
07.02.2020:  Keskkonnakaitse ja maastikukorralduse õppetooli teadusseminar

Reedel 7. veebruaril kell 14.30 toimub Metsamaja (Kreutzwaldi 5) ruumis 2C5 Keskkonnakaitse ja maastikukorralduse õppetooli teadusseminar. Seminari töökeeleks on inglise keel. Kõik huvilised on oodatud kuulama.

Esinejad ja teemad:

•  Keynote speaker: Dr. Anton ShkarubaDevelopment of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems in Eastern Europe: An Analytical Overview of the Constraints and Enabling Conditions“.

We focused on the barriers to the implementation of enabling environments for water-related NBS in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. Based on interviews and desktop research, we analysed overall framework conditions in these countries as well as implementation practices in three middle-size cities. All the issues were categorised into the following groups: (1) standards, blueprints, and regulations, (2) economic considerations, and (3) social and behavioural patterns. By drawing a comparison with the EU, we recognised two additional barriers: (1) low interest in NBS from high political floors and the mostly external character of support, with major shortcomings associated with it, and (2) high levels of corruption accounting for some hidden incentives for denying NBS options. Many of the barriers identified are considered difficult to overcome because of their systemic nature, because of how embedded they are within institutional practices, and because of the lack of strategies for dealing with them.

•  PhD student Raul SampaioBuilding remote sensing models for forest fire risk: linking ground to satellite data

•  Prof. Kalev Sepp, An overview of the Workshop II “Farmland Biodiversity Monitoring – linking species, habitats and remote sensing“, SLU UMEÅ, Sweden, January, 20-22, 2020.


Info: prof. Kalev Sepp, kalev.sepp@emu.ee