PKI doktorantide aastakonverents 2018 toimus 21. novembril Eesti Maaülikooli Peahoone aulas (Kreutzwaldi 1a).
Päevakava / Timetable:
9.00-9.30 Registreerimine ja kohvi / Registering and Coffee
Moderaator/moderator: Diana Pungar
9.30-9.45 Avasõnad / Opening.
9.45-10.15 Plenaarettekanne / Plenary presentation prof. Terje Raudsepp
Moderaator/moderator: Tiit Hallikma
10.15- 10.35 Tarmo Pilving - The common identity generation in the rural tourism collaboration network.
10.40- 11.00 Joanna Storie - Participatory Development in Rural Latvia and Estonia.
11.05- 11.25 Himansu Sekhar Mishra - Use of Blue spaces: Behaviour mapping in Teats Hill, Plymouth, UK.
11.30- 11.50 Nasime Janatian Ghadikolae - The temporal multiscalar response of phytoplankton on meteorological and hydrological forcing.
11.55-12.15 Margot Sepp - Temporal variation in dissolved organic matter (DOM) in Lake Võrtsjärv revealed by high-frequency measurements.
12.20-13.20 LÕUNA / LUNCH
Moderaator/moderator: Margot Sepp
13.30-13.50 Thaisa Fernandes Bergamo - Impacts of sea level and salinity changes on Baltic coastal wetland: experimental approach and preliminary results.
13.55-14.15 Miguel Villoslada - The potential of UAVs for semi-natural grassland monitoring: preliminary results.
14.20-14.40 Heli Kirik - Species delimitation in the Ochlerotatus communis (De Geer) complex (Culicidae), a novel mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) line from Europe.
14.45-15.05 Liisa Kübarsepp - The stomatal reactions of evolutionarily old plants in changing environmental conditions.
15.10-15.25 KOHVIPAUS / COFFEE
Moderaator/moderator: Tarmo Pilving
15.30-15.50 Angela Koort - Comparison of bioactive compound content of new half-highbush blueberry cultivar ’Are’ with selected blueberry clones.
15.55-16.15 Jordi Escuer - Effectiveness of a Nitrification Inhibitor to reduce N2O emissions. A case study in Central Estonia.
16.15-16.35 Tiit Hallikma - Playing hide and seek with intraspecific trait variability.
Üritust korraldab Maateaduste ja ökoloogia doktorikool, finantseerib Euroopa Liidu Regionaalarengu Fond
(Eesti Maaülikooli ASTRA projekt Väärtusahelapõhine biomajandus).
This event is organised by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology, supported by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA project „Value-chain based bio-economy“).