1. Collection and conservation of plant fenetic resources for food and agriculture in Estonia - Külli Annamaa, Vahur Kukk, Katrin Kotkas 
    Abstract               • PDF

  2. European Biodiversity Observation Network: a project to design and test a biodiversity observing system, integrated in time and space. - Rob Jongman, Kalev Sepp, Valdo Kuusemets, Mart Külvik
    Abstract                • PDF

  3.  Estonian Green Belt - pearl in the European Green Belt - Henri Järv
    Abstract                • PDF

  4. Regional exchanges and policy making for protecting and valorising biodiversity in Europe (REVERSE) - Karin Kruusma, Kalev Sepp
    Abstract                • PDF

  5. A new way of conservation thinking – Forest Biodiversity Programme METSO in Finland - Saara Lilja-Rothsten,Riikka Paloniemi
    Abstract                • PDF

  6. Ecosystem approach in management: LIFE-Baltcoast project - Rehabilitation of the Baltic Coastal Lagoon Habitat Complex - Murel Merivee, Riinu Rannap, Voldemar Rannap, Hannes Pehlak
    Abstract                • PDF

  7. Climate and biodiversity in the Earth history: key events and new findings - Ivar Puura, Aivo Lepland
    Abstract                • PDF

  8. The Green Network of Estonia - Janar Raet
    Abstract                • PDF

  9. Shifting approaches in landscape protection: the implication of Natura 2000 network and the European Landscape Convention for landscape planning in Estonia - Antti Roose, Kalev Sepp, Ain Vellak, Madli Linder,
    Tambet Kikas, Tuuli Veersalu
    Abstract                • PDF

  10. Estonian soils macro- and micronutrient content dependence from the local bedrock and transported by ice Fennoscandian material - Ülo Sõstra, Valter Petersell  
    Abstract               • PDF

  11. An experimental use of slash-and-burn cultivation in Karula National Park Estonia - Pille Tomson
    Abstract                • PDF

  12.  The activities to preserve bumblebee communities in Estonian agricultural landscapes - Eneli Viik, Marika Mänd, Riin Muljar
    Abstract                • PDF

  13. Experience of eradiction of invasive Heracleum species in Estonia - Eike Vunk
    Abstract                • PDF