Professor Peter J. Davis'e külalisloeng: "Crop Biotechnolgy: Science and Sustainability"
16. aprillil külastab Tartut USA Cornelli Ülikooli taimefüsioloogia professor Peter J. Davis ning kohtub EMÜ teadusprorektor Anne Luigega. Kell 14.30 järgneb Eesti Maaülikool peahoone ruumis 104 tudengitele ja õppejõududele professori avalik loeng teemal «Crop Biotechnolgy: Science and Sustainability». Kohtumise lõpus vastab professor Peter J. Davis küsimustele. Oodatakse rohket osavõttu.
Professor Peter J. Davise tausta uuri siit:
Peter J. Davies is a professor of Plant Physiology at Cornell University in Ithaca New York, USA, where he has been a member of the faculty for 42 years in the departments of Plant Biology and Horticulture. He holds a B.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Reading in England, and an M.S. from the University of California at Davis, USA. Prior to going to Cornell he held a position at Yale University. His expertise is in the field of plant development, especially plant hormones, and crop biotechnology. He has published over 100 papers and several books, including three editions of the principal monograph in the field of plant hormones, and is also the editor for plant physiology for the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. At Cornell he teaches plant function and growth, especially to students of agriculture and horticulture, and a course educating non-biology students in the societal implications of advances in biology, covering diet to disease, DNA to deforestation. At the United States Department of State he is a science advisor in the area of agricultural biotechnology.