöö / Doctoral thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences) Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

3.2. Külvik, Mart (2010). Document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/14/16/ Rev.1: Further Work on Gaps and Inconsistencies in the International Regulatory Framework on Invasive Alien Species, Particularly Species Introduced as Pets, Aquarium and Terrarium Species, as Live Bait and Live Food, and Best Practices for Addressing the Risks Associated with Their Introduction. In: Report of the Expert Meeting in Preparation of SBSTTA-14: March 15 - 19, 2010. Convened by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation at the International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm..., 2010, 83 - 86.

3.2. Sepp, Kalev; Metsaots, Kaie; Roose, Anti (2010). Kaevandamisega muudetud maastike väärtustamine ja kujundamine. Kaar, E.; Kiviste, K. (Toim.). Maavarade kaevandamine ja puistangute rekultiveerimine Eestis (105 - 128). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

3.2. Suškevičs, Monika (2010). Legitimacy Analysis of Multi-level Governance of Biodiversity: Evidence from 12 Case Studies across the EU. UFZ-Discussion Papers, 13, 1 - 32.

3.2. Toomiste, H.; Haller, J.; Kriipsalu, M.; Kuusemets, V. (2010). Phosphorus Balance at Tartu WWTP, Estonia. In: 7th International Conference Linnaeus Eco-Tech’10. In: book of abstracts,: 7th International Conference Linnaeus Eco-Tech’10.. (Toim.) F. Kaczala, S. Arzur, I. Tjäder, W. Hogland.., 2010.

3.2. Ward, Ray; Burnside, Niall; Joyce, Chris; Sepp, Kalev (2010). The effects of micro-topography and edaphic factors on vegetation community structure. In: Future Landscape Ecology, Proceedings of 17th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Landscape Ecology UK Chapter: Annual Meeting of the International Association of Landscape Ecology UK Chapter "Future of Landscape Ecology", Brighton, 13-16 September, 2010. (Toim.) Eycott, A. Scott D., Smithers, J.R. . Lancashire, UK: IALE UK, Colin Cross Printers Ltd, 2010, 32 - 36.

3.4. Lang, Mait; Kodar, Ave; Püttsepp, Ülle (2010). New approach to estimate forest canopy indices from digital hemispherical images. In: Operational tools in forestry using remote sensing techniques: ForestSat 2010, Lugo, Spain, 7-10 September. (Toim.) David Miranda, Juan Suarez, Rafael Crecente. Libreria Troll, 2010, 90 - 93.

3.4. Maikov, Kadri; Sander, Heldur (2010). Cultural and Therapeutic aspects: The contribution of forests, trees and natural spaces to the therapy of people who are unwell, taking account of national and regional cultural aspects and how these are reflected in behaviour, institutions, health practice and health statistics Output related to identifying and recording good practice. COST Action E39: Trees, Forests and Human Health & Well-Being. Country Report of Estonia (24 - 35).EFI EUROFOREST

3.4. Maikov, Kadri (2010). Landscape characteristics as approach to landscape design, Based to examples of Bastion parks in Tallinn. Contemporary landscape design:new approaches and dimensions, St.Peterburg, 10-12.06.2010. (Toim.) Dr. Maria Ignatieva. St.Peterburg:, 2010, 124 - 124.

3.4. Nei, Lembit; Lillenberg, Merike; Haiba, Egge; Kipper, Karin; Herodes, Koit (2010). Sewage Sludge - a Nutrient-Rich Fertilizer or Hazardous Waste. In: Innovative Approaches and Sustainable Technology: Kohtla-Järve, 2010, 17 - 21.

3.4. Püttsepp, Ülle (2010). Fine-root length responds to modified environment. In: Book of Abstracts, 5th International Symposium on Physiological Processes in Roots of Woody Plants: 5th International Symposium on Physiological Processes in Roots of Woody Plants, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. August 8-12. (Toim.) Paterson, C.. University of Victoria, 2010, 70 - 70.

3.5. Normak, Argo; Luna del Risco, Mario; Orupõld, Kaja (2010). Metaanitootlikkuse potentsiaali andmebaas. Vollmer, Elis; Normak, Argo (Toim.). TEUK XII Taastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine. Invesitation and usage of renewable energy sources (78 - 84). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool

5.1. Aruoja, Villem; Sihtmäe, Mariliis; Kahru, Anne; Cronin, Mark T.D.; Dubourguier, Henri‐Charles (2010). Toxicity of substituted anilines to algae and luminescent bacteria: QSAR approaches with new experimental data. In: SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research: 14th International Workshop on Quantitative structure-activity relationships in Environmental and Health Sciences, Montreal, 24-28 May, 2010. Taylor & Francis, 2010.

5.1. Aruoja, Villem; Sihtmäe, Mariliis; Kahru, Anne; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles (2010). Toxicity of 66 substituted anilines and phenols to bacteria Aliivibrio fischeri and algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata: Effect of chemical structure. Toxicology Letters, 196, 124 - 125.

5.1. Luna del Risco, Mario; Kahru, Anne; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles (2010). Inhibition of methanogenesis caused by ZnCl2 and CuCl2 during anaerobic digestion of cattle manure. 2010 International BIOMASS Conference & Expo, May 4-6, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. , 2010.

5.2. Blinova, Irina; Ivask, Angela; Kasemets, Kaja; Bityukova, Liidia; Aruoja, Villem; Käkinen, Aleksandr; Kurvet, Imbi; Mortimer, Monika; Bondarenko, Olesja; Sihtmäe, Mariliis; Kanarbik, Liina; Kahru, Anne (2010). Environmental impact of oil shale combustion ashes: combined chemical and ecotoxicological study. SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain, 23-27 May. , 2010, 168 - 169.

5.2. Kahru, A.; Ivask, A.; Kasemets, K.; Blinova, I.; Mortimer, M.; Bondarenko, O.; Heinlaan, M.; Aruoja, V.; Dubourguier, HC. (2010). A combined structural-ecotoxicological-biosensor approach for the high-to- medium-throughput evaluation of the ecotoxic effects and profiling of the toxicity of synthetic nanoparticles. Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials: nano 2010, Clemson, South Carilina, USA, 22. - 26. august 2010. , 2010.

5.2. Külvik, Mart; Palang, Hannes; Rimm, Diana; Sepp, Kalev; Suškevičs, Monika (2010). The European Landscape Convention: A case of inadvertent by-implementing. PECSRL: The Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, 24th Session. Living in Landscapes: Knowledge, Practice, Imagination. Riga & Liepaja, Latvia, 23 – 27 August 2010. (Toim.) University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences., 2010, 83 - 84.

5.2. Leivits, Agu; Leito, Aivar; Ojaste, Ivar; Leivits, Meelis; Merivee, Murel (2010). Site-based monitoring and assessment breeding bird communities of the protected mires in Estonia: the effect of recreational disturbance on habitat use of birds. In: Bird Numbers 2010. Monitoring, indicators and targets. Book of abstracts. : 18th Conference of the European Bird Census Council 22-26 March, Caceres (Extremadura, Spain). (Toim.) Bermejo, A.. Madrid: SEO/BirdLife, 2010, 59 - 60.

5.2. Lillenberg, M.; Herodes, K.; Kipper, K; Nei, L. (2010). Fluoroquinolones and sulfonamides in sewage sludge and its compost. In: Abstract book: SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Seville:, 2010, 192 - 193.

5.2. Palm, Vello; Ojaste, Ivar; Leito, Aivar; Elts, Jaanus (2010). The dependence of migration phenology and breeding success of the Eurasian Crane in Estonia on climate variables. 7th European Crane Conference; Stralsund, Sweden; 14.-17.10.2010. (Toim.) Nowald, Günter; Donner, Normann, Stralsund: 2010, 46 - 46.

5.2. Raet, Janar (2010). The Green Network of Estonia. In: Proceedings of the Conference Nature Conservation Beyond 2010: Nature Conservation Beyond 2010, May 27-29, Tallinn, 2010. (Toim.) Sepp, Kalev; Semm, Maaria., 2010, 44 - 45.

5.2. Raet, Janar; Sepp, Kalev; Kuusemets, Valdo; Kaasik, Are (2010). EU Impact on Land Use Dynamiics in Estonia. In: Book of Abstracts, International Conference in Landscape Ecology: Landscape structures, functions and management: response to global ecological change. Brno/Prague, 3-6th september 2010. (Toim.) Ivo Machar and Pavel Kovář. Prague: CZ-IALE, 2010, 64 - 64.

5.2. Sahk, Kaarel; Sepp, Kalev (2010). TRADITIONAL AND NON-TRADITIONAL TOOLS FOR THE DESCRIPTION OF REAL ESTATE VALUE. In: Book of Abstracts: 17th European Real Estate Society (ERES) Conference. Milano Italy, 23 - 26 June 2010. , 2010.

5.2. Sahk, Kaarel; Kärson, Kadri; Sepp, Kalev (2010). REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL PROCEDURE - DO THE EASEMENTS INFLUENCE RESULTS? (A COUNTRY BASED APPROACH). In: Book of Abstracts: 17th European Real Estate Society (ERES) Conference. Milano Italy, June 23-26, 2010. 2010.

5.2. Sahk, Kaarel; Kajak, Maile; Sepp, Kalev (2010). CONNECTION BETWEEN VALUATION STANDARDS AND REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL PROCEDURE (A COUNTRY BASED APPROACH). In: Book of Abstracts: 17th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference in Milan, Italy 23-26 June 2010. , 2010.

5.2. Sahk, Kaarel; Hindriksoo, Kärt; Sepp, Kalev (2010). Buildings Condition Assessment Prodedure and its Influence to the Collateral Activities and Operations. In: Book of Abstracs: 17th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference in Milan, Italy, June 23-26, 2010. , 2010.

5.2. Sepp, Mait; Päädam, Kalev; Palm, Vello; Leito, Aivar (2010). On Connections Between Weather Types and the Arrival of Migratory Birds in Estonia. In: EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts: 10th EMS / 8th ECAC Zürich, Šveits, 13-17. septembril 2010., 2010 - 692.

5.2. Sihtmäe, Mariliis; Aruoja, Villem; Kahru, Anne (2010). Use of high-throughput bacterial and algal toxicity tests for the characterisation of ecotoxicological hazard of chemicals: impact on REACH. NATO SfP 982590 project workshop, Characterisation of hazardous chemical contamination – from environmental chemistry and toxicology to risk assessment, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23-26 September. , 2010, 39.

5.2. Suškevičs, Monika (2010). Stakeholder inclusion and legitimacy: lessons learned from stakeholder participation in the framework of Green Network planning in Estonia. Conference on Governance of Natural Resources in a Multi-Level Context 20 - 22 January 2010, Leipzig, Germany. Leipzig:, 2010.

5.2. Tillemann, K.; Suškevics, M., Külvik, M. (2010). Ecological network planning and implementation as a multi-level biodiversity conservation tool: an analysis of Estonian case studies. In: Scaling and Governance Conference 2010. Conference Program and Book of Abstracts.: Towards a New Knowledge for Scale Sensitive Governance of Complex Systems, Wageningen, the Netherlands, November 11-12, 2010. Wageningen UR, 2010, 71 - 72.

5.2. Ööpik, Merle; Sammul, Marek; Nael, Anu (2010). An Estonian story of Garden lupin Lupinus polyphyllus. In: NEOBIOTA 2010: Biological Invasions in a Changing World from Science to Management: NEOBIOTA 2010, Copenhagen 14-17 Sep, University of Copenhagen. (Toim.) Kollmann, J.; van Mölken, T.; Ravn, H.P.., 2010, 110.

6.2. Jürgens, K.; Randlane, T.; Sell, I.; Vellak, K.; Palo, A.; Luig, J.; Laanetu, N.; Järvekülg, R.; Tambets, J.; Ots, M.; Lutsar, L.; Timm, U. (2010). Soontaimed. Leito, T. (Toim.). Ida-Virumaa kaitstavad liigid (36 - 68). Tartu: Eesti Loodusfoto

6.2. Proebstl, U., Wirth, V., Elands, B. and Bell, S. (2010). Management of recreation and nature-based tourism in European forests. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg

6.2. Ward Thompson, C. Aspinall, P and Bell, S. (2010). Innovative approaches to researching landscape and health. Abingdon: Routledge Taylor & Francis Ltd

6.3. Külvik, Mart (2010). Süük ku perimuskultuuri tähtsä pala. Setomaa, 21(223), 8-8.

6.3. Külvik, Mart (2010). Maa elurikkus ja maaelu rikkus. Maaülikool, 188, 2-2.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2010). Hollandi hofjed. Kodu & Aed, 3, 12 - 13.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2010). Maastikuarhitektuuri töötuba Vahemere ülikoolis. Maaülikool, 184, 4-4.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2010). Maastikukarakteristikute PIIRID. ÕU, 2, 23 - 24.

6.3. Päss, Kristiina; Maikov, Kadri (2010). Maastikumuusika kui kujunduselement. Kodu & Aed, 1, 31 - 42.

6.3. Unt, Anna-Liisa (2010). Ühe tühja ruumi lugu. Tallinna Kalasadam.

6.4. Tuvi, Eva-Liis; Feršel, Anne-Ly (2010). Hoiualadega jõed Virumaal 1. Avijõgi, Tagajõgi, Pada jõgi ja Pühajõgi. Tartu; Keskkonnaamet

6.4. Feršel, Anne-Ly; Tuvi, Eva-Liis (2010). Hoiualadega jõed Virumaal 2. Narva jõgi. Tartu; Keskkonnaamet

6.6. Külvik, Mart (2010). PKI sai elurikkuse tippkeskuse liikmeks. Maaülikool, 183, 1-1.

6.6. Unt, A.-L., Kähr, R. (2010). Lõigatud õuejooned.

6.7. Suškevčs, M.; Berghöfer, A.; Rauschmayer, F.; Wittmer, H. (2010). Towards successful participation in European biodiversity and water governance.

2009 (Updated: 12.01.2010)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Aruoja, Villem; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles; Kasemets, Kaja; Kahru, Anne (2009). Toxicity of nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Science of the Total Environment, 407(4), 1461 - 1468.

1.1. Bell, S., Nikodemus, O., Penēze, Z. and Kruze, I (2009). Management of cultural landscapes: what does this mean in the Former Soviet Union: A case study from Latvia. Landscape Research, 34(4), 425 - 455.

1.1. Bell, S., Penēze, Z., Montarzino, A and Nikodemus, O (2009). Rural society, social inclusion and landscape change in central and eastern Europe: a case study of Latvia. Sociologia Ruralis, 49(3), 295 - 326.

1.1. Eichhorn, Götz; Drent, Rudolf H.; Stahl, Julia; Leito, Aivar; Alerstam, Thomas (2009). Skipping the Baltic: the emergence of a dichotomy of alternative spring migration strategies in Russian barnacle geese. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78, 63 - 72.

1.1. Kasemets, K.; Ivask, A.; Dubourguier, H-C.; Kahru, A. (2009). Toxicity of nanoparticles of ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Toxicology in vitro, 23, 1116 - 1122.

1.1. Lillenberg, M.; Yurchenko, S.; Kipper, K.; Herodes, K..; Pihl, V.; Sepp, K.; Lõhmus, R.; Nei, L. (2009). Simultaneous determination of fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides and tetracyclines in sewage sludge by pressurized liquid extraction and liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216, 5949 - 5954.

1.1. Orru, H.; Teinemaa, E.; Lai, T.; Tamm, T.; Kaasik, M.; Kimmel, V.; Kangur, K.; Merisalu, E.; Forsberg, B (2009). Health impact assessment of particulate pollution in Tallinn using fine spatial resolution and modelling techniques. Environmental Health, 8, 7.

1.1. Palm, Vello; Leito, Aivar; Truu, Jaak; Tomingas, Oliver (2009). The spring timing of arrival of migratory birds: dependence on climate variables and migration route. Ornis Fennica, 86, 97 - 108.

1.1. Sepp, K.; Roose, A. (2009). Towards multifunctionality of mining landscapes in the Estonian oil shale basin: typologies, assessment and planning . Oil Shale, 26(3), 432 - 441.

1.1. Sihtmäe, M.; Dubourguier, H.C.; Kahru, A. (2009). Toxicological information on chemicals published in the Russian language: Contribution to REACH and 3Rs . Toxicology, 262(1), 27 - 37.

1.1. Tranchida-Lombardo, V.; Roy, M.; Bugot, E.; Santoro, G.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Selosse, M.; Cozzolino, S. (2009). Spatial repartition and genetic relationship of green and albino individuals in mixed populations of Cephalanthera orchids. Plant Biology, 1 - 10.

1.1. Vellak, A.; Tuvi, E.-L.; Reier, Ü.; Kalamees, R.; Roosaluste, E.; Zobel, M.; Pärtel, M. (2009). Past and present effectiveness of protected areas for conservation of naturally rare and anthropogenically rare plant species. Conservation Biology, 23(3), 750 - 757.

1.2. Nei, Lembit; Lillenberg, Merike (2009). Mackereth Oxygen Sensor: Measurement Uncertainty. ECS Transactions, 19(22), 55 - 63.

1.2. Nõmmela, Mari (2009). Stiiliajaloolise ja marksistliku käsitluse konflikt Eesti kunstiajaloos Voldemar Vaga näitel. Ajalooline Ajakiri, 1/2(127/128), 197 - 211.

1.2. Sepp, Kalev (2009). Eine Fallstudie aus dem Biosphärenreservat West ­ estnischer Archipel . Natur und Landschaft, 9/10, 430 - 432.

1.3. Elts, J.; Kuresoo, A.; Leibak, E.; Leito, A.; Leivits, A.; Lilleleht, V.; Luigujõe, L.; Mägi, E.; Nellis, Renno; Nellis, Rein; Ots, M. (2009). Eesti lindude staatus, pesitsusaegne ja talvine arvukus 2003–2008. Hirundo, 22(1), 3 - 31.

1.3. Nutt, Nele (2009). Mõisamaastiku aeg ja ruum. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Kunstiteaduste Instituudi Toimetised, 19, 32 - 44.

1.3. Parts, P.-K. Jääts, L., Rennu, M., Matsin, A., Metslang, J. (2009). Viljandimaa käsitöömeistritest rakendusantropoloogia vaatenurgast. Akadeemia, 4, 725 - 745.

2.2.  Bell, S., Simpson, M., Tyrvainen, L, Sievanen, T and Proebstl, U. (2009) (Eds) European forest recreation and tourism: a handbook. Taylor and Francis, London.

2.2. Valge, Jaak; Sepp, Kalev (2009). Üleilmastumine ja globaalprobleemid. Tallinn: Koolibri.

2.3. Bell, S. (2009). Landscape change, landscape perception and the Latvian countryside. (Doktoritöö, Estonain University of Life Sciences) Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

3.1. Bell, S. (2009). Valuable broadleaved trees in the landscape. Spiecker, H., Hein, S., Makkonen-Spieker, K. and Thies, M. (Toim.). EFI research report 22 (171 - 199). Leiden: BRILL Academic Publishers

3.1. Noe, Steffen M.; Kimmel, Veljo; Jõgiste, Kalev; Hörtnagl, Lukas; Wohlfahrt, Georg (2009). Biosphere-Atmosphere exchange of a mixed forest stand in a hemiboreal ecosystem at Järvselja, Estonia. Ukonmaanaho, Liisa, Nieminen, Tiina M. & Starr, Mike (Toim.). 6th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour BIOGEOMON 2009 Conference Programme & Abstracts. (106). Helsinki: Metlan työraportteja / Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 128

3.1. Sepp, Kalev (2009). Saaremaa. Wrbka, Thomas; Zmelik, Katharina; Grünweis, Franz Michael (Toim.). The Europeqan Green Belt:Borders, Wilderness, Future (64 - 70). Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

3.1. Tammepuu, Ants;Tammepuu, Orm; Sepp, Kalev (2009). Emergency preparedness in integrated management systems: case study of the Port of Tallinn. Disaster Management and Human Health Risk: Reducing Risk, Improving Outcomes (65 - 76). Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton: WIT Press.

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Karro, Kadi (2009). Pargi ikonoloogia. Mart Külvik, Juhan Maiste (Toim.). Park looduses ja kunstis (130 - 137). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

3.2. Kivimaa, K.; Kreisman, K.; Külvik, M.; Sepp, K.; Suškevičs, M. (2009). The Green Network plan in Estonia: implementation lessons learned at county and local levels . In: Ecological Networks: Science and Practice: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (UK Chapter), Edinburgh University, 1-3 September 2009. (Toim.) Catchpole, R.; Smithers, R.; Baarda, P., Eycott, A.. IALE (UK), 2009, 113 - 119.

3.2. Kusmin, J.; Tarang, L.; Pommer, V.; Külvik, M.; Neljandik, T. (2009). Cultural heritage objects in relation to land use epochs during 20th century: Results from an inventory in NW Estonia. Saratsi, E.; Bürgi, M.; Johann, E.; Kirby, K.; Moreno, D.; Watkins, C. (Toim.). Woodland cultures in Time and Space. Tales from the past messages for the future (315 - 314). Athens: Embryo Publications

3.2. Külvik, Mart (2009). Park kui välismaa. Külvik, M.; Maiste, J. (Toim.). Park on paradiis looduses ja kunstis (334 - 341). Eesti Maaülikool.

3.2. Külvik, Mart; Maiste, Juhan (2009). Park is Paradise in Art and Nature. Summaries. Introduction. Külvik, M.; Maiste, J. (Toim.). Park on paradiis looduses ja kunstis (364 - 365). Eesti Maaülikool.

3.2. Külvik, Mart; Maiste, Juhan (2009). Sissejuhatus. Külvik, M.; Maiste, J. (Toim.). Park on paradiis looduses ja kunstis (10 - 25). Eesti Maaülikool.

3.2. Külvik, M.; Sepp, K. (2009). Ecological network experience from Estonia. In: Making the Connections: A Role for Ecological Networks in Nature Conservation.: Proceedings of the 26th Conference of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, Nottingham, 13-15 November 2007. (Toim.) Hill, D.. Winchester: IEEM, 2009, 40 - 43.

3.2. Maikov, Kadri; Sander, Heldur (2009). Bastionipargid [Tallinna]. Uurimisest hinnanguni. Mart Külvik, Juhan Maiste (Toim.). Park looduses ja kunstis (264 - 269). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

3.2. Maiste, Juhan (2009). Balti villa rustica ja "Liivmaa Šveits". Mart Külvik, Juhan Maiste (Toim.). Park looduses ja kunstis (138 - 155). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

3.2. Maiste, Juhan; Hansar, Lilian; Nutt, Nele; Sipelgas , Kreeta; Sinijärv, Urve; Hiiop, Hilkka; Haljasmäe, Rene; Paju, Risto; Koha, Eve. (2009). Aeg ja ruum: uue muinsuskaitse poole. Randla, Anneli. (Toim.). Muinsuskaitse ja restaureerimise osakonna väljaanded (115 - 134). Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia

3.2. Nutt, Nele (2009). Mõis ja maastik. Mart Külvik, Juhan Maiste (Toim.). Park looduses ja kunstis (94 - 105). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

3.2. Nõmmela, Mari (2009). Kalmistu pargis. Mart Külvik, Juhan Maiste (Toim.). Park looduses ja kunstis (270 - 275). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

3.2. Printsmann, A.; Sepp, M.; Luud, A. (2009). Põlevkivimaa kaevandusmaastiku pärandi kuvand, kaitse ja tulevik. Valgma, I.; Õnnis, A.; Reinsalu, E.; Sõstra, Ü.; Uibopuu, L.; Västrik, A.; Robam,K.; Vesiloo, P.; To (Toim.). Mäenduse maine (51 - 59). Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Kirjastus.

3.2. Sahk, Kaarel; Sepp, Kalev (2009). The fundamentals of recreational and leisure property valuation: beyond and unbiased. Lithuanian Propery Valuers 15 years Experience and a Future Perspectives (74 - 99). Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.

3.2. Sepp, Kalev (2009). Park Maastikus. Mart Külvik, Juhan Maiste (Toim.). Park looduses ja kunstis (216 - 225). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

3.2. Sipelgas, Kreeta (2009). Mõisapark kui ettekujutus. Mart Külvik, Juhan Maiste (Toim.). Park looduses ja kunstis (120 - 129). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.

3.4. Kaasik, Allan; Maasikmets, Marek (2009). Concentration of airborne particles and emission of gaseous compounds (carbon dioxide and ammonia) in large, cold, loose housing cowsheds in Estonia in the winter period. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene: 14th International Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene (ISAH); Vechta, Germany; 19-23 July 2009. (Toim.) Andreas Briese, Marcus Clauss, Jörg Hartung, Annette Springorum. Tribun EU, Gorkeho 41, Brno 602 00, Czech Republic, 2009, 859 - 862.

3.4. Kimmel, V.; Kaasik, M.; Ots, R.; Orupõld, K.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Alliksaar, T.; Kaasik, H. (2009). Technological renovation influence on biogeochemical cycles in wetlands of North-East of Estonia. In: 6th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour BIOGEOMON 2009 Conference Programme & Abstracts. Metlan työraportteja / Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 128.: BIOGEOMON 2009, Helsingi 29.06 - 3.07. 2009. (Toim.) Ukonmaanaho, L.; Nieminen, T.M.; Starr, M.. Helsingi: Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2009, (Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute; 128), 502.

3.4. Maikov, Kadri (2009). Landscape characteristics as personal experience stimulators in healing gardens. In: Health and recreation in Forest and Landscape: Health and recreation in Forest and Landscape, Challenges, theories, empirical studies, and practical solutions. (Toim.) Hunziker Marcel, Bauer Nicole. Birmensdorf:, 2009, 110 - 110.

3.4. Püttsepp, Ülle; Orupõld, Kaja (2009). Peenjuurte biodegradatsiooni mõõtmised OxiTop kontrollitud süsteemis. In: RootRap 7th ISRR Symposium, RootResearch and Applications: RootRap 7th ISRR Symposium, Root Research and Applications, BOKU Wien 2-4 September 2009. Wien, Austria: University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, 2009, 1 - 2.

4.2. Külvik, M.; Maiste, J. (2009) (Toim.). Park on paradiis looduses ja kunstis. Eesti Maaülikool.

5.1. Aruoja, V.; Sihtmäe, M.; Kahru, A.; Dubourguier, H.C. (2009). Effect of substituents on the ecotoxicity of anilines and phenols. In: Toxicology Letters: EUROTOX 2000 Congress, 13-17. Sept 2009, Dresden, Germany, 2009, (13 September 2009), Page S192 - S192.

5.1. Orru, H.; Teinemaa, E.; Lai, T.; Tamm, T.; Kaasik, M.; Kimmel, V.; Forsberg, B.; Kangur, K.; Merisalu, E. (2009). Health impact assessment of locally emitted particulate matter in Tallinn using sectioning and modeling techniques. In: Abstracts: 7th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application. Istanbul, 24-27 March 2009. (Toim.) Hu, R.M.; Khaiwal, R.; Chemel, C.; Newbold, H.; Incecik, S.; Kahya, C.; Sokhi, R.S.. UK:, 2009, 99 - 99.

5.1. Sihtmäe, M.; Dubourguier, H-C.; Kahru, A. (2009). E-SovTox – a web-database on selected publicly available (eco)toxicity data published in Russian language. . In: ALTEX-ALTERNATIVEN ZU TIEREXPERIMENTEN : 7(th) World Congress Rome 2009 Abstracts. , 2009, (Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 11-361 Published: 2009 ), 92 - 92.

5.2. Aruoja, V.; Sihtmäe, M.; Kahru, A.; Dubourguier, H.C. (2009). Effect of substituents on the ecotoxicity of anilines and phenols. Eurotox 2009, 46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Dresden, Germany, September 13-16, 2009., 2009.

5.2. Heinlaan, M.; Arbeille, B.; Prensier, G.; Kahru, A.; Dubourguier, H.C. (2009). Ultrastructural changes of Daphnia magna gut after ingestion of CuO nanoparticles. . SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, 31 May - 4 June 2009., 2009.

5.2. Heinlaan, M.; Orupõld, K.; Dubourguier, H.C.; Kahru, A. (2009). Impact of open oil shale mining and powerplants on the chemical and ecotoxicological quality of rivers and sediments in East Estonia . International Oil Shale Symposium, Tallinn, Estonia, 8-11 June 2009. , 2009.

5.2. Ivask, A.; François, M.; Põllumaa, L.; Dubourguier, H.C.; Kahru, A. (2009). Bioavailability of particle- and colloid-bound cadmium in polluted soils. SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, 31 May - 4 June 2009, 2009.

5.2. Ivask, Angela; Käkinen, Aleksandr; Bondarenko, Olesja; Kasemets, Kaja; Blinova, Irina; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles; Kahru, Anne (2009). Speciation of heavy metals and response of biosensors and ecotoxicity tests. In: Book of Abstracts of 14th International Symposium of Toxicity Assessment: 14th International Symposium of Toxicity Assessment (ISTA14), Metz, Prantsusmaa, 30. august - 4. september 2009, 2009, 112 - 112.

5.2. Kahru, Anne., Dubourguier, Henri-Charles, Ivask, Angela., Mortimer, Monika; Aruoja, Villem; Heinlaan, Margit; Kasemets, Kaja; Blinova, Irina (2009). Risks of nanoparticles to the environment. THE 30-YEAR ANNIVERSARY SYMPOSIUM OF THE FINNISH SOCIETY OF TOXICOLOGY: Challenges of Toxicology Today, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland; May 26-27, 2009. , 2009.

5.2. Kipper, Karin; Lillenberg, Merike; Yurchenko, Sergei; Herodes, Koit; Pihl, Viljar; Sepp, Kalev; Lõhmus, Rünno; Nei, Lembit (2009). Determination of antibiotic residues in sewage sludge by pressurized liquid extraction and LC-ESI-MS. In: Book of Abstracts: 5th Conference by Nordic Separation Sciense Society, 26.-29. Aug., 2009, Tallinn, Estonia. , 2009, 102.

5.2. Luna Del Risco, M.; Leydier, T.; Dubourguier, H.C. (2009). Methanogenic Potential of Crops and Wastes: A Web based database. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries: 5th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries, 10-12 June, 2009 – Ghent, Belgium. Ghent, Belgium, 2009.

5.2. Pensa, M.; Karu, H.; Luud, A.; Rull, E.; Vaht, R. (2009). The effect of planted tree species on the diversity of herbaceous vegetation in a reclaimed oil-shale opencast in Estonia. In: Adapting forest management to maintain the environmental services: carbon sequestration, biodiversity and water.: Abstracts and Programme of an International Conference, Koli National Park, Finland, 21.-24.9.2009. (Toim.) Finer, L.; Lauren, A.; Lier, M.. Vantaa, Soome: Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2009, (Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute; 133), 37 - 38.

5.2. Sahk, Kaarel; Sepp, Kalev (2009). The Fundamentals of Recreational and Leisure Property Valuation: Beyond and Unbiased. 16th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, Stockholm, 24.-27.06.2008, 2009, 352.

5.2. Sahk, Kaarel; Sepp, Kalev (2009). The Development of Compulsory Purchase – A Legislative View Point and Market Expectations. 16th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, Stockholm, 24.-27.06.2008. , 2009, 169.

5.2. Sepp, K.; Külvik, M. (2009). Estonia: the Green Network. In: Towards Green Infrastructure for Europe. Proceedings of the European Commission workshop.: Towards Green Infrastructure for Europe: Integrating Natura 2000 sites into the wider countryside, Brussels, 25-26 March 2009. (Toim.) K. Sundseth & A. Sylwester. Brussels, 2009, 27 - 28.

5.2.Sihtmäe, M.; Dubourguier, H-C.; Kahru, A. (2009). E-SovTox – a web-database on selected publicly available (eco)toxicity data published in Russian language. Alternatives to animal experimentation (ALTEX), VII World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, August 30 - September 3, 2009, 92.

5.2. Suškevičs, M.; Kreisman, K.; Külvik, M. (2009). Stakeholder networks for ecologically sustainable land use decisions: experiences from two case studies in Estonia. 4th Lüneburg Workshop on Environmental and Sustainability Communication. 28 – 29 September 2009, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany. , 2009.

6.3. Kimmel, V.; Kallaste, T. (2009). Energiat säästes tulevikku. Keskkonnatehnika, 8, 32 - 35.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2009). Erasmuslased õppisid Türgis. Maaülikool, 165, 1-1

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2009). Müstiline kuuaed. Kodukiri, 1, 14 - 17.

6.3. Maiste, Juhan (2009). Põltsamaa aiariik. Tiina Tammet (Toim.). Eesti Parkide Alamanahh 2 (36 - 50). Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet, Keskkonnaministeeirum.

6.3. Nei, Lembit; Lillenberg, Merike (2009). Reoveesettest valmistatud komposti peab hoolega kontrollima. . Keskkonnatehnika, 7, 12 - 13.

6.3. Nutt, Nele (2009). Oaas keset Chicagot. Tiina Tammet (Toim.). Eesti Parkide Almanahh 2 (58 - 60). Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet, Keskkonnaministeeirum.

6.3. Parts, P.-K. (2009). Agul ja klassitsism – pärandiökoloogia poole. Ehitamine miljööväärtuslikel rannaaladel (9 - 13). Muhu: Muhu vallavalitsus, Eesti Arhitektide Liit.

6.3. Raudoja, A.; Külvik, M. (2009). Maausulistõ saajaq. Irboska - Davõdov-Konets, 5. juuli 2009. Peko Helü, [4], 18 - 20.

6.3. Sipelgas, Kreeta (2009). Romantilise mõisapargi kujundusest Eestis. Tiina Tammet (Toim.). Eesti Parkide Alamanahh 2 (32 - 35). Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet, Keskkonnaministeeirum.

6.4. Parts, P.-K., Rennu, M., Jääts, L., Matsin, A., Metslang, J. (2009). Traditional woodworking and building crafts in Viljandi county in 2008. Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia.

6.4. Parts, P.-K., Rennu, M., Jääts, L., Matsin, A., Metslang, J. (2009). Traditsioonilised puutöö- ja ehitusoskused Viljandimaal 2008. Viljandi: Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia.

6.7. Maiste, Juhan, (2009). Aeg ruumis ja ruum ajas. Tagasi asjade juurde. Randla, A. (Toim.). Uue muinsuskaitse poole (9 - 16). Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia.

6.7. Parts, P.-K., Lind, K. (2009). Rahvuslik puutööndus: õppekava.

2008 (Updated: 12.01.2010)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Heinlaan, Margit; Ivask, Angela; Blinova, Irina; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles; Kahru, Anne (2008). Toxicity of nanosized and bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to bacteria Vibrio fischeri and crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus. Chemosphere, 71(7), 1308 – 1316.
1.1. Ivask, M.; Kuu, A.; Meriste, M.; Truu, J.; Truu, M.; Vaater, V. (2008). Invertebrate communities (Annelida and epigeic fauna) in three types of Estonian cultivated soils. European Journal of Soil Biology, 44, 532 - 540.

1.1. Kahru, A.; Dubourguier, H.C.; Blinova, I.; Ivask, A.; Kasemets, K. (2008). Biotests and Biosensors for Ecotoxicology of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: A Minireview . Sensors, 8, 5153 - 5170.

1.1. Piret Kuldna, Kaja Peterson, Helen Poltimäe, Jaan Luig An application of DPSIR framework to identify issues of pollinator loss Ecological Economics, in print

1.1. Kull, Ain; Kull, Anne; Jaagus, Jaak; Kuusemets, Valdo; Mander, Ülo (2008). The effects of fluctuating climatic and weather events on nutrient dynamics in a narrow mosaic riparian peatland. Boreal Environment Research, 13(3), 243 - 263.

1.1. Leito, Aivar; Truu, Jaak; Õunsaar, Maris; Sepp, Kalev; Kaasik, Are; Ojaste, Ivar; Mägi, Eve (2008). The impact of agriculture on autumn staging Eurasian Cranes (Grus grus) in Estonia. Agricultural and Food Science , 17(1), 53 - 62.

1.1. M. Mortimer, K. Kasemets, M. Heinlaan,I. Kurvet, A.Kahru (2008). High throughput kinetic Vibrio fischeri bioluminescence inhibition assay for study of toxic effects of nanoparticles . Toxicology in vitro, 22, 1412 - 1417.

1.1. Orupõld, K.; Habicht, J.; Tenno, T. (2008). Leaching behaviour of oil shale semicoke: compliance with the waste acceptance criteria for landfills. Oil Shale, 25(2), 267 - 275.

1.1. Orru, H.; Teinemaa, E.; Lai, T.; Tamm, T.; Kaasik, M.; Kimmel, V.; Merisalu, E.; Kangur, K. (2008). Health Impact Assessment of Locally Emitted Particulate Matter in Tallinn Using Clustering and Modeling Techniques. In: Epidemiology: ISEE 20th Annual Conference; Pasadena, California; October 12-16, 2008. , 2008, (6), s226.

1.1. Pensa M, Karu H, Luud A, et al. (2008). The effect of planted tree species on the development of herbaceous vegetation in a reclaimed opencast. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE Volume: 38 Issue: 10 Pages: 2674-2686

1.1. Ööpik, Merle; Kukk, Toomas; Kull, Kalevi; Kull, Tiiu (2008). The importance of human mediation in species establishment: Analysis of the Alien Flora of Estonia. Boreal Environment Research, 13, 53 - 67.

1.2. Agnoletti, M.; Anderson, S.; Johann, E.; Kulvik, M.; Kushlin, A.; Montiel Molina, C.; Parrotta, J.; Rotherham, I.D.; Saratsi, E. (2008). The Introduction of Historical and Cultural Values in the Sustainable Management of European Forests. Global Environment, 2, 172 - 199.

1.2. Feige, Nicole; Jeugd, Henk; Graaf, Alexandra; Larsson, Kjell; Leito, Aivar; Stahl, Julia (2008). Newly established breeding sites of the Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis in North-western Europe - an overview of breeding habitats and colony development. Vogelwelt, 129, 244 - 252.

1.2. Leito, Aivar (2008). Internationally important staging areas for geese in Estonia. Vogelwelt, 129, 191 - 194.

1.2. Leito, Aivar; Truu, Jaak (2008). Development of the Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis population in Estonia. Vogelwelt, 129, 239 - 243.

1.2. Maiste, J. (2008). Klassitsism ja tõde. Kunstiteaduslikke uurimusi, 17(1 - 2/2008), 7 - 13.

1.2. Raet, Janar; Sepp, Kalev; Kaasik, Are (2008). Assessment of changes in forest coverage based on historical maps. Metsanduslikud Uurimused (Forestry Studies), 48, 69 - 80.

1.3. Dubourguier, H.C. (2008). Eestimaistest põllukultuuridest ja biojäätmetest biogaasi tootmise kineetika ja efektiivsuse uurimine: uus teadusprogramm Eesti Maaülikoolis. Keskkonnatehnika, 1(08), 12 - 15.

1.3. Leito, Aivar; Truu, Jaak; Põder, Indrek (2008). Hanikatsi laiu laialehise salumetsa haudelinnustiku võrdlus teiste sarnaste metsade haudelinnustikega Eestis. Hirundo, 21, 73 - 86.

2.2. Kalm, M.; Maiste, J.; Zobel, R. (2008). Toompea loss. Tallinn: Riigikogu Kantselei

2.2. Nõmmela, Mari (2008). Voldemar Vaga (1899-1999) ja Eesti kunsti ajalugu . Tartu: EKM Teaduskirjastus

2.2. Kaur, Egle; Kuusik, Maila; Sepp, Kalev (2008). Eesti maastikud. Tallinn: Tänapäev

2.3. Kuu, Annely (2008). Biological Diversity of Agricultural Soils in Estonia, (Doktoritöö, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool) Tallinn: Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Kirjastus

3.1. Kaasik, A.; Raet, J.; Sepp, K.; Leito A. & Kuusemets, V. (2008). Land use changes on Hiiumaa Island (North-western Estonia) in the last fifty years. In: Geo-Environment and Landscape Evolution III: Third International Conference on Evolution, Monitoring, Simulation, Management and Remediation of the Geological Environment and Landscape, 16-18 June 2008, The New Forest, UK. (Toim.) U. Mander; C. A. Brebbia; J. F. Martin-Duque. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2008, (WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Vol.100; 100), 173 - 182.

3.1. Maikov, Kadri; Bell, Simon; Sepp, Kalev (2008). A comparison of the evaluation of room characteristics of healing gardens . Design and Nature IV (223 - 232).Wessex Institute of Techonology Press

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Bell, S., Penēze, Z., Nikodemus, O. and Montarzino. A. (2008) Perceptions of the Latvian landscape during social and economic transitions. In: Place and Location VI, Näripea, E., Sarapik, V. and Tomberg, J (Eds). Place and location, Tallinn.

3.2. Bell, S. and Ward Thompson, C. (2008) Health, identity and sense of place: the importance of local landscapes. In Berlan Darqué, M., Luginbuhl, Y and Terrasson, D. (Eds). Landscape: from knowledge to action. Éditions Quae, Versailes cedex.

3.2. Maikov, K., Bell, S. and Sepp, K. (2008) An evaluation of the design of room characteristics of a sample of healing gardens. In Design and Nature IV, WITPress, Southampton.

3.2. Maiste, J. (2008). Changing the past of the Future. Näripea, E.; Sarapik, V.; Tomberg, J. (Toim.). Place and Location, Studies in Environmental Aesthetics and Semiotics (115 - 138). Tallinn: Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian academy of Arts, Estonian Semiotics Association

3.2. Nutt, Nele (2008). Parkide restaureerimine. Tallinn: Sakk & Sakk

3.4. Hiob, Mart; Nutt, Nele (2008). Urban Sprawl in Estonia (EU). ACSP-AESOP Forth Joint Congress, Chicago, USA, 6. kuni 11. juulil 2008. a. , 2008.

3.4. Ivask, Angela; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles; Kahru, Anne (2008). Recombinant luminescent bacteria for quantification of bioavailable heavy metals: state of the art. SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 25.-29.05.2008. SETAC Europe • Avenue de la Toison d’Or 67 • B-1060 Brussels • Belgium:, 2008, 79 - 80.

3.4. Ivask, Mari; Kuu, Annely (2008). Can earthworms Be Used As Indicators Of Agri-Environmental Measures? In: Using Evaluation to Enhance the Rural Development Value of Agri- Environmental Measures: Using Evaluation to Enhance the Rural Development Value of Agri- Environmental Measures. Pärnu, Estonia, 17–19 June 2008. (Toim.) Redman, M; Koorberg, P. Agricultural Research Centre, Saku, Estonia, 2008.

5.1. Aruoja, V.; Kahru, A.; Dubourguier, H.C. (2008). Toxicity of ZnO, TiO2 and CuO nanoparticles to microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. In: Toxicology Letters: Eurotox 2008, Rhodes, 5-8 October 2008. Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2008, S220.

5.1. Kahru, A.; Ivask, A.; Blinova, I.; Kasemets, K.; Dubourguier, HC. (2008). Bioavailability and ecotoxicology of nanoparticles. In: Toxicology Letters: 45th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology EUROTOX2008, Rhodes, 5-8 October 2008. Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2008, S20.

5.2. Bell, S. (2008) Competitiveness and creativity: stimulating and motivating group  teaching projects. Presented at the ECLAS annual conference, Alnarp, Sweden.

5.2. Bell, S. and Martin, S. (2008) Improving knowledge and awareness among forest managers of accessibility to Scottish forests by disabled people. Cost E33 conference: Forest Recreation & Tourism Serving Urbanised Societies 28 - 31 May 2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland.

5.2. Bell, S., Alves, S. and Silverinha, E. (2008) Migration-environment relations: an ecological model and methodology for elaborating response functions. Presented at the conference on Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes, Berlin.

5.2. Bell, S., Alves, S. and Zuin, A.(2008) Mapping out the social impacts of land use: Soft GIS and choice-based conjoint analysis as integrative methods. Presented at the conference on Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes, Berlin.

5.2. Bell, S., Parshin, A and Kuzevanov, V. (2008) The role of botanic gardens in urban ecology and design:  case from Irkutsk. Presented at the conference on Urban Ecology and Design, St Petersburg, Russia

5.2. Dubourguier, Henri-Charles; Luna del Risco, Mario; Leydier, Thomas. (2008). State of the research on biogas production in Estonia. Second International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste - Venice, Italy - 17-20 November 2008. , 2008. [ilmumas]

5.2. Lillenberg, M.; Herodes, K.; Yurchenko, S.; Kipper, K; Sepp, K.; Nei, L. (2008). Antibiotic residues in some fertilizers. In: Abstract Book: SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, Warsaw. , 2008, 79 - 80.

5.2. Lillenberg, Merike; Yurchenko, Sergei; Kipper, Karin; Herodes, Koit; Nei, Lembit (2008). Degradation of antibiotic residues during sewage sludge composting. In: Abstract Book: SETAC North America 29th Annual Meeting, Tampa. , 2008, 197.

5.2. Orru, H.; Kimmel, V.; Forsberg, B.; Soon, A. (2008). Elemental Composition and Oxidative Properties of PM2.5 in Relation of Origin of Air Masses in ERCHS II City Tartu. In: Epidemiology: ISEE 20th Annual Conference; Pasadena, California; October 12-16, 2008. , 2008, (6), S226.

5.2. Orru, H.; Teinemaa, E.; Lai, T.; Tamm, T.; Kaasik, M.; Kimmel, V.; Forsberg, B.; Merisalu, E.; Kangur, K. (2008). Health impact assessment of locally emitted particulate matter in Tallinn using clustering and modeling techniques . In: Epidemiology: ISEE 20th Annual Conference; Pasadena, California; October 12-16, 2008. , 2008, (6), s226.

5.2. Ööpik, Merle; Pulk, Eleri (2008). Breeding programmes making new invasive species : an early warning case of oriental goats' rue (Galega orientalis) in Estonia. In: Towards a synthesis: Neobiota book of abstracts: NEOBIOTA: 5th European Conference on Biological Invasions, Prague (Czech Republic), 23-26. Sept. (Toim.) Pysek, P. & Pergl, J.. Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Průhonice, Czech Republic:, 2008, 186.

6.2. Bell, S. and Apostol, D (2008). Designing Sustainable Forest Landscapes. Taylor & Francis

6.2. Bell, Simon (2008). Design for outdoor recreation. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis

6.2. Karro, Kadi (2008). Ajaloolise pargi tähendus. Parkide restaureerimine (151 - 167). Tallinn: Tallinn Technical University

6.2. Roots, Ott; Maasikmets, Marek (2008). Rahvusvaheline materjalide korrosiooniprogramm Lahemaa seirejaamas 1987-2006. [Tallinn]: Keskkonnaministeerium

6.3. Hansson, K.; Külvik, M.; Maikov, K. (2008). Millised on meeldivaimad metsavaated? Eesti Mets, 2, 32 - 34.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2008). Tervendava aia saladused. Kodu & Aed, sügis, 42 - 46.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2008). Vahemere pärli aiad. Kodu & Aed, juuli, 48 - 53.

6.3. Ööpik, Merle (2008). Üks maailm kuue maailmajao mitmekesise elustiku asemel. Eesti Loodus, 5, 47

6.6. Orru, H.; Teinemaa, E.; Lai, T.; Tamm, T.; Kaasik, M.; Kimmel, V.; Merisalu, E. (2008). Välisõhu kvaliteedi mõju inimeste tervisele Tallinna linnas. Keskkonnatehnika, 1, 20 - 23.

6.6. Parts, P.K.; Allmann, I. (2008). Mida teha miljööväärtuslike rannaaladega?.

6.7. Parts, P.K. (2008). Unustamise vajalikkusest [Videosalvestis] : avalik loeng 22. 05. 2008. a. Viljandi Linnaraamatukogus.

2007 (Updated: 12.01.2010)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Althoff T, Hentschel H, Luig J, et al. (2007). Na+-D-glucose cotransporter in the kidney of Leucoraja erinacea: molecular identification and intrarenal distribution. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-REGULATORY INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY Volume: 292 Issue: 6 Pages: R2391-R2399

1.1. Deram, A.; Denayer, F. O.; Dubourgier, H. C.; Douay, F.; Petit, D.; Van Haluwyn, C. (2007). Zinc and cadmium accumulation among and within populations of the pseudometalophytic species Arrhenatherum elatius: Implications for phytoextraction. Science of the Total Environment, 372(2-3), 372-381

1.1. Harzia, H.; Orupõld, K.; Habicht, H.; Tenno, T. (2007). Leaching behaviour of oil shale semicoke: Sulphur species. Oil Shale, 24(4), 583 - 589.

1.1. Heinlaan, M.; Kahru, A.; Kasemets, K.; Kurvet, I.; Waterlot, C.; Sepp, K.; Dubourguier, H.C.; Douay, F. (2007). Rapid screening for soil ecotoxicity with a battery of luminescent bacteria tests. Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 35(1), 101 - 110.

1.1. Ivask, M.; Truu, J.; Kuu, A.; Truu, M.; Leito, A. (2007). Earthworm communities of flooded grasslands in Matsalu, Estonia. European Journal of Soil Biology, 43(2), 71 - 76.
1.1. Ivask, Mari; Kuu, Annely; Sizov, Eduard (2007). Abundance of earthworm species in Estonian arable soils. European Journal of Soil Biology, Vol 43 S1, 39 - 42.

1.1. Li, W., Wang, F. and Bell, S. (2007) Simulating the sheltering effects of windbreaks in urban outdoor space. Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 95:7, 533-549

1.1. Ostonen, I.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Biel, C.; Alberton, O.; Bakker, M.R.; Lõhmus, K.; Majdi, H.; Metcalfe, D.; Olsthoorn, A.; Pronk, A.; Vanguelova, E.; Weih, M.; Brunner, I. (2007). Specific root length as an indicator of environmental change. Plant Biosystems, 141(3), 426 - 442.

1.1. Püttsepp, Ülle; Lõhmus, Krista; Koppel, Andres (2007). Decomposition of Fine Roots and a-Cellulase in a Short Rotation Willow (Salix spp.) Plantation on Abandoned Agricultural Land. Silva Fennica, 41(2), 247 - 258.

1.1. Raave, Henn; Kapak, Siret; Orupõld, Kaja (2007). Phytotoxicity of oil shale semi-coke and its aqueous extracts: a study by seed germination bioassay . Oil Shale, 24(1), 59 - 71.

1.1. Roose, A.; Sepp, K.; Saluveer, E.; Kaasik, A.; Oja, T. (2007). Neighbourhood-defined approaches for integrating and designing landscape monitoring in Estonia . Landscape and Urban Planning, 79, 177 - 189.

1.1. Sepp, Kalev; Bastian, Olaf (2007). Studying landscape change: indicators, assessment and application . Landscape and Urban Planning, 79, 125 - 127.

1.1. Vanguelova, E.I.; Eldhuset, T., Hirano, Y.; Sas-Paszt, L.; Bakker, M.R.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Brunner, I.; Lõhmus, K.; Godbold, D. (2007). Tree fine root Ca/Al molar ratio – Indicator of Al and acidity stress. Plant Biosystems, 141(3), 460 - 480.

1.2. Bell, S., Tyrvainen, L., Sievanen, T., Proebstl, U and Simpson, M. (2007). Outdoor recreation and nature tourism: A European perspective. Living Reviews in Landscape Research, 1, 1 - 50.

1.2. Bell, S.; Montarzino, A.; Travlou, P. (2007). Mapping research priorities for green and public urban space in the UK . Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 6(2), 103 - 115.

1.2. Maiste, J. (2007). Lüübeki linnas Tallinnas. Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi = Studies on art and architecture = Studien für Kunstwissenschaft, 1/2(16), 191 - 210.

1.3. Parts, P.-K. (2007). Kultuurilise tootmise tehnoloogia poole: kultuuripärandi näide. Akadeemia, 2, 227 - 271.

2.2. Maiste, J. (2007). Eesti kunsti lugu. Tallinn: Varrak

3.1. Granhall U., Lõhmus K., Püttsepp Ü., Ostonen I. (2007). Mycorrhizae in Alnus incana. Ü. Mander, K. Lõhmus (Toim.). Riparian Alder Forests: their importance as buffer zones and bioenergy sources (xx - xx).Springer [ilmumas]

3.1. Tammepuu, A.; Sepp, K.; Uiga, E. (2007). Aspects of risk assessment in land use planning: the case study of Tartu. Guarascio, M. (Toim.). Safety and Security Engineering II. The Built Environment (345 - 357). Southhampton: Wessex Institute of Techonology Press

3.1. Vassiljev, P.; Kuldkepp, K.; Külvik, M.; Kull, A.; Mander, Ü. (2007). Recreational trail planning in the context of seasonality. E. Tiezzi, J.C. Marques, C.A. Brebbia & S.E. Jørgensen (Toim.). Ecosystems and sustainable development (353 - 364). Southampton, Boston: WIT Press

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Agnoletti, M.; Anderson, S.; Johann, E.; Klein, R., Kulvik, M.; Kushlin, A.V.; Mayer, P.; Montiel Molina, C.; Parrotta, J.; Patosaari, P.; Rotherham, J.D.; Saratsi, E. (2007). Guidelines for the Implementation of Social and Cultural Values in Sustainable Forest Management. A Scientific Contribution to the Implementation of MCPFE - Vienna Resolution 3. . IUFRO Occasional Paper (1- - 28). Vienna: IUFRO Publishers

3.2. Bell, S. and Montarzino, A. (2007) Landscape perception as a reflection of quality of life and social exclusion in rural areas. What does it mean in an expended Europe? In: Open Space: People Space, Ward Thompson, C. and Travlou, P. (Eds). Taylor and Francis, London

3.2. Bell, S., Penēze, Z., Nikodemus, O., Montarzino, A and Grīne, I. (2007) The value of Latvian rural landscape. In: European landscapes and lifestyles: the Mediterranean and beyond, Roca, Z., Spek, T., Terkenli, T, Plieninger, T and Höchtl, F. (Eds) Edições Universitárias Lusófanas, Lisbon

3.2. Heinsoo, K.; Holm, B.; Truu, M. (2007). Willow (Salix) plantation for wastewater treatment in Estonia. In: Proceedings of the 15th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition: 15th European Biomass Confefence & Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, 7-11 May 2007. , 2007, 714 - 717.

3.2. Kaasik, Marko; Kimmel, Veljo (2007). Emissions. Dimitrios Melas; Urbano Fra Paleo (Toim.). REGIONAL TRANSBOUNDARY TRANSPORT OF AIR POLLUTION: An introductory Science Review (19 - 32).Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones [ilmumas]

3.2. Kahru, Anne; Heinlaan, Margit, Ivask, Angela; Blinova, Irina (2007). (Eco)toxicological tests and bioavailability recombinant microbial models in evaluation of hazard and mechanism of action of manufactured nanoparticles: contribution to 3Rs and REACH. EURONANOFORUM 2007 - European and International Forum on Nanotechnology - Proceedings. Düsseldorf. 19-21 June 2007. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007, 195 - 198.

3.2. Kaljonen, M.; Primmer, E.; de Blust, G.; Nijnik, M; Külvik, M. (2007). Multifunctionality and biodiversity conservation – institutional challenges. Chmielewski, T. J. (Toim.). Nature Conservation Management: Form Idea to Practical Results (53 - 69). Lublin, Łódź, Helsinki, Aarhus: Lublin University of Agriculture

3.2. Karro, Kadi (2007). Subliimne ja pitoreskne Wörlitzi park. Eesti parkide almanahh (26 - 29). Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet

3.2. Künnapu, L.; Maiste, J. (2007). Kuressaare linn rajamisest 20. sajandini - Saaremaa. Saaremaa, Ajalugu, Majandus, Kultuur. (847 - 866). Tallinn: Koolibri

3.2. Maiste, J. (2007). Saaremaa mõisaarhitektuur. Saaremaa, Ajalugu, Majandus, Kultuur. (826 - 846). Tallinn: Koolibri

3.2. Parts, P.-K., Sepp, K. (2007). Assessing the impact of tourism: intellectual and economic struggles and landscape changes on Kihnu island. Kungolas, A., Brebbia, C.A., Beriatos, E. (Toim.). Sustainable Development and Planning III (341 - 356). Southampton: Wessex Institute of Techonology Press

3.2. Sepp, K. (2007). Maastikuline liigestatus. Pae, T., Sokk, H. (Toim.). Järvamaa: loodus ja inimene. (76 - 85). Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus

3.2. Suškevičs, M.; Külvik, M. (2007). Assessing the effects of public participation during the designation of Natura 2000 areas in Otepää Nature Park area, Estonia. Chmielewski, T. J. (Toim.). Nature Conservation Management: Form Idea to Practical Results. A Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network (220 - 235). Lublin, Łódź, Helsinki, Aarhus: Lublin University of Agriculture

3.4. Maiste, J. (2007). Today is eternity. New Growth from old roots. A democratic 21 st Century Garden for Oranienbaum? International Conference of the Kulturstiftung DessauWörlitz; Oranienbaum; 7 th - 9 th April 2006 (24 - 33). Amsterdam/Dessau: Kulturstiftung Dessau Wörlitz

3.5. Parts, P.-K. (2007). Vaateid pärandimajandusele teoorias ja praktikas. Arukask, M. (Toim.). Muutused, erinevused ja kohanemised eesti kultuuriruumis ja selle naabruses (129 - 148). Viljandi: Tartu Ülikool

4.1. Sepp, Kalev; Bastian, Olaf (2007). Studying landscape change. indicators, assessment and application. Landscape and Urban Planning, 79, 125 - 190.

5.2. Anne Kahru, Angela Ivask, Kaja Kasemets, Irina Blinova, Henri-Charles Dubourguier (2007). A suite of eukaryotic and prokaryotic tests for in vitro toxicity and bioavailability studies of metal oxide nanoparticles: contribution to 3Rs. ESF-EMBO Symposium, Research Conferences, Probing Interactions Between Nanoparticles/Biomaterials and Biological Systems: Alternative Approaches to Bio- and Nano-toxicity, 3-8 November 2007, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain. , 2007.

5.2. Bell, S. (2007) Benchmarking and the Le: Notre network as a framework for redeveloping landscape architecture programmes. Presented at the Globalisation and Landscape Architecture conference, St Petersburg, Russia

5.2. Dubourguier, H.C.; Kahru, A.; Kasemets, K.; Pruvot, C.; Descamps, M. (2007). Phytomanagement of bioremediated soils and transfer of PAHs to plants and soil mesofauna. SECOTOX 2007 (Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety) / First International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), Skiathos island, Greece, June 24 to 28, 2007. , 2007.

5.2. Heinlaan, M.; Blinova, I.; Ivask, A.; Mortimer, M.; Dubourguier, H.C.; Kahru, A. (2007). Ecotoxicological hazard of ZnO, TiO2 and CuO (nano)powders: effects on bacteria, crustaceans and protozoa. In: ALTEX: 14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing, 28-30 September 2007, Linz, Austria. , 2007, 241 - 242.

5.2. Külvik, M.; Sepp, K. (2007). Ecological Networks: Experience in Estonia. IIEM Annual Conference and AGM 13-15 November 2007, Nottingham. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, 2007, 3 - 4.

5.2. Mortimer, M.; Kasemets, K.; Kurvet, I.; Heinlaan, M.; Kahru, A. (2007). Kinetic bioluminescence inhibition assay for study of toxic effects of colored and/or turbid samples and nanoparticles: microplate versus tube luminometer formats. 25th Workshop of the Scandinavian Society for Cell Toxicology, Salzau, Germany, Sept. 19 - 22. , 2007, 41 - 41.

5.2. Tarang, L.; Pommer, V.; Külvik, M.; Neljandik, T.; Kusmin, J. (2007). Forest landscape change and cultural heritage through 20th century: indications of an inventory in NW Estonia. Woodland Cultures in Time and Space: tales from the past, messages for the future. Scientific and Social Perspectives on Woodland Change, 3-7 September 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece. , 2007, 20.

5.2. Ööpik, Merle (2007). Alien Flora of Estonia: deliberately introduced perennials have advantages in naturalisation. In: Alien Species: Environment, Biorisks, Future: 5th Environment Symposium of the Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation, 18-19 Jan 2007, Turku, Finland. Turku, Finland:, 2007, 54.

5.2. Ööpik, Merle; Kull, Tiiu (2007). The importance of human mediation in species establishment: analysis of Alien Flora of Estonia (North-Europe). In: EMAPi 9 Abstract Book: 9th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions, 17-21 Sept 2007 Perth, Western Australia. , 2007, 22.

6.2. Oisalu, Sandra; Valge, Joel; Maasikmets, Marek; Klein, Kai; Teinemaa, Erik (2007). Lõhnaained - põllumajandusest ja tööstusest. Tallinn: Balti Keskkonnafoorum

6.3. Külvik, M. (2007). Maridõ külämaastigust. Peko Helü, 2, 12 - 13.

6.3. Maikov, K., Sander, H. (2007). COST kogunes Maltal . Maaülikool, 22 nov., 2

6.3. Maiste, Juhan (2007). Park kui ikoon. Tammet, Tiia (Toim.). Eesti parkide almanahh (10 – 23). Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet, Keskkonnaministeerium

6.3. Nutt, Nele (2007). Ükski park ei saa kunagi valmis. Pargihooldusest ja pargihoolduskavadest. Tiina Tammet (Toim.). Eesti Parkide Almanahh (65 - 66). Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet, Keskkonnaministeeirum

6.3. Ööpik, Merle (2007). Kasu riskid on suured. Taimede bioinvasioonist ühe ja teise nurga alt. . Rohtmets, I. & Kukk, T. (Toim.). Lehed ja tähed. Looduse ja teaduse aastaraamat (32 - 41). Tallinn: MTÜ Loodusajakiri

6.3. Ööpik, Merle (2007). Taimedest võõrliigid vallutavad Eesti. Maamajandus, Mai, 35 - 37.

6.4. Leito, Aivar; Leito, Tiit (2007). Linnud. Peil, Tiina; Nilson, Eve (Toim.). Uurimisretked Väinamere laidudele (72 - 83). Tallinn: Digimap

6.4. Maiste, J. (2007). Tuldud teed edasi. Autorikogumik. Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia muinsuskaitse ja restaureerimise teaduskond

6.6. Kimmel, V. (2007). Euroopa energiasäästuvõistluse Energy Trophy+ teine voor. Keskkonnatehnika, 7, 37 - 38.

6.6. Maiste, Juhan (2007). Kahest klassikast. Kunst. ee (62 - 71).Eesti Kunstnike Liit


2006 (Updated: 12.01.2010)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Abadie, J.-C.; Püttsepp, Ü.; Gebauer, G.; Faccio, A.; Bonfante, P.; Selosse, M.-A. (2006). Cephalanthera longifolia (Neottieae, Orchidaceae) is mixotrophic: a comparative study between green and nonphotosynthetic individuals. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne de Botanique, 84(9), 1462 - 1477.

1.1. Althoff T, Hentschel H, Luig J, et al. (2006). Na+-D-glucose cotransporter in the kidney of Squalus acanthias: molecular identification and intrarenal distribution. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-REGULATORY INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY Volume: 290 Issue: 4 Pages: R1094-R1104

1.1. Leito, A.; Truu, J.; Roosaluste, E.; Sepp, K.; Põder, I. (2006). Long-term dynamics of breeding birds in broad-leaved deciduous forest on Hanikatsi Island tn the West-Estonian archipelago. Ornis Fennica, 83(3), 124 - 130.

1.1. Püttsepp, Ü.; Lõhmus, K.; Persson, H. Å.; Ahlström, K. (2006). Fine-root distribution and morphology in an acidic Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand in SW Sweden in relation to granulated wood ash application. Forest Ecology and Management, 221(1-3), 291 - 298.

1.3. Čerovský, J.; Külvik, M. (2006). Muž mezi zelenými a bílými listy. Ochrana Přírody, 61(8), 255 - 256.

1.3. Ivask, M; Kuu, A; Truu, M; Truu, Jaak (2006). The effect of soil type and soil moisture on earthworm communities. Agraarteadus, XVII(1), 3 - 33.

2.2. Leito, A.; Keskpaik, J.; Ojaste, I.; Truu, J. (2006). The Eurasian Crane in Estonia. Tartu: Eesti Loodusfoto

2.3. Luud, A. (2006). Evaluatoin of moose habitats and forest reclamation in Estonian oil shale mining areas. (Doktoritöö, Tartu Ülikool) Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus

3.1. Kask, Rein; Lemetti, Illar; Sepp, Kalev (2006). Soil Erosion in Europe: Estonia. John Boardman; Jean Poesen (Toim.). Soil Erosion in Europe (33 - 38).Wiley-VCH

3.1. Maikov, Kadri; Pihlak, Madis (2006). Is the pedestrian city relevant to the sustainable city? mobility, urbanization and health. The Sustainable city IV, Urban Regeneration and Sustainability (599 - 605).Wessex Institute of Techonology Press

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Maiste, J. (2006). Paradise Lost and Regained. My Place. Historic European Parks and Their Communities (122 - 131). London: EU

3.2. Maiste, J. (2006). English Style Garden and Baltic Identity. Larsson, L.O. (Toim.). Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte im Baltikum. Homburger Gespräche (131 - 148). Kiel: M.C.A. Böckler-Mare-Balticum-Stiftung

3.2. Palang, Hannes, Sepp, Kalev, Sooväli, Helen (2006). Eesti maastikupärand ja selle hoidmise võimalused. Punning, Jaan-Mati (Toim.). Eesti jätkusuutliku arengu teel (75 - 83).Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus

3.4. Ivask, Mari; Ööpik, Merle; Kuu, Annely (2006). Abundance and diversity of earthworm communities in flooded semi-natural grasslands. In: Soil zoology. Abstracts from the 11th Nordic Soil Zoology Symposium and PhD course, Akureyri, Iceland 28-31 July 2006.: 11th Nordic Soil Zoology Symposium and PhD course, Akureyri, Iceland 28-31 July 2006. Agricultural University of Iceland, Publication No 9. Akureyri:, 2006, 90 - 94.

3.4. Kuu, Annely; Ivask, Mari (2006). Pterostichus vulgaris (L., 1758) (=melanarius (Illiger, 1798)) and Harpalus pubescens (Müll., 1776) in agricultural fields. In: Soil Zoology: 11th Nordic Soil Zoology Symposium and PhD course, Akureyri, Iceland 28-31 July 2006. Agricultural University of Iceland, Publicationes No 9, Akureyri:, 2006, 94 - 98.

3.4. Tarang, L.; Kusmin, J.; Pommer, V.; Matila, M.; Külvik, M. (2006). Forest landscape cultural heritage inventory: an Estonian model. In: Cultural heritage and sustainable forest management: the role of traditional knowledge. Proceedings of the conference 8-11 June, 2006, Florence, Italy, Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe: (Toim.) Parrotta, J., Agnoletti, P & E. Johann ., 2006, 270 - 273.

3.5. Ivask, M.; Koorberg, P.; Kuu, A.; Truu, J. (2006). Vihmaussikoosluste parameetrite kasutamine indikaatorina põllumajandusliku keskkonnatoetuse hindamisel. In: Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid : loodushoiu majandushoovad : Eesti X Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid : Tartu, 27.-28. aprill, 2006: Eesti X Ökoloogiakonverents; Tartu; 27-28 Aprill, 2006. Tartu : Eesti Ökoloogiakogu: Teadusühing IM SAARE, 2006, 51 - 56.

3.5. Tuvi, E.-L. (2006). Kaitsealad Eestis enne looduskaitseseadust (2004) - kelle/mille kaitseks ja milleks? In: Noorteadlased teadusloost. EMÜ ja ENTA kooskorraldatud teadusloo konverentsi materjalid: Noorteadlased teadusloost; Tartu; 20. aprill 2006. (Eds.)Teprik, D. Tallinn: OÜ K-Tolliblanketid, 2006, 69 - 73.

5.2. Angela Ivask, Anu Leedjärv, Anne Kahru, Henri-Charles Dubourguier, Marko Virta, Robert Marks (2006). Bacterial biosensors: a mini-scale bioassay for the determination of bioavailable pollutants. In: Programme and abstracts of the 4th International Workshop "Bioavailability of pollutants and soil remediation": 4th International Workshop "Bioavailability of pollutants and soil remediation", Sevilla, 10-13. september 2006. , 2006, 50.

5.2. Bell, S. (2006) The landscape of afforestation: from controversy to acceptance. Presented at the AFFORNORD conference, Reykholt, Iceland.

5.2. Holm, Bert; Ööpik, Merle (2006). The biology, distribution and control of invasive Heracleum species in Estonia. In: Book of Abstracts: 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, 22-26 August 2006, Eger, Hungary. , 2006, 117..

5.2. Suškevičs, M.; Külvik, M. (2006). Assessing the effects of public participation during the designation of Natura 2000 areas in Otepää Nature Park area, Estonia.

5.2. Ööpik, Merle; Otsus, Merit (2006). Alien flora of Estonian Republic: the role of life history in species establishment. In: Abstracts from 8th clonal plant workshop. Generality, specificity and diversity of clonal growth: 8th clonal plant workshop. June 27-30, Pärnu, Estonia. , 2006, 53.

6.3. Eek, L; Külvik, M. (2006). The 2010 Target. The 2010 Target (1 - 4).Ministry of the Enviroment of Estonia

6.3. Ivask, M.; Kuu, A.; Truu, M.; Truu, J. (2006). Mullatüübi ja niiskusetingimuste mõju põllumuldade vihmaussikooslustele = The effect of soil type and soil moisture on earthworm communities. Agraarteadus, 1, 3 - 11.

6.3. Külvik, M.; Čerovsky, J. (2006). Remembering Jaan Eilart, CEC member, Estonia. IUCN CEC Member News and Views, 6, 9

6.3. Leito, Aivar; Kinks, Riho (2006). Räpina polder, rahvusvahelise tähtsusega linnuala. Eesti Loodus, 4, 20 - 23.

6.3. Maasikmets, Marek; Kaasik, Allan (2006). Välisõhku lenduva ammoniaagi heitkoguse arvutamine. Keskkonnatehnika, 1, 48 - 50.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2006). Eesaia kujundus. Kodu & Aed, 28 - 29.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2006). Tervendav maastik. Eramu ja korter, 1, 58 - 61.

6.3. Tartes, Urmas (2006). Kosmosesüstik ja aerupaat. Lehed ja Tähed (44 - 51).MTÜ Loodusajakiri

6.6. Parts, P.-K. (2006). Keskkonnaeetika ja kultuurikapitalism.

6.6. Parts, Priit-Kalev (2006). Kultuuripärand on poliitiline valik minevikust. Sirp. Eesti Kultuurileht, 3123(34), 3

2005 (Updated: 12.01.2010)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Kahru, A.; Ivask, A.; Kasemets, K.; Põllumaa, L.; Kurvet, I.; François, M.; Dubourguier, H. C. (2005). Biotests and biosensors in ecotoxicological risk assessment of field soils polluted with zinc, lead and cadmium. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24(11), 2973 - 2982.

1.1. Kull, A.; Kull, A.; Uuemaa, E.; Kuusemets, V.; Mander, U. (2005). Modelling of excess nitrogen in small rural catchments. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 108(1), 45 - 56.

1.1. Kuusemets, V.; Lohmus, K. (2005). Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation and biomass production by Scirpus sylvaticus and Phragmiotes australis in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 40(6-7), 1167 - 1175.

1.1. Leito, A.; Ojaste, I.; Truu, J.; Palo, A. (2005). Nest site selection of the Eurasian Crane Grus grus in Estonia: an analysis of nest record cards. Ornis Fennica, 82(2), 44 - 54.

1.1. Mander, U.; Kuusemets, V.; Hayakawa, Y. (2005). Purification processes, ecological functions, planning and design of riparian buffer zones in agricultural watersheds. Ecological Engineering, 24(5), 421 - 432.

1.1. Meier, K.; Kuusemets, V.; Luig, J.; Mander, U. (2005). Riparian buffer zones as elements of ecological networks: Case study on Pamassius mnemosyne distribution in Estonia. Ecological Engineering, 24(5), 531 - 537.

1.1. Nikodemus, O. Bell, S., Grine, I. and Liepinš, I. (2005). Impact of economic, social and political factors on the landscape structure of the Vidzeme Uplands in Latvia. Landscape and Urban Planning, 70(1-2), 57 - 67.

1.1. Nurk, K.; Truu, J.; Truu, M.; Mander, U. (2005). Microbial characteristics and nitrogen transformation in planted soil filter for domestic wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 40(6-7), 1201 - 1214.

1.1. Partel, M.; Kalamees, R.; Reier, U.; Tuvi, EL.; Roosaluste, E.; Vellak, A.; Zobel, M. (2005). Grouping and prioritization of vascular plant species for conservation: combining natural rarity and management need. Biological Conservation, 123(3), 271 - 278.

1.1. Reier, U.; Tuvi, EL.; Partel, M.; Kalamees, R.; Zobel, M. (2005). Threatened herbaceous species dependent on moderate forest disturbances: A neglected target for ecosystem-based silviculture. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 20, 145 - 152.

1.1. Sepp, K.; Ivask, M.; Kaasik, A.; Mikk, M.; Peepson, A. (2005). Soil biota indicators for monitoring the Estonian agri-environmental programme. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 108(3), 264 - 273.

1.1. Vohla, C.; Poldvere, E.; Noorvee, A.; Kuusemets, V.; Mander, U. (2005). Alternative filter media for phosphorous removal in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 40(6-7), 1251 - 1264.

1.2. Ward Thomson, C., Aspinall, P, Bell, S. and Findlay, C. (2005) “It gets you away from everyday life”: local woodlands and community use – what makes a difference? Landscape research 30:1 109-146

1.2. Palo, A.; Aunap, R.; Mander, Ü. (2005). Predictive vegetation mapping based on soil and topographical data: A case study from Saare County, Estonia. Journal for nature conservation, 13(2-3), 197 - 211.

1.3. Palang, H.; Sooväli, H.; Printsmann, A.; Peil, T.; Kaur, E.; Lang, V.; Konsa, M.; Külvik, M.; Alumäe, H.; Sepp, K. (2005). Püsivad ja muutuvad maastikud Eestis: kultuurigeograafiline käsitlus. Akadeemia, 10, 2209 - 2227.

2.2. Leito, A.; Keskpaik, J.; Ojaste, I.; Truu, J. (2005). Sookurg. Tartu: Eesti Loodusfoto

2.3. Palo, A. (2005). Relationships between landscape factors and vegetation site types: Case study from Saare County, Estonia. (Doktoritöö, Tartu Ülikool, Bioloogia-geograafiateaduskond) Tartu University Press

3.1. Kimmel, K.; Kuusemets, V.; Mander, Ü. (2005). Preconditions of and perspectives for integrating wetland conservation and sustainable use into river basin management in Estonia. C.A. Brebbia, J.S. Antunes do Carmo (Toim.). River Basin Management III. WIT Transaction on Ecology and the Environment (87-96). Southampton, Boston: WIT Press

3.1. Kuusemets, V.; Meier, K.; Luig, J.; Liivamägi, A. (2005). Habitat and landscape structure requirements of Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne). Kuhn, E.; Feldmann, R.; Thomas, J. (Eds.) Studies on the Ecology & Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol.1. General Concepts and Case Studies. (18-21). Sfoia, Moscow: PENSOFT Publisher

3.1. Mander, Ü.; Lõhmus, K.; Kuusemets, V.; Ivask, M.; Teiter, S.; Augustin, J. (2005). Budgets of nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes in riparian Grey Alder forest. Vymazal, J. (Ed.). Natural and constructed wetlands: nutrient, metals and management (1 - 19). Leiden: Backhuys Publishers

3.1. Meier, K.; Kuusemets, V.; Mander, Ü. (2005). Socio-economic and land-use changes in the Pedja River catchment area, Estonia. C.A. Brebbia, J.S. Antunes do Carmo (Toim.). River Basin Management III (585 - 592). Suothampton, Boston: WIT Press

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3. Bell, S., Blom, D., Rautamaki, M., Castel-Branco, C, Simson, S. and Olsen, E.A. (2005) Design of urban forests. In Konijnendijk, C., Nilsson, K, Ranmdrup, T.B. and Schipperijn, J. (Eds) Urban forests and trees. Springer Verlag, Berlin.

3.2. Ivask, Mari; Kuu, Annely (2005). Vihmaussikoosluste liigiline koosseis põllumuldades mahe- ja tavatootmise tingimustes. Teadustööde kogumik (45 - 47). Tartu: Eesti Põllumajandusülikool

3.2. Kuusemets, V.; Jürman, K. (2005). Lubi ehitusmaterjalina. Keskkonnasäästlik planeerimine ja ehitus. Antti Roose (Toim.) Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis (102-107). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus

3.2. Maiste, Juhan (2005). Kaks kultuuri ja üks aeg. Muinsuskaitse aastaraamat (104 - 108).Muinsuskaitse aastaraamat

3.2. Maiste, J. (2005). Park ajas ja ruumis. Tartumaa mõisad (4 - 9). Tartu: EPMÜ

3.2. Maiste, Juhan; Nutt, Nele (2005). Tartumaa mõisad : näituse "Kaotatud paradiis" kataloog : [Tartu Ülikooli Ajaloomuuseumis 29.09. - 28.10.2005]. Kaotatud paradiis, Tartumaa mõisaarhitektuuri näitus (2005 : Tartu). (Toim.) Tarkiainen, Ülle. Tartu: Sakk ja Sakk, 2005, (Balti villa rustica ;; EPMÜ maastikuarhitektuuri eriala toimetised ;).

3.2. Truu, M.; Truu, J.; Ivask, M. (2005). Mahe-ja tavatootmise mõju mikroobsetele protsessidele põllumuldes. Lillak, R.; Viiralt, R.; Geherman, V.; Linke, A. (Toim.). Eesti Põllumajandusülikooli teadustööde kogumik (12 - 14). Tartu: Estonian Agricultural University

3.3. Sander, H; Maikov, K. (2005). Rahvusvaheline projekt “Mets, puud ja inimese tervis ning heaolu”. Toivo Meikar, Ivar Etverk (Toim.). Metsaalmanahh (65 - 66). Tartu: OÜ Vali Press

3.4. Maikov, Kadri (2005). View preferences in two Southern-Estonian hospital complexes. In: Forest, Trees and Human Health and Well-being: Thessaloniki, 2005. , 2005, 319 - 325.

3.4. Parts, P.-K. (2005). "Log Academy". Starting a full-time college-level training on Estonian vernacular building in Tartu University’s Viljandi Culture Academy – experience, prospects, and principles. 3. International Conference of Log House Builders and Wooden Construction Specialists (3. Starptautiskā zinātniski-praktiskā konference “Guļbūvju un koka konstrukciju būvniecība 2005” Teorija un pieredze pasaulē); Riga, Latvia; 4-9 October, 2005. , 2005, 30 - 32.

3.4. Sepp, K.; Roose, A.; Külvik, M. (2005). Integration of the monitoring methodologies on landscape, ecosystem and site level. In: Landscape Ecology in the Mediterranean: inside and outside approaches. Abstracts. European IALE Congress. Faro, Portugal, March 29-April 2, 2005: European IALE Congress. Faro, Portugal, March 29-April 2, 2005. , 2005, 52.

3.5. Karise, Reet; Mänd, Marika; Ivask, Mari; Viik, Eneli; Koskor, Eda (2005). Kimalase õietolmukämpude kalorsus ja seda mõjutavad tegurid. Transactions of the EAU (231 - 233).Bookmill

3.5. Külvik, M. (2005). Setodele on vaja oma kaitseala. In: XXVIII Eesti looduseuurijate päev. Setomaa loodus. : XXVIII Eesti looduseuurijate päev. (Toim.) Puura, I.; Pihu, S. . Tartu: Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts, 2005, 91 - 94.

3.5. Nutt, N.; Maiste, J. (2005). Tartumaa mõisad. Näituse "Kaotatud paradiis" kataloog.

4.1. Mander, Ü.; Kuusemets, V.; Hayakawa, Y. (eds.) (2005). Riparian buffer zones in agricultural watersheds. Ecological Engineering, 24(5), 421 - 569.

4.2. Maiste, J.; Nutt, N. (2005). Tartumaa mõisad.

5.2. Bell, S., Penēze, Z., Montarzino, A, Grine, I and Nikodemus, O. (2005) Changing landscapes in eastern Europe: The case of Latvia. Presented at the ECLAS annual conference, Ankara, Turkey.

5.2. S. Bell, C. Ward Thompson, C. Findlay, A. Montarzino and N. Morris, (2005) Self reported stress reduction by users of woodlands. In: C.T. Gallis, Editor, Forests, Trees, and Human Health and Well-Being: 1st European COST E39 Conference Proceedings, Medical and Scientific Publishers, Thessaloniki pp. 71–80.

5.2. Dubourguier, H.C.; Kahru, A.; Ivask, A.; François, M.; Kasemets, K.; Põllumaa, L.; Kurvet, I.; Li, D.; Douay, F.; Aruoja, V. (2005). Mobility, bioavalability and ecotoxicity of heavy metals in soils: an integrative approach for risk assessment. In: Abstracts of International Conference "Chemicals, human, environment", Oct. 20-23, 2005, Toila, Estonia: abstracts of International Conference "Chemicals, human, environment", Oct. 20-23, 2005, Toila, Estonia. , 2005, 37 - 37.

5.2. Heinlaan, M.; Kahru, A.; Dubourguier, H.C. (2005). Application of Luminescent Bacteria Tests in Ecotoxicological Study of Soils. Abstracts of International Conference "Chemicals, human, environment", Oct. 20-23, Toila, 2005, Estonia. , 2005, 74 - 74.

5.2. Ivask, A.; Leedjärv, A.; Rõlova, T.; Hakkila, K.; Virta, M.; Kahru, A.; Dubourguier, H.-C. jt. (2005). Recombinant luminescent bacterial heavy metal sensors: tools for measuring bioavailability. In: Abstracts of International Conference "Chemicals, human, environment": International Conference "Chemicals, human, environment", Oct. 20-23, 2005, Toila, Estonia. , 2005, 34.

5.2. Kasemets K., Põllumaa L., Dubourguier H-C., Kahru A. (2005). Phytomanagement of aged PAH-polluted soils during three years: assessment of mutagenicity and toxicity. In: Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment: ISTA, Skiathos, Greece, 2005. (Toim.) A. Kunglos., 2005, 84.

5.2. Leito, Aivar (2005). Monitoring of geese (Anser fabalis and Anser albifrons) in Estonia. . In: Goose 2005 : Goose 2005. 9th Annual Meeting of Goose Specialist Group of Wetlands International. 5-9 November 2005, Sopron, Hungary. Sopron:, 2005, 35.

5.2. Lõhmus, K., Truu, M., Truu, J., Ostonen, I., Alama, S., Vares, A., Uri, V., and Kanal, A. (2005). Alders create favourable environment for microbes at their soil-root interface in abandoned agricultural areas and opencast oil shale mining spoil. In: Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environment protection. : Fifteenth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Beijing, 2005. (Toim.) C. J. Li et al., ., 2005, 492 - 493.

5.2. Parts, P. (2005). Kultuurilise tootmise tehnoloogia poole: kultuuripärandi näide.

6.2. Kärner, Indrek; Loolaid, Ülar; Muru, Toomas; Sudakova, Lea (2005). Küla arengukava koostamine meetmest 3.5 toetuse saamiseks : Eesti riiklik arengukava. Tallinn: Põllumajandusministeerium

6.2. Lillenberg, Merike; Järvis, Toivo (2005). Toidutekkelised parasitaar- ja viirushaigused : [õpik veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituudi üliõpilastele]. Tartu: Halo Kirjastus.

6.3. Külvik, M.; Palo, A.; Kukk, Ü.; Hurt, E.; Kull, T.; Parmasto, E.; Vellak, K.; Roosaluste, E.; Jüriado, I.; Saar, I. (2005). IPAs in Estonia.

6.3. Maikov, Kadri (2005). Puutarha hoitaa hoitajansa. Piha ja suunnittelu, 5 - 9.

6.3. Palo, A. (2005). Minu isiklik (metsa) vääriselupaik. Vissak, P. (Toim.). Harmoonia võimalikkus süsteemis: inimene, keskkond, ühiskond (183 - 195). Tallinn: Ülo Siinmaa Grupp

6.3. Sander, Heldur; Maikov, Kadri (2005). Projekt “Mets, puud ja inimese tervis ning heaolu” – Maaülikool, 10. veebruar (nr. 79), 2.

6.4. Volmer, Külli; Hellström, Kristiina; Nutt, Nele; Saks, Marika; Alumäe, Helen; Luigas, Inara; Merila, Age; Eisen, Tiia; Lõvi, Laine (2005). Põlvamaa maastikud. [Tartu]: Elmatar

6.7. Maiste, J.; Rodin, M.; Roosalu, M. (koost) (2005). Narva. Muutes tuleviku minevikku. Changing the Past of the Future. Die Vergangenheit der Zukunft ungestaltend. Изменяя прошлое будущего. Näituse “Barokk-Narva. Häving, restaureerimisplaanid ja tegelikkus” kataloog. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Restaureerimiskool

2004 (Updated: 12.01.2010)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Aruoja, Villem; Kurvet, Imbi.; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles; Kahru, Anne (2004). Toxicity Testing of heavy Metal Polluted Soils with Algae Selenastrum capricornutum: a Soil Suspension Assay. Environmental Toxicology. Environmental Toxicology, 19(4), 396 - 402.

1.1. Ivask, A.; Francois, M.; Kahru, A.; Dubourguier, H. C.; Virta, M.; Douay, F. (2004). Recombinant luminescent bacterial sensors for the measurement of bioavailability of cadmium and lead in soils polluted by metal smelters. Chemosphere, 22, 147 - 156.

1.1. Jongman, RHG.; Kulvik, M.; Kristiansen, I. (2004). European ecological networks and greenways. Landscape and Urban Planning, 68(2-3), 305 - 319.

1.1. Kruusma, J.; Banks, C.E.; Lust, E.; Keis, H.; Nei, L.; Compton, R.G. (2004). Electroanalytical determination of zinc in human blood facilitated by acoustically assisted double extraction. Electroanalysis, 16(7), 596 - 598.

1.1. Kruusma, J.; Banks, CE.; Nei, L.; Compton, RG. (2004). Electroanalytical detection of zinc in whole blood. Analytica Chimica Acta, 510(1), 85 - 90.

1.1. Kruusma, J.; Nei, L.; Hardcastle, JL.; Compton, RG.; Lust, E.; Keis, H. (2004). Sonoelectroanalysis: Anodic stripping voltammetric determination of cadmium in whole human blood. Electroanalysis, 16(5), 399 - 403.

1.1. Matthieu, François; Henri-Charles, Dubourguier; Donyang, Li; Francis, Douay (2004). Prediction of heavy metal solubility in agricultural topsoils around two smelters by the physico-chemical parameters of the soils. Aquatic Sciences, 66, 78 - 85.

1.1. Partel, M.; Helm, A.; Ingerpuu, N.; Reier, U.; Tuvi, EL. (2004). Conservation of Northern European plant diversity: the correspondence with soil pH. Biological Conservation, 120(4), 525 - 531.

1.1. Püttsepp, Ü.; Rosling, A.; Taylor, A.S.F (2004). Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Salix viminalis L. and S. dasyclados Wimm. clones in a short rotation forestry plantation. Forest Ecology and Management, 196(2-3), 413 - 424.

1.1. Sepp, K.; Mikk, M.; Mand, M.; Truu, J. (2004). Bumblebee communities as an indicator for landscape monitoring in the agri-environmental programme. Landscape and Urban Planning, 67(1-4), 173 - 183.

1.1. Vares, A.; Lohmus, K.; Truu, M.; Truu, J.; Tullus, H.; Kanal, A. (2004). Productivity of black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) plantations on reclaimed oil-shale mining detritus and mineral soils in relation to rhizosphere conditions. Oil Shale, 21(1), 43 - 58.

1.2. Denger, J.; Tremp, H.; Ivask, M. (2004). A Vegetation-Based Classification of Habitats in Võigaste Forest, Matsalu Nature Reserv, Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 10(1), 42 - 49.

1.2. Maiste, J. (2004). “Lunastuse” võimalikkusest Eesti kunstiteaduses. Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on Art and Architecture, 13(3-4), 135 - 151.

1.3. Leito, Aivar; Leito, Tiit (2004). Hanikatsi linnustik. estonia maritima, 6, 129 - 149.

1.3. Leito, Aivar; Truu, Jaak (2004). Valgepõsk-lagle (Branta leucopsis) leviku ja arvukuse muutused Eestis. estonia maritima, 6, 111 - 127.

1.3. Leito, Aivar; Õunsaar, Maris; Truu, Jaak (2004). Sügisrändel peatuvate sookurgede levik ja arvukus Hiiumaal ning seos põllumajandusega. Hirundo, 17(1), 19 - 24.

1.3. Parts, Priit-Kalev (2004). Väärtuse määratlemine maastikul. Akadeemia, 2, 236 - 277.

2.3. Püttsepp, Ü. (2004). Effects of sustainable management practices on fine-root systems in willow (Salix viminalis, S. dasyclados), grey alder (Alnus incana) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands. (Doktoritöö, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Deptartment of Ecology and Environmental Research) Uppsala: Deptartment of Ecology and Environmental Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

3.1. Lõhmus, A.; Kohv, K.; Palo, A.; Viilma, K. (2004). Loss of old-growth, and the minimum need for strictly protected forests in Estonia. Angelstam, P., Donz-Breuss, M. and Roberge, J.-M. (Toim.). Targets and Tools for the Maintenance of Forest Biodiversity (401 - 411).Blackwell Science

3.1. Palang, H.; Alumäe, H.; Printsmann, Anu; Sepp, K. (2004). Landscape values and context in planning: an Estonian model. Brandt, J.; Vejre, H. (Toim.). Multifunctional Landscapes - Volume I: Theory, Values and History (219 - 233). Southampton: Wessex Institute of Techonology Press

3.1. Palo, A.; Remm, K.; Kikas, T.; Mander, Ü. (2004). The prediction of vegetation pattern using biophysical landscape factors. Martin-Duque J.F.; Brebbia C.A.; Godfrey A.E.; Diaz de Teran J.R. (Toim.). Geo-Environment: First International Conference on Monitoring, Simulation and Remediation of the Geological Environment (315 - 334). Southampton, UK: Wessex Institute of Techonology Press

3.1. Remm, K.; Külvik, M.; Mander, Ü.; Sepp, K. (2004). Design of the Pan-European Ecological Network: A national level attempt. Jongman,R.H.G.; Pungetti,G. (Toim.). Ecological Networks and Greenways. Concept, Design, Implementation (151 - 170). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Alama, S.; Truu, M.; Kanal, A.; Lõhmus, K. (2004). Puuliigi ja mulla koosmõju kuuse, männi ja kaseseemikute arengule ja risosfääriprotsessidele. Mander, Ü.; Kurs, O. (Toim.). Geograafilisi uurimusi aastatuhande vahetusel : üllitatud Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituudi 85. aastapäevaks (366 - 380). Tartu: Tartu Ülikool

3.2. Kuresoo, A.; Luigujõe, L.; Ots, M.; Leito, A. (2004). Birds of Lake Võrtsjärv. J.Haberman, E.Pihu, A.Raukas (Toim.). Lake Võrtsjärv (297 - 315). Tallinn: Estonian Encyclopaedia Publishers

3.2. Kuusemets, V.; Meier, K.; Luig, J. (2004). Jõgede kaldavööndite elupaikade ja nende kasutuse seosed taimede ja putukate mitmekesisusega. Ülo Mander, Ott Kurs (Toim.). Geograafilisi uurimusi aastatuhande vahetusel : üllitatud Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituudi 85. aastapäevaks (357-365). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus

3.2. Külvik, M.; Mander, Ü. (2004). Estonia’s ecological network - from Edg. Kant to current applications. Punning, J.-M. (Toim.). Estonian Geographical Society (146 - 154). Tallinn: Estonian Academy Publishers

3.2. Leito, A.; Ojaste, I.; Truu, J.; Keskpaik, J.; Palo, A. (2004). Sookure pesitsemine Eestis. Eesti Looduseuurijate Seltsi aastaraamat (157 - 189). Tartu: Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts

3.2. Lõhmus, K.; Truu, M.; Ostonen, I.; Truu, J.; Kanal, A.; Ivask, M.; Alama, S.; Vares, A.; Uri, V.; Külla, T.; Kurvits, V. (2004). Puuliigi ja mulla koosmõju risosfääriprotsessidele. Reintam, L. (Toim.). Muld ökosüsteemis, seire ja kaitse (118 - 142). Tartu- Tallinn: Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus

3.2. Maiste, J. (2004). G. B. Piranesi ja metafüüsika. Lutsepp, E. (Toim.). Varemed / Ruins (122 - 132). Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia

3.2. Maiste, J. (2004). Klassika sünnimetsas. Mõtteid visuaalse kultuuri keelest. Volt, I. (Toim.). Kakssada aastat klassikalist filoloogiat Eestis / Duo saecula philologiae classicae in Estonia (145 - 167). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus

3.2. Maiste, J. (2004). Tartu ülikooli arhitekt Johann Wilhelm Krause – teadlane ja poeet 19. sajandi alguse Tartus. Mägi, M.; Drechsler, W. (Toim.). Kaiserliche Universität Dorpat 200. 370 Academia Gustaviana. Das Jubiläum der Universität Tartu (145 - 167). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus

3.2. Maiste, J.; Polli, K. (2004). Kõnelevad varemed. Lutsepp, E. (Toim.). Varemed / Ruins (9 – 16). Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia

3.2. Maiste, Juhan (2004). Michel Sittow – Tallinna mees. Kodres, K.; Kalm, M.; Kangilaski, J.; Keevallik, J.; Maiste, J.; Tarvel, E. (Toim.). Eesti Kunsti Ajalugu 2, 1520–1770 (15 - 27). Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia

3.2. Maiste, Juhan (2004). Toompea aadlilinn. Kodres, K.; Kalm, M.; Kangilaski, J.; Keevallik, J.; Maiste, J.; Tarvel, E. (Toim.). Eesti Kunstiajalugu 2, 1520–1770 (250 - 265).Eesti Kunstiakadeemia

3.2. Palang, H.; Sooväli, H.; Printsmann, A.; Peil, T.; Lang, V.; Konsa, M.; Külvik, M.; Alumäe, H.; Sepp, K. (2004). Estonian cultural landscapes: persistence and change. Punning, J.-M. (Toim.). Estonia. Geographical Studies (155 - 170). Tallinn: Estonian Academy Publishers

3.2. Sooväli, H.; Külvik, M.; Palang, H. (2004). Rural landscape representations in Estonian imagery. Punning, J.-M. (Toim.). Estonia. Geographical Studies (171 - 179). Tallinn: Estonian Academy Publishers

3.4. Külvik, M.; Palo, A.; Kukk, Ü.; Kull, T.; Vellak, K.; Roosaluste, E.; Jüriado, I., Parmasto, E.; Saar, I.; Hurt, E. (2004). Preliminary list of Important Plant Areas, Estonia. In: Planta Europa. Proceedings of the “4th European Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants”. A workshop on the implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in Europe, Valencia (Spain) 17-20 th September 2004.: A workshop on the implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in Europe, Valencia (Spain) 17-20 th September 2004.. (Toim.) Aguilella, A.; Ibars, A.M.; Laguna, E.; Péres, B.. Valencia:, 2004.

3.4. Leito, A.; Kuresoo, A. (2004). Preliminary results of a national bird monitoring programme in Estonia. In: Bird Census News: Bird Numberts 1995, Proceedings of the International Conference and 13th Meeting of the European Bird Census Council. , 2004, 81 - 86.

5.2. Liimand, K.; Külvik, M. (2004). Capacity-Building Needs in Estonia. In: Report of the International Workshop Capacity-Building for Biodiversity in Central and Eastern Europe. Full workshop report including presentations of initiatives, case-studies and lessons learned. : BfN – Skripten, 2004, 121 - 121.

5.2. Nei, L.; Kruusma, J. (2004). Sonoelectrochemical determination of some heavy metals in water and biofluids. In: 25’th anniversary of SETAC 1979-2004, Fourth SETAC World Congress and 25th Annual Meeting in North America (2004). Portland (U.S.A.): Fourth SETAC World Congress and 25th Annual Meeting in North America (2004). Portland (U.S.A.). , 2004, 419 - 420.

5.2. Nei, L. (2004). Sonoelectroanalaysis: anodic stripping voltammetric determination of cadmium, zinc and lead in whole human blood. In: Conference book: Second Triennial International Conference on Electroanalytical Chemistry and Allied Topics, Goa,India 2004. , 2004, 175 - 187.

5.2. Parts, Priit-Kalev (2004). Väärtuse määratlemine maastikul: nature morte või elav maastik. Eesti sotsiaalteaduste V aastakonverents, Talinn, 13.11.2004. , 2004, 1.

6.3. Maiste, Juhan (2004). Nähtamatu muinsuskaitse. Muinsuskaitse aastaraamat (6 - 8).EKA Restaureerimisteaduskond

6.3. Printsmann, Anu; Külvik, Mart; Alumäe, Helen (2004). Miljonivaade Eestimaale. Eesti Loodus, 10, 40 - 42.

6.4. Palo, A. (2004). NATURA 2000 metsaelupaigad. Eesti Loodusfoto

6.7. Parts, P.-K. (2004). Eesti kaitsealade kultuuripärandi olukorra ja eesmärgianalüüs ning kultuuripärandi hoiu kontseptsiooni projekt.

2003 (Updated: 12.01.2010)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Kimmel, V.; Kaasik, M. (2003). Assessment of urban air quality in south Estonia by simple measures. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 8(1), 47 - 53.

1.1. Kaasik, M.; Kimmel, V. (2003). Validation of the improved AEROPOL model against the Copenhagen data set. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 20(1-6), 114 - 120.

1.1. Leito, A.; Truu, J.; Leivits, A.; Ojaste, I. (2003). Changes in distribution and numbers of the breeding population of the Common Crane Grus grus in Estonia. Ornis Fennica, 80(4), 159 - 171.

1.1. Luud, A.; Liblik, V.; Sepp, M. (2003). Landscape evaluation in industrial areas. Oil Shale, 20(1), 25 - 32.

1.1. Maiste, J. (2003). The Glass Bead Game in the Topic of Classics: Baltic Identity and the Transport of Culture. Scandinavian Journal of History, 28(3-4), 273 - 285.

1.1. Mander, U.; Kuusemets, V.; Lohmus, K.; Mauring, T.; Teiter, S.; Augustin, J. (2003). Nitrous oxide, dinitrogen and methane emission in a subsurface flow constructed wetland. Water Science and Technology, 48(5), 135 - 142.

1.2. Kukk, Ülle (2003). The Distribution of Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass. in Estonia and changes in its population. Biuletyn Ogrodow Botanicznych, 12, 11 - 22.

1.2. Kõlli, R.; Lemetti, I.; Sepp, K. (2003). Developments of soil science in Estonia. Journal of soils and sediments, 3(4), 255 - 256.

1.2. Leito, A.; Möls, T.; Mägi, E.; Kastepõld, T. (2003). Autumn numbers and distribution of the staging Greylag Goose Anser anser in Estonia in 1990-98. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology, Ecology, 52(1), 26 - 39.

1.2. Mander, Ü.; Külvik, M.; Jongman, R. (2003). Scaling in territorial ecological networks. Landschap, 20(2), 113 - 127.

1.2. Palo, A.; Kikas, T. (2003). Methodological problems of compiling digital vegetation site types maps: case of Saare County, Estonia. Journal for nature conservation, 11(3), 135 - 144.

1.2. Remm, K.; Luud, A. (2003). Regression and point pattern models of moose distribution in relation to habitat distribution and human influence in Ida-Viru county, Estonia . Journal for nature conservation, 11(3), 197 - 211.

1.3. Elts, J.; Kuresoo, A.; Leibak, E.; Leito, A.; Lilleleht, V.; Luigujõe, L.; Lõhmus, A.; Mägi, E.; Ots, M. (2003). Eesti lindude staatus, pesitsusaegne ja talvine arvukus 1998.-2002. a. Hirundo, 16, 58 - 83.

1.3. Lillenberg, M.; Roasto, M.; Püssa, T. (2003). Ravimijäägid keskkonnas. Fluorokinoloonide määramine mullas ja toidutaimedes. Agraarteadus : journal of agricultural science : Akadeemilise Põllumajanduse Seltsi väljaanne, XIV, 13 - 26.

1.3. Ojaste, I.;Vikat, K.; Leivits, A.; Valker, T. (2003). Kurvitsaliste sügisränne Põgari rannaniidul. Linnurada, 32 - 48.

2.2. Maiste, J.; Aaviksoo, J.; Polli, K.; Raisma, M.; Aru, M.; Rõngelep, E. (2003). Alma Mater Tartuensis : Tartu Ülikool ja tema arhitekt Johann Wilhelm Krause. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus

3.1. Antrop, M; Mander, Ülo; Murka, M; Külvik, Mart; Sepp, Kalev; Jagomägi, Jüri; Mander, Ülo (2003). Multifunctional landscapes Vol. 3 Continuity and change. Southampton ;: WIT Press ;

3.1. Külvik, M.; Sepp, K.; Jagomägi, J.; Mander, Ü. (2003). Ecological networks in Estonia - from classical roots to current applications. Mander,Ü.; Antrop, M. (Toim.). Multifunctional Landscapes Vol. III Continuity and Change, Advances in Ecological Sciences, 16 (263 - 298). Southampton, Boston: WIT Press

3.1. Sooväli, H.; Palang, H.; Alumäe, H.; Külvik, M.; Kaur, E.; Oja, T.; Prede, M.; Pae, T. (2003). (Traditional) landscape identity - globalized, abandoned, sustained? . Tiezzi, E.; Brebbia,C.A.; Uso, J.-L. (Eds.) (Toim.). Ecosystems and Sustainable Development IV Vol. 2. (925-935). Southampton, Boston: WIT Press

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Kuresoo, A.; Luigujõe, L.; Ots, M.; Leito, A. (2003). Linnud. J.Haberman, E.Pihu, A.Raukas (Toim.). Võrtsjärv (355 - 373). Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus

3.2. Leito, Aivar; Leito, Tiit (2003). Käina lahe haudelinnustik 2002. aastal ning viimaseaegsed muutused selles. Loodusevaatlusi 2000-2002, 64 - 79.

3.2. Maiste, J. (2003). Revolutionary Architecture in the East. In: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia toimetised: The problem of Classical Ideal in the Art and Architecture of the Countries Around the Baltic Sea. Conference at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn; November 9–10, 2001. (Ed.) Kodres, K.; Lindpere, P.; Näripea, E.. Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia , 2003, 209 - 221.

3.2. Nõmmela, Mari (2003). Uusi andmeid Alfred Wagast. Aeg ja lugu : esseid eesti kultuuriloost (143 - 159). Tallinn: Ajaloo Instituut

3.2. Salmistu, S.; Vatsar, K. (2003). Eeskujud. Alatskivi loss ja park: kahe meistriklassi materjale (62 - 65). Tartu: Eesti Põllumajandusülikool

3.2. Vatsar, Kadi (2003). Alatskivi märgid ja tähendused. Nele Nutt (Toim.). Alatskivi loss ja park: kahe meistriklassi materjale (31 - 38). Tartu: Eesti Põllumajandusülikool

3.2. Vatsar, Kadi (2003). Harmoonilist ajaloolistest mõisaparkidest. Harmoonia võimalikkus süsteemis: inimene, keskkond, ühiskond (147 - 152). Tallinn: Ülo Siinmaa Grupp

3.3. Andersson, L.; Martverk, R.; Külvik, M.; Palo, A.; Varblane, A. (2003). Woodland Key Habitat Inventory in Estonia 1999-2002. Tartu: Regio Publishing

3.3. Andersson, L.; Martverk, R.; Külvik, M.; Palo, A.; Varblane, A. (2003). Vääriselupaikade inventuur Eestis 1999-2002. Tartu: Regio

3.3. Maiste, Juhan (2003). Alatskivi loss ja park. Nele Nutt (Toim.). Alatskivi loss ja park. Kahe meistriklassi materjale (13 - 27).EKA Tallinna Restaureerimiskool, EPMÜ Keskkonnakaitse Instituut

3.3. Nutt, Nele; Maiste, Juhan (2003). Alatskivi loss ja park. Kahe meistriklassi materjale. Tartu: EPMÜ Keskkonnakaitse Instituut

3.4. Roasto, M.; Püssa, T.; Kiis, A.; Tamme, T.; Lillenberg, M. (2003). The Research Activities of the Department of Food Hygiene of Veterinary Faculty of Estonian Agricultural University (EAU) during the years 2000-2003. Veterinaarmeditsiin, 57 - 63.

3.4. Sooväli, H.; Palang, H.; Külvik, M. (2003). The role of rural landscapes in shaping Estonian national identity. In: European Landscapes: From Mountain to Sea. : Proceedings of the 19th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape at London and Aberystwyth, sept 2000.. Tallinn: Huma, 2003, 114-121.

3.5. Ivask, M.; Truu, J.; Kuu, A.; Jaanimäe, J. (2003). Niitude vihmaussikoosluste mitmekesisus. In: IX Eesti Ökoloogiakonverents "Eesti ökoloogia globaliseeruvas maailmas": IX Eesti Ökoloogiakonverents; Tartu; 11-12 Aprill, 2003. Teadusühing "IM Saare", 2003, 43 - 50.

3.5. Külvik, M.; Alumäe, H. (2003). Setomaa looduse ja kultuuri kaitsealast. In: VI Seto Kongress 9.oktoobril 2002. a. Verskah: VI Seto Kongress, Värska, 9. oktoober 2002. a.. , 2003, 45 - 47.

3.5. Külvik, M.; Sepp, K. (2003). On ecological network in Baltic transboundary areas. In: Materials of the Meeting on Transboundary Co-operation in the Baltic States for Species and Habitats Protection, 22-23 January, Salacgriva, Latvia and 23-24 January 2003, Birzhai, Lithuania, Baltic Environmental Forum: The Meeting on Transboundary Co-operation in the Baltic States for Species and Habitats Protection, 22-23 January, Salacgriva, Latvia and 23-24 January 2003, Birzhai, Lithuania. , 2003, 4.

3.5. Palo, A.; Külvik, M.; Timm, H.; Vellak, K.; Roosaluste, E.; Luig, J. (2003). Elupaigatüüpide Punane Raamat - kellele, milleks ja missugune? In: Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid: Eesti ökoloogia globaliseeruvas maailmas : Eesti IX ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid : Tartu, 11.-12. aprill 2003: (Toim.) Toomas Frey. Tartu: Eesti Ökoloogiakogu, 2003, 231 - 240.

5.2. Leito, A.; Nowald, G.; Alonso, J.A.; Alonso, J.C.; Fintha, I. (2003). Colour-marking and radio-tracking of Common Cranes breeding in Estonia: first results of a running project. 4th European Crane Workshop, 11 – 13 November 2000: 215–220. Fénétrange, France. , 2003, 292.

5.2. Leito, Aivar; Nowald, Günter; Alonso, Javier; Ojaste, Ivar (2003). Marking of the Common Crane in Estonia. In: Vth European Crane Conference. Preface, Programme, Abstracts: th European Crane Conference, 10-13 April 2003, Swedwn. Sweden:, 2003, 34.

5.2. Leito, Aivar; Ojaste, Ivar; Keskpaik, Jüri (2003). Recent estination of population size, color-ringing, radio- and satellite-marking of the Common Crane in Estonia. In: Vth European Crane Conference: Vth European Crane Conference, 10-13 April 2003, Sweden. , 2003, 34 - 35.

5.2. Leito, Aivar; Truu, Jaak; Keskpaik, Jüri (2003). Breeding habitat selection by Common Crane in Estonia. In: Vth European Crane Conference: Vth European Crane Conference, 10-13 April 2003, Sweden. Preface, Programme, Abstracts. , 2003, 33.

5.2. Lõhmus, K.; Kanal, A.; Truu, J.; Truu, M.; Vares, A.; Ostonen, I.; Mander, Ü. (2003). Rhizosphere effect on distribution P, B, Pb and Cd in the root zone of tree seedlings in reclaimed oil-shale mining detritus. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements: 7th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements; Uppsala, Sweden; 15-19 June, 2003. (Toim.) Cobran, R.. Sweden:, 2003, 157 - 158.

5.2. Truu, M.; Truu, J.; Lõhmus, K.; Ivask, M; Kanal, A. (2003). Microbial activity, biomass and community structure in soil-root interface and bulk soil under Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch. FEMS 2003 - 1st Congress of European Microbiologists; Ljubljana, Slovenia; June 29 - July 3, 2003. Slovenia:, 2003, 425.

6.3. Külvik, M. (2003). Kas Setomaal võiks olla rahvuspark? . Eesti Loodus, 7/8, 36 - 37.

6.3. Leito, Aivar (2003). Sookurel läheb hästi. Eesti Jahimees, 2/3, 32 - 35.

6.3. Valker, T.; Ojaste, I. (2003). Osmussaare haudelinnustik 2003. a. Linnurada, 3 - 17.

6.6. Maiste, Juhan (2003). Klassika ja klassitsism. Ehituskunst (2 - 19).Ehituskunst

6.7. Parts, P.K. (2003). Väärtuse määratlemine maastikul : magistritöö. (Magistritöö, Eesti Põllumajandusülikool.; Keskkonnakaitse instituut.; ) Haapsalu: Eesti Põllumajandusülikool

2002 (Updated: 12.01.2010)

Eelretsenseeritud artiklid, monograafiad / Peer reviewed articles, monographs

1.1. Davis, J.; Vaughan, D. H.; Stirling, D.; Nei, Lembit; Compton, R. G. (2002). Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry of Nickel: Sonoelectrochemical Exploitation of the Ni(Iii)/Ni(Ii) Couple. Talanta, 57(6), 1045 - 1051.

1.1. Kull, T.; Kukk, T.; Leht, M.; Krall, H.; Kukk, U.; Kull, K.; Kuusk, V. (2002). Distribution trends of rare vascular plant species in Estonia. Biodiversity and Conservation, 11(2), 171 - 196.

1.2. Lõhmus, K.; Kuusemets, V.; Ivask, M; Teiter, S.; Augustin, J.; Mander, Ü. (2002). Budgets of nitrogen fluxes in riparian grey alder forests. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 141/3-4, 321-332

1.2. Nõmmela, Mari (2002). A. Tuulse ja V. Vaga kirjavahetus . Eesti Ajalooarhiivi toimetised = Acta et commentationes Archivi Historici Estoniae, 9(16), 187 - 221.

1.2. Nõmmela, Mari (2002). Miks ei järgnenud Alfred Waga raamatule "Eesti kunsti ajalugu I" teist ja kolmandat osa? Tuna, 4, 47 - 58.

1.2. Nõmmela, Mari (2002). Voldemar Vaga "Üldise kunstiajaloo" retseptsioon : [aastatel 1938 ja 1939]. Kunstiteaduslikke uurimusi (372 - 386). Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiteadlaste Ühing

2.2. Eek-Piirsoo, L.; Henno, I.; Kalling, K.; Klein, L.; Külvik, M.; Ojaveer, M.; Peterson, K.; Truve, E.; Viinalass, H. (2002). Second national report on the Convention on Biological Diversity. Tallinn: Estonian Ministry of Environment

2.2. Thompson, I.; Patterson, G.; Leiner, S.; Nasi, R.; Pascual Pola de, C. N.; Sigaud, P.; LeDanff, J.-P.; Mulongoy, K. J.; Toivonen, H.; Cooper, D.; Deutz, A.; Diaz-Silveira, M. F.; Filipchuk, A.N.; Henne, G.; Hinchley, D.; Hurtubia, J.; Külvik, M.; Kumari, K.; Kawahara, T.; Leigh, J.; Quesne-Geier Le, C.; Manokaran, N.; Mbandji, J.; Nakasima, K.; Ooft, M.; Oteng Yeboah, A. A.; Plesnik, J.; Nath Rai, S.; Ramos, M.; Pereira, M. C. R.; Rykowski, K.; Saint-Laurent, C.; Smith, G.; Toure, B.; Tol van, G.; Verossimo, A.; Wells, A.; Williamson, D. (2002). Review of The Status and Trends of, and Major Threats to, Forest Biological Diversity. Montreal: SCBD

2.3. Külvik, M. (2002). Ecological networks in Estonia – concepts and applications. (Doktoritöö, University of Tartu) Tartu: Tartu University Press

Muud artiklid / Other articles

3.2. Maiste, J. (2002). Johann Wilhelm Krause ja Tartu Ülikool. Õpetatud Eesti Seltsi Aastaraamat (46 - 64). Tartu: Õpetatud Eesti Selts

3.2. Maiste, J. (2002). Klassitsism. Kunstikirjutus, retseptsioon ja ajalugu. Abel, T.; Lindpere, P. (Toim.). Eesti kunstiteadus ja -kriitika 20. sajandi (46 - 64). Tallinn: Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus

3.2. Maiste, J. (2002). Tuldud teed tagasi / Retracing Steps. Hanson, E. (Toim.). Eesti Kunstiakadeemia toimetised (635). Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia

3.2. Maiste, J.; Polli, K.; Raisma, M. (2002). Johann Wilhelm Krause ja ajastu arhitektuuripilt. Johann Wilhelm Krause 1757–1828. 2, Arhitektina Liivimaal. Kataloog. (19 - 76). Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtausutus

3.2. Sepp, K.; Ivask, M.; Truu, M.; Mänd, M. (2002). Põllumajandusmaastike seire. Eesti keskkonnaseire 2001 (117 - 118). Tallinn: Tartu Ülikool

3.4. Maiste, J. (2002). Carl Ludwig Engel. Ein deutscher Baumeister in Tallinn. Vogel, G.-H. (Toim.). Friedrich Gilly (1772–1800). Innovation und Tradition klassizistischer Architektur in Europa. X Greifswalder Romantikerkonferenz (87 - 106). Güstrow: Verlag Geidberg

3.4. Sepp, K.; Jagomägi, J.; Kaasik, A.; Nikodemus, O.; Kreilis, M.; Strazdina, B.; Busa, V.; Vaiciunaite, R.; Mierauskas, P.; Gulbinas, Z.; Ramonas, A.; Kurlavicius, P.; Gudžinskas, Z.; Rašomavicius, P.; Ivinskis, P.; Kesminas, V.; Mickevicius, E. (2002). Development of National Ecological Networks in the Baltic Countries in the framework of the Pan-European Ecological Network. IUCN Office for Central Europe

3.5. Maikov, Kadri (2002). Tartu ja Pärnu haiglate ümbruse maastikuarhitektuuriline iseloomustus. In: Üle-Eestiline Teaduskonverents Tervise edendamine eestis VI: Üle-Eestiline Teaduskonverents Tervise edendamine eestis VI, Tartu, 2002. , 2002, 14 - 15.

3.5. Palang, H.; Külvik, M.; Printsmann, A.; Kaur, E.; Alumäe, H. (2002). Maastik, sidusus, identiteet. In: Usaldus. Vastutus. Sidusus. Eesti sotsiaalteaduste III aastakonverents: Tallinn, 22.-23.11. 2002. (Toim.) Kaevats, Ü.. Tallinn: TTU Press, 2002, 27 - 32.

5.2. Kruusma, J.; Nei, L.; Hardcastle, J.L.; Compton, R.G.; Lust, E.; Keis, H. (2002). Determination of Cadmium Ions Concentration in Human Blood. In: Abstracts of 28th Estonian Chemistry Days, 2002: 28th Estonian Chemistry Days, 2002. Tallinn: Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus, 2002, 70.

5.2. Külvik, M.; Mander, Ü. (2002). Estonia’s ecological network - from J.G. Granö and Edg. Kant to current applications. In: From Native and Landscape Research to Urban and Regional Studies, Conference Abstracts, Papers and List of Participants, held in Tartu, Estonia, August 23-24, 2002, Tartu, Abstracts: From Native and Landscape Research to Urban and Regional Studies, Tartu, August 23-24, 2002. Tartu:, 2002, 58 - 62.

5.2. Külvik, M.; Mander, Ü. (2002). Estonia’s ecological network - from Edg. Kant to current applications. In: Estonia and Baltoscandia. Conference papers.: Estonia and Baltoscandia, Panevėžys, November 9, 2002. Panevėžys: Baltoskandijos Akademija, 2002.

5.2. Külvik, M.; Sepp, K. (2002). Viron peltojen monimuotoisuuden tila. . In: Luonnonsuojelubiologian päivä, 12. joulukuuta 2002, Tiivistelmät, SYKE ja ympäristöministeriö: Helsingi: Suomen Ympäristökeskus, 2002.

5.2. Külvik, M.; Sooväli, H.; Palang, H.; Alumäe, H. (2002). Stamps as iconographic signals of landscape identity for Estonia. In: Rural Landscapes: Past Processes and Future Strategies. Progamme, abstracts and list of participants of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, 25 August – 1 September, 2002, Tartu and Otepää, Estonia:, 2002, 29 - 29.

5.2. Möls, T.; Leito, A.; Tuul, M. (2002). Läbirändavate lindude peatuspaikade võrgustiku analüüs hallhanede (Anser anser) 1990-1998. a. rändevaatluste näitel.

5.2. Palang, H.; Külvik, M.; Printsmann, A.; Kaur, E.; Alumäe, H. (2002). Is the rural landscape a foreign country? . In: IGA Conference Abstracts: Dublin:, 2002.

6.2. Muru, T.; Külvik, M. (2002). Maastikuplaneerimise põhimõtete integreerimine metsakasutuse planeerimisse. Teoreetiline ülevaade ja metoodika kirjeldus. Tartu: Eesti Põllumajandusülikool

6.3. Leivits, A.; Dragon, T.; Gerloff, A.; Ojaste, I.; Randla, T.; Soppe, A.; Tammekänd, I.; Valker, T.; Vilbaste, E. (2002). Ülevaade Läänemaa Suursoo maastikukaitseala haudelinnustikust aastal 2001. Linnurada, 1, 3 - 25.

6.3. Sepp, Kalev; Külvik, Mart (2002). Araabia maade avastamata pärl Jordaania. Eesti Loodus (1958-), 1, 42 - 46.