International seminar



Soil trafficability – challenges for soils and vehicles


Tartu, Estonia, March 26–27, 2015


Venue: Estonian University of Life Sciences, Kreutzwaldi 1a, assembly hall, Tartu, Estonia


The seminar is organized in the frame of the project “Assessment of trafficability of soils by combat armour vehicle in Estonia” in collaboration of Estonian Ministry of Defence, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian National Defence College and Estonian Defence Forces.


Dates and Deadlines

March 26, 2015: Full paper



March 26th, Thursday


9.00     Registration, coffee

10.00   Opening

10.30   Soil trafficability maps development in Estonia – Kersti Vennik (Estonian National Defence College, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia)

10.55   Mapping of the soil passability for the movement of vehicles – Klara Cibulova (University of Defence Brno; Czech Republic)

11.20   An approach to dynamic trafficability mapping as a component of battle management systems – Rafal Wawer (The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research institute; Poland)

11.45   Structural recovery of compacted soil: current knowledge and results from field experiments – Thomas Keller (Agroscope – SLU; Switzerland–Sweden)

12:05   Discussion

12:15   Lunch and poster presentations

13.45   Evaluation of vehicle performance on snow – Evgenii Fadeev (Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.Y. Alekseev, Russia)

14.10   Predicting the freezing depth of the soil – Endla Reintam (Estonian university of Life Sciences; Estonia)

14.35   Discussion

15.00   Visit of soil and engineering laboratories of Estonian University of Life Sciences

19.00   Conference dinner


March27th, Friday


9.00     Coffee

9.30     RUAG presentation

10.15   Improvement of bogie tracks for wheeled vehicles – Vladimir Klubnichkin (Moscow State Forest University; Russia)

10.40   Wheel walking and crawling with locked wheels – Ardi Seidla (Estonia)

11.05   General discussion

11:30   Closing

12.00   Lunch

Poster presentations:

1) Determining and analyzing the stress state under tracked vehicle load – J. Pytka, T. Śliczniak (Lublin University of Technology; Poland)

2) Influence of wheeling with heavy vehicles on precompression stress, soil deformation and soil physical parameters on cultivated soils – T. Seehusen, H. Riley, R. Riggert, H. Fleige, T. Børresen, R. Horn, A. Zink (Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Norway)

3) Some thoughts about soil trafficability versus soil bearing capability – E. Nugis, T.Võsa (Estonian University of Life Sciences)

4) Grassland compaction after-effect on soil physical properties – M. Are, E. Reintam, A. Selge, D. Sanchez de Cima (Estonian University of Life Sciences)

5) Trafficability conditions on the typical soil types in Estonia – K. Vennik, K. Krebstein (Estonian National Defence College – Estonian University of Life Sciences)


Full paper preparation:

Full papers will be published in the Proceedings of Estonian National Defence College. The requirements for manuscript preparation are available:


Organizing committee


Endla Reintam – Estonian University of Life Sciences


Kersti Vennik – Estonian National Defence College

Raul Järviste – Estonian Defence Forces

Raigo Puusepp – Estonian Defence Forces

Kaspar Saul – Estonian Defence Forces

Dmitri Teperik – Ministry of Defence



Dr Endla Reintam

Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry,

Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,

Estonian University of Life Sciences,

1 Kreutzwaldi Str., 51014 Tartu, Estonia

Tel.: +372 7343 534
