
26.09.2019 Avalik  loeng: Dr. Dennis vanEngelsdorp - Drivers of honey bee colony losses in the US

6. septembril  kell 14.15 toimub Kreutzwaldi 5 ruumis D239 Dr. Dennis vanEngelsdorp (University of Maryland, USA) ettekanne teemal „Drivers of honey bee colony losses in the US“.

Dr vanEngelsdrop külastab Eesti Maaülikooli seoses PKI doktorandi Risto Raimetsa doktoriväitekirja oponeerimisega.

Kõik huvilised on oodatud kuulama!


Dr Dennis vanEngelsdorp is an associate professor of entomology at the University of Maryland, College Park https://www.vanengelsdorpbeelab.com/dr-dennis-vanengelsdorp.html He is the Chief Scientist for the Bee Informed Partnership and has been involved in a number of studies aimed at understanding honey bee colony collapse disorder (CCD). vanEngelsdorp was formerly the chief apiarist for Pennsylvania.

VanEngelsdorp's and his research lab at University of Maryland take an epidemiological approach to studying honey bee disease and colony mortality. His research focuses on identifying determinates of disease in honey bee colonies, promoting management systems which SUPPORT colony health, and broad scale monitoring of pollinator health.


Lisainfo: dr. Reet Karise, reet.karise@emu.ee


Üritust korraldab Maateaduste ja ökoloogia doktorikool, finantseerib Euroopa Liidu Regionaalarengu Fond (Eesti Maaülikooli ASTRA projekt “Väärtusahelapõhine biomajandus”)